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About ResourceSmart AuSSI Vic - The Sustainability Hub Over 1,000 Victorian primary and secondary schools have participated in this award-winning initiative! ResourceSmart AuSSI Vic is a Victorian Government initiative that helps schools benefit from embedding sustainability in everything they do. Here’s why your school should get involved: Sustainable Living - Minimise waste, save energy and water, improve biodiversity and cut greenhouse gas emissions.Savings - Save money by reducing electricity, gas, waste and water bills.Real-life Learning - Teacher professional development supports student learning and their opportunity to take action.Building Community - Connect with your school and local community, other schools and environmental partners.Recognition - Reach for the stars and receive statewide recognition with Sustainability Certification. If your school is in the Northern, Eastern or Southern Metro Regions of Melbourne… (If not, please click here to find your local provider)

Environmental education for local schools Whittlesea Council We offer support to local schools to help educate students about the environment and to minimise their waste. We can help schools to: divert greater amounts of waste from the school waste stream using the reduce, reuse, recycle principles educate students and staff about waste minimisation at school and at home access information and provide advice on environmental education programs Recycling education program We offer free in-house recycling education sessions to local schools. which materials can and cannot be recycled through the kerbside collection service how recyclables are sorted at a materials recovery facility The education sessions also include a fun recycling relay activity and question time. Composting and worm farming education program We offer free in-house composting and worm farming education sessions to local schools. ResourceSmart Schools Program For more information visit the ResourceSmart website. Teacher’s Environment Network Meetings are held once each school term.

Energy Module - Sustainability Victoria Sustainability Victoria State Government Victoria Page not found Page not found. We have recently updated our site and the page you're looking for may have been renamed or moved. Statewide Waste and Resource Recovery Infrastructure Plan (SWRRIP) Detox Your Home Smarter Resources Smarter Business Keep Australia Beautiful Victoria (KABV) ResourceSmart Schools. More generally: You can find information about funding and grants here. You can find information for householders here. You can find information for businesses here. You can find information for schools here. You can find community information here. Or search the Sustainability Victoria website Please contact us if you are unable to find the information you require. State Government of Victoria

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