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There's Something Absolutely Wrong With What We Do To Boys Before They Grow Into Men

There's Something Absolutely Wrong With What We Do To Boys Before They Grow Into Men
Related:  Being a Human Being, a Person, and a Man

How to Develop Gratitude for Mindfulness Gratitude is considered by some as the greatest of all emotions that can be cultivated for mindfulness. Recent studies are beginning to show that gratitude has a unique relationship with wellbeing, and can explain aspects of wellbeing that other personality traits cannot. An attitude of gratitude goes hand in hand with mindfulness. You’re grateful when you’re aware of what you do have rather than what you don’t. The effect of this is an opening of the heart. Gratitude is a skill that you can develop. Think of something you’re ungrateful for.Perhaps you’re ungrateful in your job, a relationship, or your place of residence.Now think of all the things that are good about it. When someone has hurt you, or you’ve done something wrong, you have a conflict in your mind. Try this approach to begin allowing in forgiveness: Understand that hating someone else doesn’t actually hurt that person at all.List all the beneficial things that have emerged from a situation.

De ce ne plac ritualurile de Crăciun Kathleen Vohs, de la Universitatea din Minnesota, a explorat modul în care ritualurile afectează experiența. Unui grup de subiecți i s-a dat un baton de ciocolată: jumătate din membrii grupului au fost rugați să-l mănînce cum au chef, cealaltă jumătate a fost supusă unui ritual (au rupt ciocolata în două și i-au scos fiecărei părți ambalajul, pe rînd). Pregătirile de dinainte au avut un efect dramatic – cei care s-au concentrat pe ritual au evaluat experiența ca fiind mult mai plăcută decît ceilalți. Experimentul a fost repetat și de fiecare dată grupul care a performat ritualul a considerat experiența mai plăcută. În cartea sa, The Symbolic Species, Terrance Deacon spune că ritualurile au apărut înainte să se dezvolte limbajul; comportamentele regularizate țineau loc de simboluri.

Legal Gender Studies - Fakultät für Rechtswissenschaft - Universität Hamburg Mit den neu eingeführten Legal Gender Studies werden Lehre und Forschung der Fakultät für Rechtswissenschaft um eine wesentliche Perspektive ergänzt. Im Folgenden finden Sie Veranstaltungen, Lehrangebote, Publikationen und weiterführende Links. Die Seite ist stetig im Aufbau, über Anregungen und Ergänzungen freue ich mich. Aktuelle Veranstaltungen finden sich unter! Gender Studies in Hamburg und Genderzertifikat Das Lehrveranstaltungstableau für die Gender Studies der Hamburger Hochschulen finden Sie hier. Studientag "Geschlechterperspektiven in Strafrechtswissenschaften und Kriminologie" Nicht zuletzt auf Grund ihrer Nähe zu den Sozialrechtswissenschaften haben sich die Strafrechtswissenschaften im Schnittfeld zur Kriminologie bereits früh für Fragen der Geschlechterforschung geöffnet. Termin: Freitag, 15.11.2013, 9-18 Uhr Programm: Kurzversion und ausführlichere Fassung Die Vorlesung findet als Blockveranstaltung jeweils ganztägig an drei Terminen statt. Am 26.

Learn to Coupon: The System 3. Getting Organized The easiest method to getting the best deals is to have a library of inserts saved up. Best Option: Accordion File Method Not as pretty as the binder method, but very time efficient! On Southern Savers we will tell you next to every coupon the exact insert to go and find it in. Gotta Try It? Organizing Other Coupons You'll always end up with cut coupons you didn't use or coupons you found in the store. Learn more about coupons and where to get them

A Man’s Guide to Black Tie: How To Wear A Tuxedo Nothing makes a man feel as sharp and debonair (and makes the ladies swoon) as when donning a tuxedo. Unfortunately, “black tie” is an often misunderstood dress code, leading men to end up looking more like Lloyd and Harry in Dumb and Dumber than 007. You can thank rental outlets and high school proms for a lot of the misconceptions. When you’re in the business of renting tuxedos, you want people to believe that they are appropriate for all kinds of events, and that means they can sometimes be turned into a novelty item. Fun for the whole family and good for some laughs, no doubt — but it’s certainly not the refined elegance needed for a true black tie event. While seeing “Black Tie” on an event invitation can be intimidating, the good news is that getting black tie right isn’t hard! In fact, the strictness of the dress code makes it one of the easiest outfits you’ll ever plan. Black Tie Basics First, a few things you need to know about black tie attire: 1. 2. 3. The Tuxedo Jacket The Trousers

Flow (psychology) Concentrating on a task is one aspect of flow. In positive psychology, flow, also known colloquially as being in the zone, is the mental state of operation in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity. In essence, flow is characterized by complete absorption in what one does, and a resulting loss in one's sense of space and time. Flow shares many characteristics with hyperfocus. However, hyperfocus is not always described in a positive light. Just as with the conditions listed above, these conditions can be independent of one another. Ideas similar to flow have been recognized throughout history and across cultures. Flow theory postulates three conditions that have to be met to achieve a flow state: Schaffer (2013) proposed 7 flow conditions: Young child, painting a model Flow may occur in challenging sports such as eventing. Csikszentmihályi writes about the dangers of flow himself:

