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‎ Educational Leadership - Articles, Resources for Educators. Introduction to Edcamp: A New Conference Model Built on Collaboration. Editor's Note: Blogger Mary Beth Hertz was one of the organizers of Edcamp Philly, a free education "unconference" that took place in Philadelphia last May.

Introduction to Edcamp: A New Conference Model Built on Collaboration

The event attracted the attention of educators from around the world--not only for the excellent content and collaborative spirit, but also for the unconference model itself -- one that costs next to nothing to produce by facilitating ad-hoc community participation. Since then, groups of educators around the world have begun to organize local edcamps in their areas. In this four-part series, Ms. Hertz explores the edcamp model, and shares some tips on how to organize and host an edcamp unconference.

Edcamp: A Little History The edcamp model is based on the international unconference model, BarCamp. Is an ad-hoc gathering born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environmentis an intense event with discussions, demos and interaction from participants who are the main actors of the event Camp Rules. EdCamp. An edcamp is a user-generated conference - commonly referred to as an "unconference".


Edcamps are designed to provide participant-driven professional development for K-12 educators.[1] Edcamps are modeled after BarCamps, free participant-driven conferences with a primary focus on technology and computers. Educational technology is a common topic area for edcamps, as are pedagogy, practical examples in instructional use of modern tools, and solving the problems technology can introduce into the classroom environment. Edcamps are generally free or very low-cost, built around ad hoc community participation. Sessions are not planned until the day of the event, when participants can volunteer to facilitate a conversation on a topic of their choice.[2] Edcamps operate "without keynote speakers or vendor booths, encourage participants to find or lead a conversation that meet their needs and interests.

External links[edit] EdCamp References[edit] An unconference for school leaders devoted to K-12 Education issues and ideas. Sharing. Learning. Leading. Great Teachers Are Great Learners - AITSL. Policies / Overview. Technology-Rich Learning:Students First, Not Stuff. Effective Principal Leadership.

ISLLC Standards / Overview. From research and practice literature, we have a good picture of what effective site leadership looks like.

ISLLC Standards / Overview

This is illustrated through the work of the Interstate School Leadership Licensure Consortium Policy Standards (ISLLC), which was originally designed for leadership preparation programs and has now be updated and is being used for all effective leadership practice. The field of school leadership in the United States is coalescing around the ISLLC Standards. For example, 35 states have adopted them; the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) used them to develop their standards; tens of thousands of candidates for principal licensure have taken the ISLLC licensing exam; hundreds of preparation programs are revising their curricula aligned with the ISLLC Standards; and other organizations such as the National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE) have openly, and in writing, recommended the use of the ISLLC Standards by their membership.