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Node.js. Node.JS. Node JS. ThreeNodes.js: A Visual WebGL Scene Editor. ThreeNodes.js is a visual dataflow based WebGL editor that uses drag and drop to create a scene.

ThreeNodes.js: A Visual WebGL Scene Editor

It is similar to vvvv, which is described as “a graphical programming environment for easy prototyping and development.” It allows the user to drag and drop units known as “patches” onto a working area and connect them together to form an output scene which is rendered in real time using WebGL. This makes it easy to rapidly build something without writing a single line of code.

This is how easy it is to get started: First, create a webglrenderer node. As you can see from the above screenshot, very complex scenes are possible quite easily as well. It is great to see tooling for these web technologies coming along - all those abandoned Flash developers will be looking for it! Running node.js on Windows with VirtualBox and Ubuntu. Introduction Node.js is an event-driven I/O framework for building extremely fast and scalable network applications. It's designed to run on Unix-like platforms, and although it's possible to run node.js on Windows , it's not yet fully supported. There's a Windows port of node.js in the pipeline, but in the meantime if you're a Windows user who wants to check out the node.js hype, this article shows you how to run node.js inside your own Linux virtual machine. For a deeper introduction to node.js, watch this Introduction to NodeJS video or read the The Node Beginner Book . We'll start off by installing and configuring VirtualBox, set up a shared folder between Windows and the VM, install Git, node.js and NPM, then finally write a simple web server.

Install VirtualBox The first step is to download and install VirtualBox , an open source virtualisation application that lets you run Linux inside Windows. Create and a new Linux virtual machine Storage Network Install Ubuntu $ sudo apt-get update. Onedayitwillmake/RealtimeMultiplayerNodeJs. A Node.js Podcast. Node.js Manual. Node.js is a platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for easily building fast, scalable network applications. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices. — The official Node.js website This manual consists of three different sections: The Node.js API Reference documents the core Node.js modules The Node.js Guide contains articles and code samples on coding in Node.js The Javascript Reference contains doucmentation about the Javascript language You can instantaneously copy and run the code samples found here into your Cloud9 IDE account by just clicking a button.

Contributing You can help! Use the [edit] links near the article titles to edit them online into the Cloud9 IDE. Introduction - GPU, a Grid Computing framework based on Gnutella. Next: Architecture Overview Up: GPU, a framework for Previous: Contents Contents Download PDF version of this documentDownload GPUGPU project homepage Distributed Computing is a way to cluster computers, so that they perform a common computation.

Introduction - GPU, a Grid Computing framework based on Gnutella

Clients are specially assigned low priority processes which use only computing power that would be wasted anyway, which can be well in excess of 90%. In fact, modern operating systems are most of the time idle and just wait for user input. (Wikipedia definition [4]). These threads access functionality stored as plugins. Frontends permit users to submit jobs and to visualize their results in an easy way. Chapters 2, 3, 6, 7 and 8 are intended for everyone interested in distributed computing. Express - guide. Getting started With node installed (download), get your first application started by creating a directory somewhere on your machine: $ mkdir hello-world In this same directory you'll be defining the application "package", which are no different than any other node package.

Express - guide

You'll need a package.json file in the directory, with express defined as a dependency. You may use npm info express version to fetch the latest version, it's preferred that you do this instead of "3.x" below to prevent any future surprises.