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201409 Sciences et avenir_Manger des fruits et légumes serait bon pour le moral. L’importance des fruits et légumes pour réduire le risque de diabète, d’anévrisme et d'accident vasculaire cérébral a déjà été démontrée.

201409 Sciences et avenir_Manger des fruits et légumes serait bon pour le moral

Une nouvelle étude met en évidence un bienfait insoupçonné des fruits et légumes : ils seraient bons pour le bien-être psychologique. 33 % des personnes les plus heureuses consomment au moins 5 portions par jour Les auteurs de cette étude, parue dans le British Medical Journal, ont travaillé à partir de données émanant de 13.983 adultes âgés de plus de 16 ans (56 % des femmes, 44 % des hommes), qui ont participé au sondage "Health Survey for England" en 2010 et 2011. BONHEUR. Environ 15 % des participants entraient dans la catégorie "bien-être mental élevé", alors que 15 % figuraient dans la catégorie basse, proche du mal-être.

Selon leurs résultats, 33,5 % des personnes affichant le bien-être psychologique le plus élevé ont déclaré consommer au moins cinq portions de fruits et légumes chaque jour. PORTION. BIEN-ÊTRE. 201409 Wholefodds marketig_The Nutritional Benefits of Organic Dairy. Dr.

201409 Wholefodds marketig_The Nutritional Benefits of Organic Dairy

Jessica Shade is the Director of Science Programs for The Organic Center, a non-profit research and education organization focused on evidence-based science about the environmental and health benefits of organic food and farming. Do you think eating organic is better for you? Recent studies are backing up what many thought: organic foods do indeed have a healthier nutritional profile than their conventional counterparts. And they’re also lower in pesticide residues. This series will share some of the science behind the nutritional benefits of organic foods. Did you know? Organic dairy animals must be pasture-grazed throughout the grazing season.

Nutritional benefits of organic dairy are clear. When it comes to organic dairy, there’s a lot of research showing the nutritional benefits. The most recent study found that organic milk contained 25% less omega-6 fatty acids and 62% more omega-3 fatty acids than conventional milk. Another benefit of organic dairy: no antibiotics allowed. DO YOU KNOW? Tea contains harmful pesticide residues. Mumbai: A study undertaken by environmental NGO Greenpeace over a year has allegedly found the presence of harmful pesticide residues including toxic dichlorodiphenyl trichloroethane (DDT) in tea sold by leading brands across India.

DO YOU KNOW? Tea contains harmful pesticide residues

"We had carried out a study across many cities in India over the past one year to check the quality of tea leaves sold in cities. Our study has revealed the presence of residues of chemical pesticides in a majority of brands," Neha Sehgal, senior campaigner of Greenpeace told reporters here. She claimed that out of 49 samples tested by the non-profit organization, around 34 (94 per cent) contained residues of at least one pesticide and 29 (59 per cent) of the samples contained a cocktail of more than 10 different pesticides in them. Also 29 (59 per cent) of the samples contained residues of of at least one pesticide above the maximum residue limits set by the European Union (EU). "Use of DDT has been banned in India since 1989. PRIX DU PAIN, BAGUETTE, DEPUIS 1900 EN FRANCE. Comparer le prix du pain et le pouvoir d'achat c'est intéressant mais est ce réaliste et cela reflète il la réalité?


201409 Huffpost_The 50 States Of Superfoods. From every state's unofficial dessert to the fattiest foods in the U.S., state-by-state food rankings often leave much to be desired among those of us on nutrition-minded end of the eating spectrum.

201409 Huffpost_The 50 States Of Superfoods

It's about time we had state foods we could really be proud of. That's why we've combed through lists of seasonal produce, official state vegetables and official state fruit to find an all-star piece of produce from each state. Behold, the 50 states of superfoods. Alabama Why we love blackberries: The official state fruit (different from raspberries and black raspberries, these have a white core) is a good source of potassium and vitamin E and a very good source of fiber, vitamins C and K and manganese. Alaska Why we love cauliflower: It may be white in color, but cauliflower, native to Alaska, shouldn't be cast aside -- it's a relative of famed nutritional rockstar broccoli, after all, offering anti-inflammatory powers that may help ward off cancer and stroke.

Arizona Arkansas California Colorado.