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Watermelon Drink For Summer. Cleansing Diet: Juice Cleansing. Green Smoothies. Recipes Green smoothies are simply a fruit smoothie with fresh or powdered greens added. They are easy to make, exceptionally nutritious and one of the best ways to increase your greens intake significantly. They also crowd out the desire to eat less nutritious foods. With the right mix of fruit and greens they can be sweet enough to satisfy sweet cravings and provide the real nutrition that your body is craving. Best of all, they are a simple and delicious way to clear out toxins! I ( Cindy ) love green smoothies. Do I Have the Right Blender? All you need to make great green smoothies is a blender and access to fresh fruits and green vegetables (green powders can be a substitute when traveling or when fresh greens are unavailable).

You can use any blender that you already own or purchase. This is by far the best whole foods commercial food processor on the market. Basic Recipe The basic green smoothie recipe I use is: Add the water. Make Your Own Variations The Best Way to Digest Jo's Favorite. JOINTHEREBOOT. Juice Fasting - Juice Fasting for Quick Weight Loss, Body Detox & Improved Health. Greetings and welcome to the juice fasting page.

Juice Fasting - Juice Fasting for Quick Weight Loss, Body Detox & Improved Health

Here I'm going to give an introduction to this discipline and talk a little about my own fasting path, the benefits, the detox symptoms and ... for good measure ... I'll throw in some tips at the end to help begginers. Then we'll move on to fruit/vegetable detoxification, the nutritional miracle of juice fasting and the juicing process. The series concludes with juicer detox recipes which gives you fruit and vegetable mixtures you can use.

If you are interested in starting with juice fasting right-away, I just finished my Amazon Kindle book titled How to Lose 30 pounds (Or More) In 30 Days With Juice Fasting. This is the longest page of the juice fasting series. I'm not talking about anything mystical here either. The point of these articles is to get you moving to DO IT. Whatever your health/weight situation may be, there IS hope! 10 Ways to Detoxify Your Body. Feeling sluggish or out of sync?

10 Ways to Detoxify Your Body

Struggling with skin problems, aches and pains, or digestive problems? Can't seem to lose weight? It might be time for a body detox. Practiced for centuries by cultures around the world — including ayurvedic and Chinese medicine systems — detoxification is about resting, cleaning and nourishing the body from the inside out. By removing and eliminating toxins, then feeding your body with healthy nutrients, detoxifying can help protect you from disease and renew your ability to maintain optimum health. How does detoxification work? Basically, detoxification means cleaning the blood. A detox program can help the body's natural cleansing process by: 1. "Detoxification works because it addresses the needs of individual cells, the smallest units of human life," says Peter Bennett, N.D., co-author of 7-Day Detox Miracle with Stephen Barrie, N.D., and Sara Faye.

How do you know if you need to detoxify? How do you start a detox? First, lighten up your toxin load. 1. The RawReform 5-Day Juice Plan for Detox and Weight Loss. If you’re looking for a simple, practical way to spring-clean your system, how about trying a 5-day juice FEAST?

The RawReform 5-Day Juice Plan for Detox and Weight Loss

Taking a break from solid foods and instead fueling your body on only fresh, raw, nutrient-rich juices is a great way to cleanse. The body gets a rest from digesting and can use that energy instead to clear out old accumulated waste. You will also be getting a break from any refined sugars, processed starches, animal products, other cooked foods or stimulants you may normally ingest.

This makes a HUGE difference for most people. You’ll lose weight, feel lighter and cleaner and best of all, can use this break as a spring-board into a healthier lifestyle afterwards. Fasting vs. Juice fasting has a very long history as a detox method, but can seem intimidating and inaccessible to many, who may fear feeling ‘deprived’. Designed to suit Your Lifestyle This 5-day plan is designed for those with busy schedules, who work away from home during the days.