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The Lighter-Than-Air Society is your source for information pertaining to blimps, airships, dirigibles, zeppelins, aerostats, and various balloons. OGC standards for Defense and Intelligence. Jane McGonigal: Gaming can make a better world. OSEO. Don’t Frustrate the Player: 3 Rules for Keeping Them Involved. It's not enough to just say that a game is simply "bad", and that it has nothing it can teach us: why is it bad?

Don’t Frustrate the Player: 3 Rules for Keeping Them Involved

Is there a problem with the level design or the character movement? Is the game not rewarding? Perhaps the game is repetitive and unimaginative, or perhaps the game is targeted towards a demographic other than us. There are many ways to lose a player, but the fastest way is to make your game "not fun" - so how can we avoid this? Preview image: Video Game Controller designed by Michael Rowe from The Noun Project. Keep the Player Engaged It seems obvious: gamers enjoy playing games.

Pearltrees: A new web paradigm. GEM 2012 Global Report. Nearly Half of the World’s Entrepreneurs Are Between The Ages Of 25-44 According To Global Entrepreneurship Report The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2012 Global Report estimates that nearly half of the world’s entrepreneurs are between the ages of 25 and 44.

GEM 2012 Global Report

The survey also reports that, in all geographic regions surveyed, 25-34 year olds showed the highest rates of entrepreneurial activity. Small companies create 85% of new jobs. 85% of net new jobs (1) in the EU between 2002 and 2010 were created by small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs).

Small companies create 85% of new jobs

This figure is considerably higher than the 67%-share of SMEs in total employment. During this period, net employment in the EU's business economy rose substantially, by an average of 1.1 million new jobs each year. These are the main results of a study on the essential contribution of SMEs on job creation presented by the European Commission today. With 1% annually, the employment growth for SMEs was higher than for large enterprises with 0.5%. A clear exception is the trade sector, in which employment in SMEs increased by 0.7% annually, compared to 2.2% in large enterprises. TEDGlobal 2012: 'The more you give away the more you get back' First there was "open" – open source, open tech, open journalism.

TEDGlobal 2012: 'The more you give away the more you get back'

And now? The New Model for Innovation Is Social. Most business leaders are by now aware that the growing use of mobile phones is changing the competitive landscape for all companies, no matter what the industry.

The New Model for Innovation Is Social

The extent of those changes is greater than most appreciate, however. They include entirely new methods of designing products and completely revamped methods for selling them. - Toute l'actualité Apple, iPhone, iPad, iPod et Mac - Mise à jour quotidienne. Imagination for people.

FLOSS Manuals (fr) Etude de cas sur le travail coopératif en ligne. Cet ouvrage revient sur le travail d’accompagnement que j’ai effectué au sein de l’institut Médico-Educatif Mathalin à Auch depuis 2006 pour mettre en place des outils et des pratiques de travail collaboratif en ligne.

Etude de cas sur le travail coopératif en ligne

Emailology - The Science of Looking Good in the Inbox. Shine on the web. The number one online magazine for innovation management practioners. Press Space or double-click to edit. Capture ideas at the speed of thought – using a mind map maker designed to help you focus on your ideas and remove all the distractions while mindmapping.

Press Space or double-click to edit

Create unlimited mind maps for free, and store them in the cloud. Your mind maps are available everywhere, instantly, from any device. - Google Docs for Visual People. Les Outils Collaboratifs - L'actualité des outils collaboratifs. Mettre en oeuvre une démarche qualité en 10 étapes. De plus en plus d’organismes se tournent vers la démarche qualité en vue d’accroître leurs performances.

Mettre en oeuvre une démarche qualité en 10 étapes

Mais pour beaucoup, une telle démarche soulève encore bien des questions. Pour les curieux, voici donc, résumées, les grandes étapes (commentées et accompagnées d’exemples et de représentations) pour la mise en œuvre d’une démarche qualité. Ces étapes sont directement issues des exigences du référentiel ISO 9001. Retour d’expérience sur une démarche de cartographie des processus.

« Le Qualiblog est devenu, en l’espace de quelques mois et grâce à vous, une plate-forme communautaire faite par et pour les acteurs des démarches d’amélioration.

Retour d’expérience sur une démarche de cartographie des processus

Conduisez vos démarches de management en mode projet. En réponse à de nombreuses demandes des Qualiblogueurs, voici un article synthétique reprenant les différentes étapes d’une démarche de management (qu’elle soit qualité, sécurité et/ou environnement). Comme toujours, le bon sens prédomine… The Ultimate Guide to Social Media Image Dimensions [Infographic] When you're designing cover photos, graphics, and other social media assets, sometimes knowing the bare bones image dimensions isn't enough.

