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Cleanses vs. Detox Diets and How They Can Help Your Body. This article was contributed by Debbie M., MS, RD Can food act as more than just nourishment?

Cleanses vs. Detox Diets and How They Can Help Your Body

Absolutely! But it may be unclear as to exactly how it does this. The terms “detoxify” and “cleanse” have been used interchangeably in regards to nutrition. Some diet plans are geared toward intestinal cleansing, while some supplements are intended to remove the body’s impurities. There is potential for our bodies to respond to any compound we come into contact with, whether ingested or not (such as a surface toxin or inhaled germ). The intended goal of detoxification is to flush out the body’s impurities. Most cleansing programs follow similar rules: don’t eat processed food, avoid sugar, abstain from alcohol, omit added salt, drink water, sleep well and consume antioxidant & fiber rich foods.

Colon cleanses are promoted to excrete ‘built up’ waste products. Now for products – do you really need an enema, herbal laxative, saltwater solution or concoction? Like this: Like Loading... Anti-Aging Blueberry Detox Smoothie. This smoothie is so high in antioxidants that it might just become your favorite summer health and beauty tonic.

Anti-Aging Blueberry Detox Smoothie

It's loaded with beets, berries, and watermelon. What you might not know about beets is that they're chock full of betaine, which helps protect your cells from environmental stress (this is part of the anti-aging), the red color is a sign of the powerful phytonutrients, (proven to fight cancer), and they purify the blood (good for detoxing). Additionally, beets boost your immune system (super health). So between berries, watermelon and beets you have a superfood smoothie that also tastes AMAZING without being too sweet. It's a good drink to help you fight off sugar cravings. Anti-Aging Blueberry Detox Smoothie Serves 2 1 cup wild frozen blueberries, or just frozen blueberries 1 cup cubed red beets 1 cup cubed watermelon 1 cup coconut water 1 teaspoon chia seeds 1 handful of basil leaves (or mint) Put everything in a blender.

Add a leaf of either basil or mint for looks. How to Make Herbal Infusions to Cleanse Your Body - Healthy and Natural World. The herbal infusions in this article help to cleanse your body and stimulate its organs to detox and get rid of various toxins, such as pollutants, fat that builds up in the tissues, excess minerals and heavy metals.

How to Make Herbal Infusions to Cleanse Your Body - Healthy and Natural World

The liver contributes to toxic and metabolic waste removal, the colon is part of the digestive system which removes toxins threw bowl movements and the kidneys regularly pump urine out of the body and get rid of metabolic waste. You can find helpful information in my e-book The Detox Guide that teaches you about the concept of detox and how to use detox to energize and cleanse your body. This guide provides the best information and safe ways to detox, including recipe ideas.

The whole process helps to increase stamina and energy and improves the digestive process. Colon Cleansing Infusion (1 liter) This infusion contains herbs that are mildly laxative and bitter in order to stimulate the digestive system and to encourage bowl movements. Chop the fresh herbs. The Ultimate Liver Cleansing Super Detox Smoothie. The liver is one of the most vital organs in our body – it is the first line of defense against toxins and acts like a filter by preventing toxic substances contained in foods from passing into your blood stream.

The Ultimate Liver Cleansing Super Detox Smoothie

Keeping your liver in a top working condition is essential for maintaining a great health, and my liver detox smoothie can help you to cleanse your liver. Here are a few more facts about your liver: In addition to removal of toxins, the liver is also responsible for protein synthesis, helping to regulate hormone activity, and production of biochemicals necessary for digestion.Everything we eat must be processed by the liver before it can be distributed throughout the body.The liver is necessary for survival and currently there is no way to compensate for the absence of liver function in the long term.

So as you can see, due to its wide range of functions, the health of our body is directly related to the liver functioning at its peak. Super Liver Detox Smoothie Recipe Directions: The Detox Guide. Discover the most Effective Natural methods to neutralize harmful toxins from your body to enhance your vitality and increase your energy levels Dear Friend, From: Healthy And Natural World Do you spend your life feeling sluggish and overtired?

The Detox Guide

Do You Feel Exhausted and unhealthy? Are You Uncomfortably overweight? Now with this informative Detox Guide you can radically change the way you feel. We live in a toxic world. Our food is nutrient deficient and our water supply dangerously contaminated. People today are exposed to chemicals in far greater concentrations than were previous generations. Millions are dying from diseases that were virtually unknown in the past. Experts tell us that by the time we reach middle age, each one of us will have already been affected by either cancer, cardiovascular disease, or some other serious degenerative condition. Conventional medicine has no sure cure. This book tells you exactly how to get what you want. Plus... That's right! Sincerely, P.S.