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Earthsong Eco-Neighbourhood: Eco-homes for sale in Auckland New Zealand. Solar Roof Shingles. Everything You Need To Know About: Solar Roof Shingles As people have become more and more energy conscious, companies and individuals have looked for ways to produce and use energy in a more conservative way.

Solar Roof Shingles

With this movement of green/clean energy, solar energy has been high on the list of alternative energy options. Recently, solar energy has taken a turn for the better with one of the newest advancements in solar energy, solar roof shingles. Solar roof shingles are a great way to turn a traditional shingle roof into an energy producer. are hybrid shingles that double as a roof shingle that protects the roof from weather and such as well as harnessing the power of the sun and turning it into usable electricity.

Solar roof shingles are the new innovated green roofing product of the past couple of years (as of 2013). What are Solar Roof Shingles? How Do They Work? Ella's Tiny House: If She Can Do This, So Can You! I featured Ella back a few months as she was in the process of building her tiny home.

Ella's Tiny House: If She Can Do This, So Can You!

Ella just sent me an update and tells me the house is completed. Archive Ella's Tiny House Update. I featured Ella back a few months as she was in the process of building her tiny home.

Archive Ella's Tiny House Update

Ella just sent me an update and tells me the house is completed. Ella says: “My house in FINALLY done! It’s been a little over a year since I started and it’s so exciting to see a house instead of a bunch of scattered projects.” Ella has moved just about everything into her tiny house and says it still feels airy and has surplus storage. She is surprised by that as she expected to have every nook and cranny filled to the brim with things she could not part with.

Ella is enjoying living in her tiny home and it feels very natural. She has two kittens that have joined her in her tiny house arrangement and they are adjusting too. Ella is also in the process of making a move. I really like the quality craftsmanship Ella put into her house and the special touches like the unique entry way and the yellow door. Thank you Ella for the update and I hope to share more of your story in the future. A Tiny Naturally Dyed Yarn Business, but also Life! And Things! Wow December has been a battle of lurgy verses Christmas preparations.

A Tiny Naturally Dyed Yarn Business, but also Life! And Things!

Ultimately lurgy pretty much won, throwing down a vomiting bug that took out 4 out of the 5 of us last week and meant that most of our cards have not gone out, including all the local ones. Plus the only parcel that needs to go out hasn’t even really been started.- The cake that’s supposed to go in it isn’t even baked, so that’s something that will happen next week and get to my great aunt between Christmas and New Year. But there are presents and food in the house, we don’t have to travel anywhere, and hopefully we’ll all be back to 100% by wednesday, so maybe, in the end Christmas has won after all!

Two bits of Oxford Kitchen Yarns news – Darn it and Stitch are getting a regular and stable supply of Oxford Kitchen Yarn into their shop, so right now, if you want some OKY yarn then they are your best bet. And, in the new year, I’ll work on getting a new and improved online shop open, and regularly stocked. Riihivilla, Dyeing with natural dyes. Work Van Transformed to Stealthy Housetruck with Tiny House Touch. 17 Tips For Going Off Grid! Do What You Love & Stop Being a Debt Slave. Do what you LOVE!

17 Tips For Going Off Grid! Do What You Love & Stop Being a Debt Slave

Stop following the path of debt slavery which chains you to a mortgage and living your life paycheck to paycheck just to make the bills for the month, and STILL have NOTHING left over for you and your family to enjoy life with. Live Small, Get Rid of Your Debt Walk away from a life of servitude, and do what you love to do… For a few 10′s of thousands of dollars you can be living on your own land, in your own cabin, and doing your own thing. What kind of legacy do we want to leave our children?

Do we really want to teach them that we MUST WORK OUT LIVES FOR SOMEONE ELSE? “We must do away with the absolutely specious notion that everybody has to earn a living. Let that sink in a second. You have been programmed from a young age to believe you must have a JOB to make a living. This is NOT About Responsibility No one is saying you should shirk your duties as a provider for your family. Work, and work hard, but it shouldn’t be a JOB. Your JOB is Your Family! You Can Go Off Grid. Big life, tiny spacesThis Is The Little Life.

Big life, tiny spacesThis Is The Little Life. Tiny Homes: Simple Shelter - Links: Blogs, Websites, and Articles about Tiny Homes. A tiny house in Germany. Tiny House UK - "Tiny House" Garden Buildings, built in Surrey UK.