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Google Warns, 6 in 10 Will Leave Your Mobile-Unfriendly Site. Study: Four out of 10 Mobile Ad Clicks are Worthless. First, the good news: The number of click-throughs on mobile advertisements that were mistaken or fraudulent dropped slightly over the last year.

Study: Four out of 10 Mobile Ad Clicks are Worthless

Now the bad news: As much as 40% of clicks on mobile ads are so-called worthless clicks, offering no return on investment for the advertiser, according to a new study. The study, which was released on Wednesday, was commissioned by Trademob, a Berlin-based mobile app marketing platform. The company analyzed six million mobile advertising clicks on 10 of the biggest mobile advertising networks. Conclusion: Advertisers are wasting a lot of money on mobile ads. “There’s a problem when only 60 cents of every dollar are actually being put to work,” said Trademob founder and CEO Ravi Kamran. The study was conducted in June and found that 22 percent of ad clicks are “misclicks,” or accidental clicks, and 18 percent were fraudulent. There were some bright spots in the study for advertisers. Harder to fight, however, is click fraud. Mobile SEO Best Practices.

There is little doubt that mobile search is the hot topic in the SEO world at the moment.

Mobile SEO Best Practices

Some brands are now finding that more than 30 percent of all searches come from mobile devices, according to Mobile Marketer. It’s fair to say that mobile search is quickly moving out of the Stone Age and into the digital age. 6 Geofencing Tools for Small Businesses. More than half of consumers with smartphone devices said they would trade their location privacy for discounts in a recent Street Fight poll.

6 Geofencing Tools for Small Businesses

Meanwhile, retail experts are continuing to tout geofencing — which involves sending text or push notifications to consumers who enter virtual perimeters set around physical places — as the answer to showrooming for local retailers trying to compete with online behemoths. Unfortunately, terms like “geofencing” and “push notifications” can sound intimidating, leading some small business owners to wrongly assume that these are marketing tactics that only major brands and national retailers can deploy.

To adjust this perception, a number of mobile advertising platforms have recently stepped up with geofencing tools aimed directly at small business owners. Here are six tools that businesses of all sizes can use to reach out to consumers at targeted locations. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. FourSquare: Unlock Check-In Specials. So last time we talked about the basics of foursquare and how to check-in to places to earn points and badges.

FourSquare: Unlock Check-In Specials

This time were going to talk about how companies can offer deals to you via foursquare check-ins. In turn saving you money for simply being social and sharing your whereabouts with friends. There are seven major specials that a venue owner can offer you. These seven are broken up into two different categories, attracting new clients and rewarding loyal ones. The seven specials are as follows, the first 5 are for attracting new customer and the last two are for rewarding your loyal ones! Friends Special Simply put, the owner sets up a special where a deal is only redeemable if you’re checked in with a minimum number of friends. For example” Come with 4 friends and unlock a free order of cheese fries for the table!” Swarm Special For example, “If 30 foursquare users check in to the bar at once, then a round of drinks are on the house!” Why Mobile Integration Must Be On Your Marketing Roadmap. The world is increasingly moving toward the mobile Web--and you should be, too.

July 30, 2012 These days, just about every demographic is using a mobile device to access the Web. As a business, no matter your industry, you simply can’t ignore this reality. It’s time to start adding mobile integration to your list of priorities. Take out your phone and look up your company website. If your website is built on a content management system, like WordPress, you can make use of plugins, such as WPTouch, which renders your site on a mobile theme. Social and Mobile Marketing for Small Businesses. Monthly Plans and Pricing Information for Mobile Marketing, SMS Marketing, Text Message Marketing, Email Marketing, Social Media Marketing. Cloud IVR, Voice Broadcast , Cloud Call Center, Toll Free Phone Numbers, Local Phone Numbers, Voice APIs and Cloud Telephony. MSN Mobile Advertising Connects You to Affluent Consumers. Connect with customers on mobile and tablets – Mobile Ads – Google Ads.

Everything You Need to Know About Foursquare's New Merchant Tools. The location-sharing app is connecting merchants with loyal customers in entirely new ways.

Everything You Need to Know About Foursquare's New Merchant Tools

July 23, 2012 On Wednesday, Foursquare announced a slew of new merchant tools that give business owners more power than ever before to communicate with their customers through the location-based platform. Social-Mobile-LOCAL: "Local" Will Be The Biggest of the Three. Benchmark Capital's Bill Gurley says massive opportunity awaits local businesses that embrace the Internet and adopt new interactive technologies that increasingly automate their connection with their customers. “Well I was born in a small town And I live in a small town Prob’ly die in a small town Oh, those small – communities” — Small Town, John Mellencamp While “Social-Mobile-Local” is certainly an overused buzz phrase, most of the attention has been placed on the “social” and “mobile” parts of the phrase.

In social, the spectacular rise of Facebook and Twitter is clearly a disruptive and critical trend. In mobile, the adoption of the smartphone (led by Apple’s iPhone and now catapulted forward by Android) is also a fundamentally important platform transition. Much less attention has been paid to the third concept, “local,” which is ironic since it may be a much larger real business opportunity than either social media or Smartphone application revenue.