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Free eBook - How Gamification Reshapes Learning. Gamification vs Games for Legal Services. As I’ve started talking about the game I’m developing, I hear people throw out the phrase “gamification of legal services” to describe my project.

Gamification vs Games for Legal Services

That’s not what I’m doing, and the terminology does make a difference. There is gamification, serious games and simulations and then there are games. The difference really has to do with the design goal. This is a running debate that gets pretty heated in the game industry. The best known example is the “Gamification is Bullshit” position statement given by scholar Dr. Again, that’s not what I’m doing with my game. Gamification enters legal education. The National Law school of India has introduced an interesting approach for learning law: cyber laboratory activities.

Gamification enters legal education

This introduces gamification into legal education. I am a great fan of using gamification in legal learning. HWR Berlin – eLerner Blog » Studentenprojekt. Juristische Didaktik: Besseres Lehren. Wie lassen sich Studenten raus aus den Repetitorien zurück in die Hörsäle holen?

Juristische Didaktik: Besseres Lehren

Centre for Innovation Law and Policy. Workshop on Pedagogy: Emerging Technologies in Gamification. Improve Your Legal Practice Through Gamification - Law Technology Today. At the beginning of each year, adults all over the country promise themselves that this will be the year they finally get fit.

Improve Your Legal Practice Through Gamification - Law Technology Today

Like those adults, I resolved in January to get more exercise. It’s now six weeks into the new year and I’m finding that I need a little more encouragement to stick with my New Year’s resolution. In prior years I’ve tried gym memberships, private trainers and even bribes to get off the couch and get into the gym. This year, I’m thinking of trying something new: Fitocracy combines the support of a social network with the incentives and rewards of a game. Gamification. Gamification Gamification is the concept of applying game design principles to “non-game applications to make them more fun and engaging.”


Some corporations, such as Cisco, have been experimenting with gamification for several years. Robot Games: the Gamification of Legal Review. The last blog, Robots With A Story To Tell, illustrated the use of narrative to improve legal search and review.

Robot Games: the Gamification of Legal Review

This blog goes a bit further into the not-too-distant future and illustrates the gamification of legal review. Gamification per Wikipedia is the use of game thinking and game mechanics in a non-game context in order to engage users and solve problems. As a life-long computer gamer myself, I appreciate the power of well-designed games. They can engage a player in a timeless flow-state of enhanced concentration. This can go on for hours, days, weeks. I know that Jon Canty, Partner and Co-Founder of Contact Discovery Services, agrees with me on this topic. Lien B. Tran » Gaming the (Immigration) System. Gaming the System is a practice-based exploration into how the pro bono legal community can use games to bridge the justice gap faced by detained undocumented immigrant youth and to increase their engagement in the pursuit of justice.

Lien B. Tran » Gaming the (Immigration) System

Of the 8,000+ children detained within the U.S. each year, many are eligible for legal relief but are not guaranteed legal counsel. Immigration law is one of the most complex legal codes in the U.S., and it’s unjust that a child should have to navigate this labyrinth by himself without legal guidance. Games can make complex legal information accessible to a child so he can make more informed decisions and ask questions specific to his case. In Make a Move, a game that teaches youth about the release from detention process, the mechanics provide tacit lessons detained youth do not always learn and yet should apply in real life. Make a Move (Toma El Paso in Spanish) is available for purchase at The Game Crafter: Robots With A Story To Tell. Robot Stories: How storytelling narratives will be part of machine learning in the not-too distant future as told from the perspective of the robots.

Robots With A Story To Tell

This is the second in a series of instructional cartoons on predictive coding; what it is now, and what it could be. The first was Bad Robot! Storytelling: The Shared Quest For Excellence in Document Review. Guest Blog by William F.

Storytelling: The Shared Quest For Excellence in Document Review

Hamilton and Lawrence C. Chapin. Bill Hamilton is an attorney with nearly thirty years of experience in business litigation who is a partner at Quarles & Brady. Gamification vs Games for Legal Services. IT in Law Teaching. Short Description : Faculty at New York Law School are currently developing new ways to help students learn law by interacting with software programs outside of class.

IT in Law Teaching

Current projects include the following: * Client Simulator * Legal Card Game * Yellow Pad Adventure * Equity Teeter-Totter * Interactive Estate Distribution Animation * Knowledge Loom * Legal Nodes and Links What Problem Does It Solve? : Faculty time is limited. Students learn most effectively when they can play a role, build an argument structure or take actions based on their understanding of the material. Why Is It Different?

Who Will Use It? Other Potential Uses : Creation of educational objects for use by anyone on the web. More Detailed Description : See the IT Gallery. The Role of Law Schools and Law School Leadership in a Changing World. U-M Law School joins the entrepreneurship game with free legal clinic for student startups. Third year law school students (from left, clockwise) Adam Miller-Howard, Joe Morrison, Sogoal Salari, and Jeana Buquicchio work in the Entrepreneurship Clinic in the school's new South Hall building. Daniel Brenner | The University of Michigan has spent years developing an environment that supports both faculty and students who want to commercialize the fruits of their labor by starting their own companies.

