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Stay Down Champion, Stay Down / SPORTS. UdK Berlin Bookshop 2010. Each year UdK Berlin organizes a small competition among the students for the concept of a Bookshop inside the School.

UdK Berlin Bookshop 2010

This year’s winning proposal for the shop was designed by Dalia Butvidaite, Leonard Steidle, Johannes Drechsler and the all participating students then helped manufacturing the structure. Cardboard as the main material was chosen because of its flexibility in shape, stability, cheapness, temporary feeling, lightness, mobility and last but not least its recyclability. Six hundred 2,60 per 1,30 meter cardboard sheets where cut, carved, folded and glued to form a massive block that was afterwards stretched and curved into its final shape, adaptable to any given space.

That also means the shelve’s structure can be easily transported by simply compressing it to it’s massive form. Cardboard sheets are very stable and the lowest shelf can be a long sitting bank for events, a display for magazines and assesoires, or just for putting your bag while choosing a book. Prof. The Bamboo Lantern / Atelier FCJZ. The Bamboo Lantern designed for the Gwamgju Design Biennale in Korea by Atelier FCJZ (a prominent chinese firm who is also designing the Shanghai Corporate pavilion for the Expo 2010) appears to be a solid heavy mass.

The Bamboo Lantern / Atelier FCJZ

Yet, as visitors separate its two halves and occupy its interior, the mere cubic form turns into something else completely. The lantern is a “ dialogue between opposites” , as its plan is comprised of a circle nested within a square. The circle and square illustrate strong symbolism from the Ancient Chinese tradition, with the former representing the heavens, and the later, the earth. These two shapes are inherently different and yet, when combined, they work together to organize the exterior space and provide a new sense for the interior. “The directionality in the square is used to organize the surrounding exterior viewing space while the stillness of the circular shape that defines the interior intimately collects the rest space,” explained the architects. Le Bureau des Affaires Scéniques – Suzanne Thoma, Domnine Jobelot, Paris, France. Le Bureau des Affaires Scéniques, fondé en 2011, est né d’une rencontre entre une agence de graphisme : le Bureau des Affaires Graphiques, et une architecte : Domnine Jobelot.

Le Bureau des Affaires Scéniques – Suzanne Thoma, Domnine Jobelot, Paris, France

Ensemble, dans une dynamique transdisciplinaire et parallèlement à leur parcours professionnels, elles ont cette envie de conjuguer le design graphique, les arts multi- médias, la musique, ou encore la littérature au service de l’urbanisme, de l’architecture et de la scène. A la recherche d’images et de surprises, elles s’attachent à un travail en équipe développant une méthodologie de projet permettant des réponses spécifiques. Catie Newell's Salvaged Landscape Reclaims an Arsoned Building in Detroit. Posted by Lisa Smith | 2 Nov 2010 | Comments (8) Another fantastic project from Detroit: Catie Newell's Salvaged Landscape takes wood reclamation one step further, transforming burnt lumber from an arsoned house into a new spatial volume and material landscape.

Catie Newell's Salvaged Landscape Reclaims an Arsoned Building in Detroit

Supported by Detroit nonprofit The Imagination Station, Newell has been working hard since September to bring the project through its first phase, which opened last Saturday at 2230 14th Street, one of two uninhabitable buildings the nonprofit has endeavored to clean up. Catie gives an energetic tour to Stephen McGee below: Demolition of this severely damaged house was imminent, but instead of a traditional tear-down, Newell removed the charred wood timbers from the frame of the house and stacked them on their sides to form an outside wall that extends to become a moody passageway inside. Cordell House Shipping Container Architecture. Cordell House Shipping Container Architecture Developers Katie Nichols and John Walker have focused their careers on creating affordable, sustainable, design-intensive homes for creative, urban people.

Cordell House Shipping Container Architecture

To achieve that goal, the duo tapped into an inexhaustible resource in the port city of Houston, Texas– shipping containers. In a partnership with architect Christopher Robertson, Nichols and Walker created the Cordell House shipping container home a few miles north of the city. The Cordell House is built upon a framework of four individual shipping containers– three 40′ units and one 20′ unit. Passage Dieu. Die Stylistin und Interior Designerin Roxane Beis hat vor ein paar Jahren ein 165 Quadratmeter großes Loft in Paris gekauft und es mit viel Mühe und Liebe zum Detail renoviert bzw. eingerichtet.

Passage Dieu

Bei diesen Fotos ist es schwer vorstellbar, dass die Innenräume anfangs noch total heruntergekommen waren. Auf ihrer Homepage zeigt sie, wie die einzelnen Zimmer vor und nach der Renovierung ausgesehen haben. All images © Roxane Beis | Via: Trendland. Le Prado. ‘Le Prado’ liegt an den Ufern des ‘Prado’ in Marseille.

Le Prado

Der ehemalige, kleine Hotelbetrieb wurde in drei zeitlich versetzten Schritten renoviert. Die Inneneinrichtung wurde dabei von dem französischen Architekten Maurice Padovani gestaltet. Vom ursprünglichen Bau wurden einige Wänden und Zwischendecken entfernt um die Räume damit von ihrem herkömmlichen, raumstrukturierenden Rahmen zu befreien. Auch im zweiten Renovierungsschritt wurden Wände durchstoßen, diesmal um mehr Fenster einzubauen und damit mehr Licht in die Räume zu bringen. Esszimmer und Bad wurden verschoben und das ehemalige Kinderzimmer, wurde in zwei separate Räume geteilt. ‘Located by the beaches of the Prado in Marseilles, this former smallholding flanked by a stable was renovated in three steps. All images © Paul Ladouce | Via: Home DSGN.

Desire to inspire - Metro Arts and Architecture - Toledo Metro Station in Napoli. Stockholm metro. Great series of the subway stations of Stockholm … Stockholm.

Stockholm metro