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Они взяли обычные дрова и построили из них шикарный тёплый дом! Только взгляните на этот шедевр!

Они взяли обычные дрова и построили из них шикарный тёплый дом!

Количество глины составляет примерно 20% от объема дров. Она является основой раствора, который превращает простую поленницу в прочную стену дровяного дома. Для того, чтобы глина была теплее и не растрескивалась, ее нужно смешать с мелко порезанной соломой, добавив ее в объеме 10-15% от объема глины и тщательно перемешав. Конструкция фундамента под дровяной дом проста,для этого достаточно сделать простой ленточный бутовый фундамент, послойно заливая камень жидким раствором, который хорошо проникает во все пустоты. Watch Black Forest Wood Co. create wooden tables and art with luminous "rivers" of colored resin. С виду обычный бассейн, но когда наступает ночь, он полностью преображается.

Мечтаете попивать прохладительные напитки лежа на зарубежных пляжах?

С виду обычный бассейн, но когда наступает ночь, он полностью преображается

А ваш отпуск совсем не скоро или вообще уже прошел, а отдыхать все равно хочется? Выход есть – достаточно соорудить бассейн своими же руками на даче. Несколько простых действий помогут ощутить и поймать минуты райского расслабления. 1. Для начала определите в каком месте будет находиться бассейн, какого размера и какой формы. Here’s another video from a different... - Patryn Woodworks, LLC. 9 видов укусов насекомых, о которых просто необходимо знать! В летнюю пору всегда есть опасность вернуться домой с укусом какого-нибудь насекомого.

9 видов укусов насекомых, о которых просто необходимо знать!

Укусы не всегда безобидны, а поэтому необходимо знать, как их различать и при необходимости обрабатывать. Статья также пригодится тем, у кого есть ребёнок, чтобы знать, как быстро реагировать на все виды укусов. Идеи, которые сделают ваш дом уникальным - Женские Секреты. Trendzified - Would you like this in your home? 25 Amazing Places You Need To Visit ASAP. Since summer is coming, and many people like to travel during this time, we have compiled 25 places you probably didn’t think of, and we think this will inspire you to choose a great itinerary for your next vacation.

25 Amazing Places You Need To Visit ASAP

Some of the places in this list are super hidden gems; unusual places you might not even know about. Other places are already quite popular, but are so beautiful that we couldn’t resist mentioning them. This Looks Like A Normal Couch Until She Grabs And Pulls. When These Kids Take A Flying Leap, You Won't Believe What They're Jumping Into...Wow! Turn Any Place You Go Into A Hot Tub Party With This New Invention. Do You Enjoy Alcohol? You're Missing Out If You Don't Own These Awesome Products. Do You Enjoy Alcohol?

Do You Enjoy Alcohol? You're Missing Out If You Don't Own These Awesome Products

You’re Missing Out If You Don’t Own These Awesome Products Drinking is fun. 25 Places To Relax And Take A Nap. This Woman Creates Something Phenomenal Out Of A Family Photo And Wood. Introducing "She Sheds": Women’s Answer To The Man Cave. It’s been said that sheds are the answer to men’s ailments.

Introducing "She Sheds": Women’s Answer To The Man Cave

But why should men have all the sheds? Every woman deserves a shed of her own — somewhere to retreat for some solitude, to create or grow, to write or paint, or just to enjoy the view. Www.earthporm. Humans are social creatures that require a great deal of private space, and when it’s privacy you crave home is where the heart is.


No matter what your home looks like it is your sanctuary. Simply stepping through the front door and clicking the door locked behind you brings a feeling of peace and tranquility. People dump a considerable amount of money into their home, either on monthly mortgage payments or rent. This Tiny House Seems Weird From The Outside, But When You Step Inside? WHOA! Stumbleupon. If All These Rooms Were in One House, It Would be the Coolest House in the World. Especially #8. Combine these ideas into one uber house and you're pretty much guaranteed to have the coolest house in the world.

If All These Rooms Were in One House, It Would be the Coolest House in the World. Especially #8

Start saving. Because having the coolest house in the world doesn't come cheap… But it'll be totally worth it. 1. Private Outdoor Shower. If All These Rooms Were in One House, It Would be the Coolest House in the World. Especially #8. The Psychology of Color [Infographic] Produtos que você compraria agora mesmo! A seguir, produtos simples, mas geniais que facilitariam bastante a sua vida.

Produtos que você compraria agora mesmo!

Anel para fatiar bolo. 1- Tampa para qualquer tipo de pacote. MICKE Corner workstation, black-brown - 39 3/8x55 1/2 " 15 House Plants You Can Use As Air Purifiers. Posted by admin on Thursday, February 18, 2010 · 68 Comments Here are 15 plants that could clean your air for just the price of a few drops of water each day.

15 House Plants You Can Use As Air Purifiers

First lets check some of the evidence behind the claim that plants can purify your household air: 1. NASA Research A NASA research document came to the conclusion that “house plants can purify and rejuvenate air within our houses and workplaces, safeguarding us all from any side effects connected with prevalent toxins such as formaldehyde, ammonia and also benzene.” Here are the results of the NASA research study: Source 2. In another study made in 1996, a bedroom with no plants had 50% more colonies of airborne microbes than a room which contained houseplants. Source 3. During a laboratory experiment in 1985, Dr. 4. In another laboratory study by Dr. Removal of Formaldehyde from Sealed Chambers for Plants Grown in Potting Soil Source.5 1. Buy Areca Palm Tree 2. Buy Lady Palm Read more… Grow 100 lbs. Of Potatoes In 4 Square Feet: {How To.

Quite the clever gardening tip here folks! Today’s feature includes tips from three different sources for growing potatoes vertically (in layers) instead of spread out in rows across your garden. If you have limited garden space or want to try some nifty gardening magic, this could be a great option for you. First, there’s this article from The Seattle Times: It’s Not Idaho, But You Still Can Grow Potatoes: The potatoes are planted inside the box, the first row of boards is installed and the dirt or mulch can now be added to cover the seed potatoes.

As the plant grows, more boards and dirt will be added. You plant in one bottom layer, boarding up the sides of each layer and adding dirt as you go higher (you wait until the plants have grown a bit before adding a new layer). I traced the information provided in the article to Irish Eyes Garden Seeds, they also advise you can skip the box and try growing them in a barrel or wire cage instead.