Bryce Pilz is a co-instructor at one of the newer additions to the campus’ entrepreneurial ecosystem, the Law School’s Entrepreneurship Clinic. The clinic provides free legal advice and support to startup companies run by students. Bar Exam Game for Law Students. Caryn Pincus Caryn Pincus is an Attorney at Law, licensed to practice in the states of New York, New Jersey and Florida.

She graduated cum laude, in 2006. Educational Materials. Taking Serious Games and Simulations Seriously. Game-based learning and virtual worlds were hot topics at OEB 2010. Rooms were packed with conference visitors. It was standing room only. The programme section covered 3D virtual world simulations at multinational businesses like IBM and Volvo and virtual police force training in Germany.

There were simulations for students of law, economics, literary history and even wine management as well as serious games for secondary schools or for the disadvantaged. “Games? Serious Games Changing Cultures In Legal Education. Serious Games deployed as creative learning environments in UK law schools Via: Journal of Information, Law & Technology (JILT) 2007 - Special Issue on Law, Education and Technology The Journal of Information, Law and Technology has just published a special issue containing six papers originally presented at the 21st Annual Conference of the British and Irish Law, Education and Technology Association at the University of Malta.

The papers focus on the role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in legal education and demonstrate the increasingly diverse ways in which information technology is being developed and deployed to support creative learning environments designed to stimulate new forms of learning. The Glasgow Graduate School of Law at Strathclyde University has been developing simulation learning within their Diploma in Legal Practice. SIMPLE Community. iPad and Legal Learning (iLEGALL) 2This will involve use of questionnaires, interviews, tracking software andfeedback to and discussion with students in research workshops. a comparison of the functionality that students use in the mobile environment we shall build for them, with the functionality of the environment currently available to them in the university VLE, eLP (Blackboard). Currently, VLEs such asBlackboard afford very little interaction between students, except on highlyconstrained applications.

There is also little opportunity for students to usePIMs on a professional basis. We shall compare student response to the twoenvironments, presenting them with a conventional eLP environment(effectively the current module) with which they are familiar, and therefore can comment upon, and ask them to compare that environment’s functionality with. The Patent Game: Redesigning Patent Law Education. 14 Apr Despite high-powered gizmos and gadgets at her fingertips, the modern law student remains chained to textbooks the size of anvils. After a valiant stab at capturing airborne lecture material, she’s expected to cough up a clear diamond of legal analysis in a couple hours on exam day.

Across town, the typical law firm recruits new talent by rifling through reams of paper, looking for matador red. Recipes of future successes are trashed based upon gelatinous criteria. Given this cloak and dagger routine, it’s no wonder that the marriage between these two parties isn’t always perfect. But there is hope for the future. Danish law firm Houthoff Buruma recently presented their own novel hiring process, a recruitment videogame. Serious Games Changing Cultures In Legal Education. The Australian National University - Paul Maharg is Professor of Law at The Australian National University, Canberra. Play Smarter. - Computer Games Technology and Legal Education and Its Impact on Legal Systems.pdf.

Do I Have a Right? The game: a business law class competition. 33563-ckt_88-3 - 88-3_08_Access_through_Online_Games.pdf. Charles Rainey - Gaming Law in Legal Education - Charles-Rainey-Gaming-Law-in-Legal-Education.pdf. Game On! I’m making a game and it involves legal services. For the past six months, I’ve researched the idea of creating a game that would engage and empower the public to learn legal issues surrounding personal legal services. Why am I doing this? Game On! Emerging Paradigms in Legal Education: A Learning Environment to Teach Law through Online Role Playing Games. Abstract Over the last years, despite few exceptions, legal education has dropped behind in the use of digital game-based learning methods. Oliver R. Goodenough: Reimagining Legal Education. News - IIS Mercyhurst. Your mind is lying to you. It is making you believe things that aren’t true, to see and hear things that aren’t real. News - IIS Mercyhurst. To understand the concept of confirmation bias, you just have to finish this pattern: 2, 4, 6 … .

Say “eight,” and you’re showing bias. The given numbers tell you too little about the pattern’s structure to know for certain where it’s headed Do the numbers have to be even and increase by two? Or do they just have to increase? Without asking, you can’t know the answer. You unconsciously rule out any options that do not support the choice you believe to be true – in this case, that you’re counting by twos. “The trick is to step back, and to be aware of whatever bias you bring to a given scenario,” said Stephen Chalker, a software engineering major at Penn State Erie, The Behrend College.

He and two other students – Joe Grise and Kit Torrelli, also software engineering majors – have been practicing. Wheaton designed “The Mind’s Lie” to teach students to be conscious of cognitive biases, which can cloud decision-making. “It can help you know when you’re being lied to,” he said. News - IIS Mercyhurst. Games to teach law v3-1 final - mp2012_submission_119.pdf. Game-based Learning - gamingreportbp.pdf. Games to teach law v3-1 final - mp2012_submission_119.pdf. Microsoft Word - 4d-WhatMakesaGameFun.docx - 4d-WhatMakesaGameFun.pdf. One Use of Computerized Instructional Gaming in Legal Education: To Better Understand the Rich Logical Structure of Legal Rules and Improve Legal Writing - viewcontent.cgi.

One Use of Computerized Instructional Gaming in Legal Education: To Better Understand the Rich Logical Structure of Legal Rules and Improve Legal Writing - viewcontent.cgi.