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Terrines, Tartinade et dips

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Les secrets du houmous enfin dévoilés ! - La petite Okara. Hello les végens,

Les secrets du houmous enfin dévoilés ! - La petite Okara

Black Garlic White Bean Hummus Recipe on Food52. Roasted Eggplant Spread (Russian Eggplant "Caviar") Summer Squash Caviar - Golubka Kitchen. Summer Squash Caviar is a lovely Russian vegetable side that offers the perfect way to utilize all the summer squash and zucchini that is so abundant at this point in the summer.

Summer Squash Caviar - Golubka Kitchen

I’ve been overwhelmed with the beauty and variety every time I’ve made it to the farmers market lately: regular zucchini, white or yellow zucchini, yellow summer squash, two-tone zephyr squash, pattypan, etc. etc. Most of the time, I like to slice them thin and simply sauté in olive oil with salt and pepper. But I also tend to buy way more squash than I need, since they’re all so pretty and I convince myself that I have to try every kind, and this ‘caviar’ is the perfect recipe for those situations. To us, the flavor of summer squash caviar is extremely nostalgic. Growing up in the Soviet Union and Russia, it was a spread that you could without fail expect to find jarred at the store, and you could always count on the flavor to be consistently delicious. Simple black bean dip — Edible Perspective. Your opinions, honesty, thoughts, positivity, etc.

simple black bean dip — Edible Perspective

Thank you. I’m letting everything sink in for a few days and figuring out the best place to start. Until then, is it cool if we just talk about this black bean dip? Because I hear there is this big game on Sunday. Slow Cooker Smoky Refried Black Beans + Self-Serve Tostadas. Refried beans.

Slow Cooker Smoky Refried Black Beans + Self-Serve Tostadas

Definitely not the most attractive foodstuff on the planet, but dang–when done well, I believe that taste firmly trumps looks. Sorrel humus for everyone down under plus other dips I love! - Amy Chaplin. Sorrel humus for everyone down under plus other dips I love!

Sorrel humus for everyone down under plus other dips I love! - Amy Chaplin

POSTED ON September 9, 2015 Finally, I’m posting a recipe that suits the change of season in the Southern hemisphere! I hope everyone there is enjoying the very first signs of spring. Roasted Garlic and Parsnip Hummus - Golubka Kitchen. If you ever do meal prep on the weekends for the week ahead, hummus is a great thing to consider including in your repertoire of preparations.

Roasted Garlic and Parsnip Hummus - Golubka Kitchen

It’s easy to make, keeps pretty well, and is a very useful thing to have on hand, since so many meals can be centered around it. Plop a generous dollop into your salads and grain bowls, spread onto sandwiches and flatbreads, use as a dipping component for snacks (roasted winter roots dipped in hummus is a recent favorite) – any way you use it, it’s a great, fast way to make your meal more filling and nourishing. Plus, homemade hummus tastes so much better than store-bought! I don’t think I’ve ever made the same hummus recipe twice. Houmous de haricots blancs aux carottes rôties - sainbiosis. Sweet Potato Curry Hummus. I am always amazed that I can feel really productive during a break and yet three days before I go back to work, my mind can’t stop racing with all the things I still need to get done.

Sweet Potato Curry Hummus

Sure, I wasn’t as productive as I could have been over my break but honestly, I accomplished a lot and I’m okay with that. The big difference this semester is the fact that instead of living a half hour away from work I now live two minutes. This means more time in the morning, closer to the gym, eating lunch at home, and not being starved when I get home in the evening. Beet Hummus Recipe. First things first – THANK YOU for the overwhelming response to Monday’s post about our book!

Beet Hummus Recipe

It’s been a secret for way too long, (and therefore a scary post to hit “publish” on!) , but I just loved reading through all of your sweet comments. I hope you love it and that it finds a place in your kitchen for years to come. Sauce Alfredo au chou-fleur et au miso. Hummus mimosa aux haricots blancs. Provencale Celeriac Paté (..or awesome stuff to put on toast) - It’s been a rough week.

Provencale Celeriac Paté (..or awesome stuff to put on toast) -

A week where it’s been hard to keep my head above the water, to see with those eyes that I usually see the world and to be slightly more enthusiastic about life then a zombie (or a human in a zombie apocalypse).. It’s funny that the most incredible peek moments this week has had revolves around little Caspian (of course. He’s just too darn cute not to be the reason). But goodness gracious, sleep deprivation turned me inside out these past days as he suddenly decided that 1.30 in the morning was a good time to fall asleep. Fava grecque. THE ULTIMATE VEGAN SNACK BOARD » The First Mess // Plant-Based Recipes + Photography by Laura Wright. Pin it!

THE ULTIMATE VEGAN SNACK BOARD » The First Mess // Plant-Based Recipes + Photography by Laura Wright

This post is sponsored by method. Bad Jokes and Good Spreads. After having spent 30 minutes listening to my soon eight-year-old daughter telling a joke, I can tell you with 100% certainty that she’s got a talent for comedy. Someone apparently told her this joke in school and she tried explaining it to me repeatedly without ever reaching the pun. It was the funniest thing I’ve heard in years. Especially because she refused to give up and just kept at it. Something about blood dripping in a dark room and an old woman peeling tomatoes (although I think it should be blood orange, but don’t tell her).

While I was literally ROFL with her for failing and yet succeeding with her comedy act, I had this revelation that this is it. Pâté de lentilles corail et graines de tournesol. Le 4 octobre dernier, j’ai publié mon quatrième e-book, qui porte le titre de Pauses « healthy » {12 recettes bio, végétales et sans gluten pour « snacker » sainement}. Pumpkin and Adzuki Bean Dip - Nirvana Cakery. With holiday and party season around the corner I’ve got some healthy inspiration for you today. This Pumpkin and Adzuki Bean Dip is a delicious twist onto more traditional hummus recipe using roasted pumpkin and adzuki beans. Inspired by masala seasoning it’s spiced with lovely warming spices of cinnamon, cumin, cardamom, cloves and fresh ginger.