Michelle Cottier/ Josef Estermann/ Michael Wrase (Hg.): Wie wirkt Recht? — Vereinigung für Recht und Gesellschaft Ausgewählte Beiträge zum ersten gemeinsamen Kongress der deutschsprachigen Rechtssoziologie-Vereinigungen an der Universität Luzern 2008, im Originaldruck erschienen 2010 beim Nomos-Verlag Baden-Baden Buchumschlag Buchcover Nomos Inhaltsverzeichnis Das Inhaltsverzeichnis Einleitung „Wie wirkt Recht? Hubert Rottleuthner und Margret Rottleuthner-Lutter: Recht und Kausalität Nach einer Klärung von Grundbegriffen der rechtssoziologischen Effektivitätsforschung werden, ausgehend von einem instrumentellen Rechtsverständnis, drei Modelle des Verhältnisses von Rechtsnormen und deren Befolgung unterschieden (Ursache – Wirkung, Befehl – Gehorsam, Angebotsnormen und deren Gebrauch). ... Inga Markovits: Rechtssoziologie für Außenseiter Erhard Blankenburg: Europäische Justizindikatoren: Budgets der Justiz, Richter und Rechtsanwälte Bedingung der Mitgliedschaft in der Europäischen Union ist ein gemeinsamer Standard der Rechtsstaatlichkeit. Klaus F. Doris Mathilde Lucke: Was weiß Recht? Klaus F. 1. Flyer Nomos

DIY Heart Friendship Bracelet As the month of love approaches, we thought we’d combine friendship and hearts into one Valentine’s Day themed tutorial: a heart patterned friendship bracelet! Using some candy-colored embroidery floss and your familiarity with the chevron friendship bracelet, you’ll be able to whip up one of these tokens of love in a heartbeat. You’ll need:2 colors of embroidery flossscissorstape or clipboard Creating a heart pattern involves just a simple modification to the chevron patterned friendship bracelet. Separate the threads into 2 sets, 2 of each color on each side. Start on the left side with the outermost strand (shown here in red) and make a forward knot by creating a 4-shape over the 2nd strand (shown here in blue), loop it under and back through the opening. Pull up and to the right to tighten. Continue knotting over each color, towards the right, until the outermost color has carried over to the middle. Continue knotting towards the left until the outermost strand reaches the middle.

The Power of Habit: Make & Break Habits with the Habit Loop For better or for worse, our habits shape us. A good habit is a strong ally in our journey to becoming the men we want to be, while a bad habit acts like a millstone around our necks. (Want to know why? Read this Manvotional.) Fortunately for me, a book was published earlier this year that highlights the latest research by psychologists and neuroscientists on the science of habit formation. Below, we take a look at the science of habits and how we can hack the Habit Loop in our lives to break bad habits and make better ones. Our Brain on Habits Just beneath our gray and squiggly cerebral cortex sits a small piece of neural tissue called the basal ganglia. The inspiration came after researchers noticed that mice with injured basal ganglia developed problems with learning how to run through mazes. During the first maze runs, mental activity in the mice’s cerebral cortex was high. The Habit Loop Cue. When something is a habit, our brain strongly associates certain Cues with certain Rewards.

Teste de inteligenta | Consultanta psihologica Daca va place ce cititi: Testele de inteligenta sunt instrumente profesionale standardizate, care cuprind o serie de sarcini si probleme menite sa evalueze potentialul unei persoane de a realiza un comportament rezolutiv, eficient si indreptat catre un scop. Conceptul de inteligenta a ocupat un loc de mare importanta in studiile psihologice, inca de la inceputurile aparitiei psihologiei ca stiinta de sine statatoare, intrucat s-a considerat ca inteligenta detine cheia succesului – social, profesional si financiar. Prin urmare specialistii si-au manifestat interesul pentru surprinderea cat mai completa a conceptului de inteligenta. De la inceputul secolului XX, de cand psihologul Alfred Binet a primit de la Ministerul Educatiei din Franta sarcina de a construi un test de inteligenta standardizat, si pana in prezent, in jurul conceptului de inteligenta au aparut numeroase modele explicative, cu un grad ridicat de complexitate. Modelul psihometric al inteligentei – A.Binet

Let’s talk about consent in practice. | Disrupting Dinner Parties Last week we talked about what a “model of consent” is and what a few models were. Today is about consent under the “yes means yes” model. Consent is being in agreement that what is going on is good/ desirable/ fun/ sexy and should keep happening. You need to have your partner’s consent for sexual activity, or it is sexual assault/ rape. Consent is a state, like trust. or paying attention. And it’s between your partner’s ears. Consent is not like getting a train ticket stamped. Affirmative consent is when you know that you have consent, because there are concrete things your partner has done that tell you so. The consent that I’m referring to in this post is an ethical/moral/be-a-decent-human-being term, not a legal term. What does consent look like? Consent is a state, like paying attention. Beyond the minimum requirements of not being an asshole, it’s also a lot more fun if your date is responding to you, asking questions and making observations. He’s gonna hit that corner. Like this:

Epictetus Epictetus The Stoic Epictetus famously believed that his mind was free even if his body was enslaved, and this was enough freedom for him. The Stoic word for freedom, ἐλευθερία, emphasizes the freedom from external coercion that modern compatibilists argue is the only freedom in the idea of voluntary actions and "free will." But long before the Stoics, Aristotle had used "depends on us" (ἐφ’ ἡμῖν), to describe the kind of internal freedom Epictetus prized. Epictetus knew that some actions in the world were external to his will and out of his control. For Epictetus, good and evil were exclusively involved in things under our control, not in external events. Chrysippus had identified things that depend on us as not necessitated (though fated), because they causally depend on our assent (συνκατάθεσις) or dissent. Epictetus taught his students to distinguish clearly those things that were up to us from those beyond our control (ἀπροαίρεσις). For Teachers For Scholars Normal | Teacher | Scholar
