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Chrétientés et islam (VIe-XIIIe siècles), des mondes en contact

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Carte des routes du commerce médiéval (en anglais)/ A Fascinating Map of Medieval Trade Routes. Since their invention, automobiles have been a driving force of the global economy.

Carte des routes du commerce médiéval (en anglais)/ A Fascinating Map of Medieval Trade Routes

Used by millions of people to get to work, transport goods, and travel, the modern automobile has become ubiquitous in our daily lives. So much so, that a whopping 92 million cars were produced in just 2019. To help us understand the might of the auto industry, this infographic from Parts Geek breaks down the earnings of 19 major car companies by an interesting metric—revenue per second.

Byzance et l’Europe Carolingienne

L'Islam et le monde musulman. Le monde méditerranéen vers 800 (Fin du VIIIè siècle) Les Croisades.