A lovely seasonal dip recipe to fit any festive table setting. Pumpkin and Adzuki Bean Dip. Terrine Chorizo. Ce ne sont pas les terrines végétales qui manquent dans le commerce mais, à force, on finit par s’en lasser. Certes, ça dépanne mais, finalement, ce n’est pas bien difficile à réaliser soi-même et à décliner au gré des saisons et des envies.

C’est pourquoi nous vous proposons de découvrir cette recette estivale qui pourrait bien devenir la star de vos sandwichs ou de vos apéritifs. Elle est très facile à réaliser, même dans l’urgence. Il suffit juste d’avoir les ingrédients sous la main. Et pour ceux qui se posent la question d’où se trouve « le chorizo », la réponse se trouve dans le piment de la Vera qui est le secret de la base aromatique typique du fameux saucisson ibérique. Cette recette est parue dans le magazine Alternatives Végétariennes N°115. Variante du houmous : le tartinable aux haricots rouges. Je pense que d’autres sont allés au pilori pour moins que ça, mais j’ai décidé de mettre le mot « houmous » avec autre chose que des pois chiches.

Smoky Cauliflower and White Bean Toasts. Happy Tuesday, all. It’s a damp and drizzly morning here in New York, but the memory of these smoky cauliflower and white bean toasts–a perfect vegan holiday appetizer–is keeping me warm. And making me hungry. The holiday season is officially underway, and these means plenty of festive gatherings. Most vegans (not to mention those who manage food allergies or intolerances) know what it’s like to arrive at an office party or a gathering, only to find that there’s nary a food option in sight. One solution to this dilemma is to stuff a baggie of trail mix or a snack bar into one’s purse, and eat before or after you make merry at the party. These toasts are a perfect appetizer for vegans and vegetarians, but they’re certain to win over non-plant-based eaters, too. To prepare the dish, you start by roasting a pan of cauliflower and garlic cloves (whole cloves, right in the peels). The result are mini-toasts that are full of texture, not to mention pretty to look at.

Terrine de campagne aux lentilles, recette vegan. Le vrai faux gras vegan ! (Bluffant) - La petite Okara. Hello les végens, Grilled Bread with Beet, Walnut & Honey Spread - Dishing Up the Dirt. As promised, here is the first (of many!) Beet recipes to kickstart beet season here at Tumbleweed Farm. Beet Caviar. We are so excited to finally post this winter meal plan! If you’re anything like us, February can feel a little gloomy, and inspiration levels tend to be low, whether with cooking or with anything else.

This meal plan is here to prove all of that wrong and to show us that plant-based winter food can be just as exciting and tasty as any other season’s. I can definitely say that creating recipes for this plan got me out of a mini cooking rut. So we’ve got vegan and gluten-free breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert recipes that will feed you for a week. Sauce-tartinade de betterave au raifort. Bien que le ciel ne cesse de nous tomber sur la tête, pensons au printemps : je me suis littéralement jetée sur les premières fraises et courgettes au marché !

Avant d’entamer une petite revue du web qui, je l’espère, vous intéressera, deux remarques à propos des recettes du jour. Pralis de betteraves. Tartinade à la betterave, gingembre, citron et coco. Du bon usage de la courgette (1) : Houmous léger à la courgette - The good use of zucchini (1): Light zucchini hummus.

Moroccan-ish Sweet Potato Dip with Sesame Chickpea Crackers - Will Frolic for Food. Beet Tartare with Sesame Labneh + Amsterdam. Sweet-potato-sandwiches. Smoky Eggplant Tahini Dip. Creamy Sweet Potato & Roasted Red Pepper Spread. Cauliflower Miso Dip. This Tomato and Caper Spread Is a Taste of Summer, Whenever You Like. Petits feuilletés à la mousse de cèpes. Tarama de tofu. Terrine à la farine de pois-chiche, carotte et citron. Terrine de pois chiche au cumin { plus facile, c'est pas possible ! }

2009 novembre 22 « Végébon. Terrine de pois cassés à la sauge - Split pea and sage pâté. Cake salé courgettes et tomates confites (vegan et sans gluten) Cake salé vegan et sans gluten. Recette vegan #46 : Cake salé (très facile et superbe texture) - La petite Okara. Un pâté de campagne 100% vegan et gourmand ? C'est içi ! - Land&Monkeys - Nos recettes. Glazed Lentil Walnut Apple Loaf, Revisited. Thon de pois-chiches vegan - Tartinade d'apéritif. Cretons végés. Végétal: Terrine végétale aux noix. The most versatile vegan quiche... four ways! — Including Cake. Recette vegan #27 : Pâté en croûte - La petite Okara.

Terrine rustique-chic pruneaux, châtaignes, pistaches, cognac #vegan. ★ SIMPLEMENT NOËL ★ LE RÔTI EN SAUCE CHASSEUR ET SES LÉGUMES D’HIVER. Souvenirs - Papeton d'aubergines - Lutsubo. My Sweet Faery: Ketchup de rhubarbe - Rhubarb ketchup. The Single Best Sauce for Any Fall Vegetable. » Véganaise. Easy Vegan Gravy and Mashed Potatoes — Edible Perspective. Sauce forestière végétalienne - Repas de fête vegan. Petites boules de fromage végétal aux lupins - La Fée Stéphanie. Fromage pané vegan façon chèvre chaud ! - La petite Okara. Non-Dairy Gorgonzola. Mozzarella vegan crue – 3 ingrédients. Du beurre vegan cru – incroyable, mais vrai.