The Ultimate Guide to Social Media Image Dimensions [Infographic]

What if you wanted to place text or an arrow on your Facebook cover photo without it getting covered by the profile photo? And what about the shared link thumbnails on Facebook or in-stream photos on Twitter ... how big should those be? Download pre-sized cover photo templates for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and YouTube for free here. Inbound Marketing Blog. Concepts et outils du travail collaboratif. EN. SME Performance Review - Small and medium sized enterprises (SME) - Enterprise and Industry.

The SME Performance Review is one of the main tools the European Commission uses to monitor and assess countries' progress in implementing the Small Business Act (SBA) on a yearly basis. With an emphasis on the measures from the SBA Action Plan, the review brings comprehensive information on the performance of SMEs in EU Member States and other 9 partner countries. It consists of two parts – Annual Report on European SMEs and SBA country fact sheets. Brussels, 26 November 2013 - The European Commission published today the 2012/2013 Annual Report on European SMEs. The Report on European SMEs is prepared on a yearly basis. It provides an overview of the size, structure and importance of SMEs to the European economy and their contribution to growth and jobs, as emphasised in the Small Business Act and Europe 2020 strategy.

Bernard Stiegler : “Il y a beaucoup d’inventions qui ne produisent aucune innovation” - Nouvelles technos. Constatant l'échec du consumérisme, le philosophe Bernard Stiegler soutient que seule l'intelligence collective permettra une économie innovante. Entretien, dans le cadre d’un “spécial innovation” que nous déclinerons jusqu’à ce week-end.

Wharton School - Mack Institute for Innovation Management. Formation finance de projet et de marché. Ministère du commerce extérieur. COFACE : Assurance crédit, Affacturage, Information d'entreprise, Gestion de créances. Questions d'entrepreneurs - Les aides pour la prospection à l'international. 3 avril 2012 00:00:00 Aller sur les marchés extérieurs est une opération délicate à appréhender pour de nombreuses PME. Le risque de dispersion est grand entre toutes les étapes à mener. La prospection est sans doute l'action qui présente le plus de risque. L'évaluation du marché, la mise aux normes, l'adaptation aux habitudes de consommation demandent essentiellement des solutions techniques.

La prospection sur les marchés étrangers. La prospection englobe les différentes techniques d’approche utilisées pour trouver des clients. Europe's cloud computing strategy calls for more standardization - services, legal, internet, business issues, european union - Software. The European Cloud Computing Strategy, due to be announced on Friday, will seek to cut through the current jungle of standards in the European Union. The plans, put forward by the European Commission, will also try to establish guidelines for service level agreements in order to build public trust in cloud services.

The Commission admits that setting standards will not be easy. "Currently, individual vendors have an incentive to fight for dominance by locking in their customers, inhibiting standardized, industry-wide approaches," according to Commission's strategy document. The standards that the Commission wants would be voluntary but would apply to all cloud providers, not just to deals with public administrations. Small and medium sized enterprises (SME) - Enterprise and Industry. The European Commission works on broad policy issues affecting entrepreneurship and SMEs across Europe, and assists SMEs through networks and business support measures.

It helps existing and potential entrepreneurs to grow their businesses, giving special attention to women entrepreneurs, crafts and social economy enterprises. The Small Business Act for Europe (SBA) embodies the EU's commitment to SMEs and entrepreneurship. Member States have committed to implementing the SBA alongside the European Commission in an effort to make the EU a better place to do business. Since SMEs have to be supported at local level, the Commission helps Member States and the regions to develop policies aimed at promoting entrepreneurship , assisting SMEs at all stages of development, and helping them to access global markets .

The identification and exchange of good practices are key elements of this policy. Designing NATO Future Capabilities. Allied Command Transformation. Framework For Collaborative Interaction Homepage. Institute For The Future. Enterprise and Industry. Matternet. Sir Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity? « Le logiciel libre peut redonner sens à nos vies » Bernard Stiegler. Designing a Mobile App? Don't Make These 10 Mistakes. So you've already learned how to navigate the tricky world of cross-platform app design and worked through all of the common pitfalls of developing your app. You have a vision, some inspiration and maybe even a name that you know will be perfect. So ... now what? It's time to get down to the nitty-gritty and begin designing the structure, flow and features that will combine to form your finished mobile app.

But actually performing these tasks isn't easy — there are tons of moving parts and project management aspects to keep in mind during development. Developing a functioning and enjoyable mobile app requires discipline and practicality. MacGeneration - L'actu Mac et Apple. Home.