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Agenda y organización

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2016_merged_2_days_per_page.pdf. 2016MergedA41day1pages. Philofaxy: Diary Inserts. This work by Philofaxy is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.

Philofaxy: Diary Inserts

Please download, adapt, use, share, but do not charge or use commercially. If you have a Filofax organiser, you probably have diary pages – probably ones made by Filofax. If you’re happy with those pages, great. If you’d like to try something different, read on. If you’d like to experiment or adapt a diary that is just right for your very particular needs then you’ve come to the right place. Ray Blake of the My Life All in One Place blog and I have collaborated in an ongoing project to produce a range of diary layouts that can be downloaded, printed, punched and used. You need to decide whether you just want to download prepared layout sets for the full year, or whether you want to roll up your sleeves and adapt our templates to your own needs.

Please note that the previews will always show 2015 or earlier, but the real files should be the correct year. D*I*Y Planner. This will give you one week to a page with the weekly view on the left and a Notes page on the right for voice mail, etc.

D*I*Y Planner

It prints in landscape on 8.5x11 paper, so two weeks print on one sheet of paper. Then flip the paper and print the Notes pages on the back of the dated pages. Then cut the pages apart down the middle. The Notes pages are very faintly lined so you can pretty much disregard the lines or use them, as desired--or edit them. After it's printed, I put the pages in order, insert extras, then off to Staples to get them spiral bound. The margins are as narrow as I could get them so there would be plenty of space for writing. I used WordArt to plug in the word "Holiday" in the space for the days where I'm planning not to work, so I won't make any appointments for those days. If you don't need the Notes pages for the extra writing space, you could omit them, but then you would have to re-arrange the calendar pages so they would print in the right order.

Printable Goals Journal (with freebie!) - Design Is Yay ! I like to kick start my new year with setting goals.

Printable Goals Journal (with freebie!) - Design Is Yay !

Of course you don’t have to wait until the new year to do that, but since 2015 has just started, it gives us a good excuse to start fresh with our goals and dreams. If you’re following me on instagram, I posted three of my major personal goals on this pretty goal planner page, and promised that it’s going to be a printable on the blog. Good news, you can download that printable at the end of this post :) Another good news…. You can also purchase the complete version of my goals journal. The goals journal consists of: 1. [ A yellow with big polkadot cover ], you can write your name on it. 2. [ Introduction page ]3. [ "Sky is the Limit" ] to jot down this year’s dreams 4. [ "Sky is the Limit" ] for your 5 years from now dreams5.

All of those for the price of a large cup of latte (or regular one with soy)! Planificador semanal imprimible + Pegatinas! Buenos días arcreativeross!!

Planificador semanal imprimible + Pegatinas!

Ahora que muchos de nosotros volvemos a la rutina… Trabajo, clases, gimnasio, pilates, aquagym… Hemos de tener la semana super bien organizada. Y qué mejor manera que hacerlo con éste planificador semanal que es la bomba. Tiene todo lo necesario para que anotéis todo y no se os olvide nada de nada. Y por si fuera poco lo tenéis en castellano, catalán e ingles. Y… por si fuera aun poco, lo complementamos con unas estupendas pegatinas! Vamos a echarle un vistazo… éste es el aspecto del archivo que os podréis descargar al final del post. ¡Happy Diseño! Gratis Archives - Happy Paperie® » Happy Paperie® Hemos preparado algo especial para todas nuestras amigas que hoy pasen por aquí: os regalamos esta bonita lámina descargable, diseñada con mucho mimo por Happy Paperie® para celebrar el Día Internacional de la Mujer.

¡Happy Diseño! Gratis Archives - Happy Paperie® » Happy Paperie®

Petite Blasa: FREEBIE. Tenía pensado compartir la agenda gratuita para 2015 a finales de diciembre pero, como me estáis preguntando mucho por ella, he decidido compartirla ya.

Petite Blasa: FREEBIE

¡Si total a mí me da igual ahora que un poco más tarde! :) Os hablé el año pasado de mi insatisfacción con las agendas compradas, que me llevó a hacerme la mía propia, más barata y mejor adaptada a mis necesidades. Quise repetir, pero esta vez con una agenda anual que además incluye nuevas secciones. En un primer momento la decoré con dibujos pero, como me estoy reconciliando con lo simple, finalmente la convertí en una agenda sencilla, más elegante y nada ridícula. Las primeras páginas son una portada, una hoja para anotar nuestros datos y un calendario anual 2015 de consulta rápida. Eliza ellis: FREE PRINTABLES. Organiza tu 2015: Agendas y planificadores para imprimir.