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Howler.js - Modern Web Audio Javascript Library - GoldFire Studios. Browsers have come a long way over the years, and we are now able to achieve amazing results using all of the great new technologies often referred to as HTML5.

howler.js - Modern Web Audio Javascript Library - GoldFire Studios

However, generally speaking, audio still sucks. Thankfully, Google decided to create Web Audio API and make all our lives easier. The problem is that only the latest browsers support this new-fangled browser audio, so what are we to do? We were presented with this very question while developing our new HTML5 game and set out to find a library that provided the functionality we needed, without all of the bloat, while still supporting the majority of browsers. Unfortunately, we didn't find anything that met our needs. Features Documentation Examples Most basic, play an MP3/OGG: More playback options: Define and play a sound sprite: Properties autoplay: Boolean (true by default) Set to true to automatically start playback when sound is loaded. buffer: Boolean (false by default) Set to true to force HTML5 Audio. Methods. JavaScript Library Boilerplate.

Random hex color code generator in JavaScript. Sprite3D.js, a small library for generating and manipulating CSS 3D transforms. A small library for generating and manipulating CSS 3D transforms This page is slowly getting outdated. In my spare time, I've been working on a major syntax revision, Firefox compatibility issues and a new version of this page. Until I get the time to finish all of this, here's a list of the most up to date resources : Overview Sprite3D wraps HTML elements with the necessary behaviours to easily control their 3D-position using a simple Javascript syntax. As you manipulate "real" HTML elements, you don't need a <canvas> object (and its performance problems), nor a WebGL-enabled browser. 3D positionning is achieved via CSS3 3D transforms, which are currently supported by WebKit (Chrome, Safari, iOS, Android 4, BlackBerry) and Firefox 10.

However, due to its wrapping, non-intrusive nature, Sprite3D.js allows for building semantically valid HTML pages, adding the animation layer afterwards, achieving a valuable progressive enhancement effect. Main Features Examples I'm so sorry ! Download Credits. Collie - High Performance Animation Library for Javascript. Reveal.js - The HTML Presentation Framework. D3.js - Data-Driven Documents. jHERE - Maps Made Easy. Chirp.js — Tweets on your website, simply. Simple n' Easy User Tweets <script src="path/to/chirp.min.js"></script><script>Chirp('yourusername')</script> Simple n' Easy User List Tweets <script src="path/to/chirp.min.js"></script><script>Chirp('yourusername/yourlistname')</script> Using Advanced Options All Advanced Options user max count retweets replies cacheExpire list target success error templates Advanced Templating.

Chirp.js — Tweets on your website, simply.

HTML5 Charts for your website. Garlic.js. Turn.js: Make a flipbook with HTML5. Singool.js. Table of contents Introduction Singool.js is a lightweight framework built on top of Backbone.js that helps you develop single-page web applications.


It has a structure similar to popular server-side MVC frameworks, and supports plugins and themes. It is released under the MIT License. Most of the code examples are written in CoffeeScript below. Getting started Let's get Singool up and running! Requirements We will require Node.js with npm installed. Once we have Node, we need to install CoffeeScript and Bower. . $ npm install -g coffee-script bower Installation $ git clone $ cd singool $ npm install . $ cake install Usage Singool gives you a number of options to perform build tasks via the cake command. $ cake The quickest way to get up and running is by starting a real time server that lets you run your app in the browser as you make changes to your code without having to compile them again manually. $ cake server Server running at Demo Developing with Singool CommonJS.

Gmaps.js, manejando la API de Google Maps sin quebraderos de cabeza. Instajam by mikefowler. Instajam is a wrapper for the Instagram API.

Instajam by mikefowler

Log in with your Instagram account to try it out. Authenticate Initialize Initialize Instajam, passing in your client ID and redirect URI, obtained from Instagram. Optionally pass in an array of permissions. Dependencies None*. *We use localStorage to store the authenticated user's access token, so your user's browser will at least have to support that. Authenticating To authenticate a user, you'll want to direct them to Instagram's OAuth URL. When you first initialize Instajam, as above, it will immediately try to "authenticate" a user by checking to see if an access token exists in localStorage. Fetching Data All endpoints accept, at the least, a callback method. *For certain endpoints, we modify the response slightly as a convenience. Users Fetching the authenticated user's profile.