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Portfolios & CVs

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ElCarito - Art direction & more. Los CV más creativos. Seguramente todos habréis leído multitud de consejos para redactar vuestros cv’s.

Los CV más creativos

Ser proactivo, tener espíritu emprendedor, no asustarse ante los nuevos retos, ganas de aprender y capacidad para trabajar en equipo son las cualidades que, junto al nivel medio de inglés , todo el mundo parece aportar, pero no os engañéis. Aunque todas son cualidades muy positivas para ampliar cualquier plantilla, no os diferenciarán del resto de vuestros competidores, ya que son las palabras más utilizadas en cualquier presentación. Si os ha descolocado un poco lo anterior y queréis optar a un puesto de creativo, pensad sólo una cosa: “mi cv también debe ser creativo porque sólo dispongo de un par de minutos para que se fijen en mi trabajo y pueda destacar sobre el resto.” A continuación os presentaremos los 10 cv’s que más nos han gustado de estos 2 últimos años y que seguimos conservando como ejemplo de creatividad. 1. Sin duda se lleva el primer premio. 2. 3. 4 Javier 5. 6. 7. 8.

Arrogancia, chulería.. ! The Talent Agency for Digital Creatives. 50 Resume Designs That Help You Get Dream JobDzineblog360. The Creative Finder. Behance. 25 brilliant design portfolios to inspire you. The internet is full of thousands and thousands of awe-inspiring creative resumes and design portfolios.

25 brilliant design portfolios to inspire you

To stand out in this tough market, it's important to make your online portfolio as impressive as you can. It's not just the examples of work that need to blow away your potential clients (although they do help) it's the way they're presented. You don't have to be a superstar creative director or web designer; a touch of creativity and innovative thinking will get you a long way.

And there are plenty of free online tools, such as Behance, to help you build a portfolio without any coding knowledge. So, check out these inspiring examples of online design portfolios, both for individual designers and design agencies – to help you angle your own in just the right way… 01. Daniel Spatzek is freelance graphic designer and art director from Austria, and his site does a brilliant job of showing off both his design and web skills. 02.

15 Design Portfolios. A couple of weeks ago I realized that I have become too engrossed in the whole social media and technology side of the design industry, so I have been on a wild quest to find inspiration. I have been searching high and low for work that is not only functional, but also a wonder of form. As an added bonus, I am finally happy to announce that I have finally launched my revised portfolio! As it currently stands there are a few items in need of some better descriptions or photography, however I plan on working out these issues over time. I look forward to any constructive criticism I may receive, and a special thanks to Alen of CSS Globe for his awesome JQuery Easy Slider. Anthony J. Updated again in February of 2012, I believe that my new website is even more interesting than it was in the past, so make sure to check out my latest work!

Paul Fox Design Adrian Newell /sapps Cornwell Design No Days Off Jessie Kirsch Louis Beaudoin Celeste Prevost. 24 Smart Graphic Design Resumés. Well, now you have gotten yourself a good education in graphic design, perhaps even a degree, and trying to explore your opportunities in the job market.

24 Smart Graphic Design Resumés

Soon enough you realize that your portfolio is just not enough to land you a great job with the best firm. Your skills, work history, presentation and even the quality of your social network and online footprint can make a difference in landing you that dream job or one you’re forced to take just so you can pay the bills. When it comes to presenting yourself as a graphic designer, your visual graphic design resume’ can make a huge impact and even the choice of paper you print your resume on will reflect on how you plan/present things through to completion. Amidst all the creative elements, below are some of the must-haves in any creatively designed resume’s: 35 CV Designs. Learn how to earn $125 or more per hour as a freelancer - Click Here Looking for hosting?.

35 CV Designs

We recommend MediaTemple for web hosting. Use Code MTLOVESDESIGN for 20% off There is a part 2 to this post which is called 27 More Outstanding Resume Designs Part II. If you like what you see below check it out! A well designed resume is a great way to stand out. Resume 2009 Infographic Resume Skills & Knowledge Resume RM Brand Identity Curriculum Vitae Curriculum Vitæ – Kaache.