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About - Local Futures. Our Mission Local Futures’ mission is to protect and renew ecological and social well being by promoting a systemic shift away from economic globalization towards localization.

About - Local Futures

Through its “education for action” programs, Local Futures develops innovative models and tools to catalyze collaboration for strategic change at the community and international level. Our History. Challenging the Right, Advancing Social Justice. 60 Powerful Social Issue Ads That'll Make You Stop And Think. What Reparations in America Could Look Like. 40 Of The Most Powerful Social Issue Ads That’ll Make You Stop And Think. Many people complain about advertisements as an obnoxious way for companies to invade our everyday lives and cram their products down our throats, but that’s not all that advertisements are good for.

40 Of The Most Powerful Social Issue Ads That’ll Make You Stop And Think

The advertisements on this list are excellent examples of effective advertising strategies for social issue campaigns that let their voices be heard. [Read more...]

Advocacy | politics

Advocacy | training + resources. Advocacy | nonviolence. Advocacy | race. Advocacy | gender equality. Advocacy | doctrine of discovery. Advocacy | food. Medical aid where it is needed most. Independent. Neutral. Impartial. Advocacy | Colombia. Demand Progress. Grassroots International. Constitutional Progressives. News, commentary and analysis for reproductive and sexual health and justice. FAIR — FAIR is the national progressive media watchdog group, challenging corporate media bias, spin and misinformation. RootsAction. The Pew Charitable Trusts - Non Profit Organization Serving the Public.

Advocacy | human rights

Fair World Project: Fair World Project (FWP) is an independent campaign of the Organic Consumers Association which seeks to protect the use of the term “fair trade” in the marketplace, expand markets for authentic fair trade, educate consumers about key issues in trade and agriculture, advocate for policies leading to a just economy, and facilitate collaborative relationships to create true system change.

Fair World Project:

Fair World Project was initially launched by the Organic Consumers Association (OCA) in 2010 with an emphasis on promoting fair trade in commerce, especially in organic production systems, and protecting the term “fair trade” from dilution and misuse for mere PR purposes, as conscious consumers expand the market for fairly traded products. While still guided by the principles of fair trade, we have expanded our mission to include labor justice, sweat-free apparel and family-scale farming that does not fit the traditional fair trade model.

We exist for the following reasons:

Advocacy | labor

Advocacy | death penalty & criminal justice. Advocacy | environment. Global Network - Keep Space for Peace! - TopWonks. Advocacy | abortion. Advocacy | immigration. New Organizing Institute. For Organizers, By Organizers We're a community of organizers, and we're committed to solving the biggest challenges that stand in the way of change.

New Organizing Institute

Our basic belief is simple: if people have the skills to engage others, the tools to build powerful campaigns, and a community of practice to help them learn and grow, they can win real change, make measurable improvements in people's lives, and restore faith in our government and our democracy. We train organizers to build and manage effective movements by integrating tried-and-true community organizing, cutting-edge digital strategy, and data-driven decision making. We provide free access to revolutionary tools, technologies, and research to help campaigns reach the next level.

And we build a community of practice that connects organizers across issues, creating a more integrated, more diverse, and more dynamic movement for change.

Advocacy | violence

Advocacy - economy. Interactive Infographic: What Issues Do American Voters Care About. ESA Online. Bourgeois.roy. Advocacy | health care. Mideast. The Sparrow Project - Publicity & Creative Direction for Grassroots Activists. Oil.spill. Lessons in Rhetorical Strategy from a DC Bishop. CT GMO Labeling Bill Resource & Advocacy Center - Fairfield Green Food Guide. By Analiese Paik Connecticut has made history and is the first state to vote a GMO labeling bill out of committee!

In a historic, bipartisan 23-6 vote, the bill was voted out of the Environment Committee on Wednesday, March 21. Even the Huffington Post ran the story! Right now we need to urge the leadership of the House and Senate to call HB 5117 before the session ends on May 9. Infographic-corporate-tax-cheats-pay-up.jpg (450×966)
