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Obamacare. GMOs plus Obamacare: Your ticket to slavery by Jon Rappoport November 20, 2012 At this late date, there are still people who don’t see the consequences of Obamacare. They cling to the notion that it’s simply a wonderful system that will allow more people to get vital medical care. That’s all they see or want to see. They agree that medical treatment has an alarming toxic track record. Why are these people blind? Also, they don’t want to “be negative.” Some day, I’m sure, being negative will get you a public decapitation in the town square. Okay. The recent study which revealed that rats fed with GMOs developed cancer is just one example of the health hazards of GMO food. The argument advanced by the Monsanto forces and their allies is: “people who eat GMO food aren’t dropping like flies, so we’re all okay.” This is a case made by con artists for idiots.

GMO crops were originally introduced with no human safety studies. That’s what health insurance does. “Oh no? See: Dr. Fruit Infused Waters | Infused Water Recipes for Weight Loss. Alimentarnos con conciencia: dieta detox. La dieta de desintoxicación no tiene nada que ver nada con el régimen de adelgazamiento. Esto debe quedar muy claro. Hace un mes, y por recomendación de mi quiropráctico a quien sigo por sus consejos alimenticios y no por sus ajustes de espalda, decidí emprender una dieta desintoxicante por 15 días. Lácteos y azúcar fue lo primero que suspendí. A esto le siguió la carne y allí quedé como en un limbo desamparada como un perrito sin amo, en mi caso como un sabueso sin comida. ¡Qué horror! Me dije “voy a volverme tan flaca y escurrida que nadie me va a reconocer”. Pues nada de eso ocurrió. Durante mi dieta de desintoxicación, la leche de vaca fue sustituida por leche de almendras, y los cereales integrales, almendras y semillas de girasol calmaron mi ansiedad por la falta de quesos.

El café lo sustituyo el té verde y la carne fue reemplazada por pescado, pollo y pavo. Mi piel efectivamente se sintió mas tersa y yo más viva y recuperada. Lemon and Berry Medley Ice Cubes - Lose Weight By Eating. I wanted to add a recipe that most readers could make without having to make a trip to the store. Have your children help out with these and let them create their own combinations. Kids will chug the water to get to the fruit and, before you know it, they’ll be drinking more water consistently.

You just have to distract them with a berry treat. Makes 30 ice cubes. Ingredients: 4 cups water2 lemons2 cups of frozen berry medley (strawberry, raspberry, blackberry and blueberry or your choice)2 silicone ice cube trays Get started: Use a vegetable peeler to remove the rind of one lemon. Slice the other lemon thinly into rings, then into 8 triangles like when cutting a pie. Add berries and lemon triangles to the ice cube trays. Remove the tray from the freezer and fill to the top with water. Store in the freezer until you are ready to use. Find more Fruit Infused Water Recipes.

Tendance notable leau infuse. Par: Notable FR Paru dans: YP Life - || April 22, 2014, 10:11 am Il n’y a pas de doute: pour nous jeunes professionnels (JPs) consciencieux de notre santé, la tendance actuelle de manger des aliments sains et naturels n’est pas qu’une mode passagère, mais évolue plutôt vers un mode de vie. En conséquence, le sucre raffiné et les édulcorants artificiels ne sont que quelques-uns de nos ennemis alimentaires alors que les antioxydants et aliments à base de plantes sont nos nouveaux meilleurs amis. Il n’est donc plus surprenant d’apercevoir au quotidien de magnifiques bouteilles, jolis pichets et pots massons hipster (bien sûr) remplis de fruits frais, d’herbes et d’eau.

Les JPs adorent l’eau naturellement infusée en guise d’alternative aux jus sucrés et aux sodas chimiques. Choisir l’infusion. Nos combinaisons d’essences préférées. Voici notre top 10 : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Trucs et astuces. Photos: courtoisie de Not Your Standard. Naturally Flavored Water. Say goodbye to soda, juice, and bottled water with these refreshing, healthy flavors! I'm keeping 2-3 flavors of this "spa water" in my fridge now, so I have a variety to motivate me to drink more water. I was a hardcore Dr. Pepper girl for years. Then I gave up regular soda because of the high sugar content and switched to diet soda.

Next we were warned to avoid the chemicals in diet soda; and more recently studies have indicated that diet soda actually causes rather than prevents weight gain (source). Geez. Lots of us moved on to bottled water, but that has landfill and environmental consequences and can be less healthy than regular tap water (source). Simply water At the end of the day, regular old tap water--or at least a filtered version of it--seems to be the way to go. Aside from my morning coffee, I honestly forget to drink fluids throughout the day. Subtle flavor without sweetnessThese aren't sweet waters, so they'll be disappointing if that's what you're expecting. 1. 2. 3.