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Brownies & stuff

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Banana Spring Roll. As you know, I'm not a big dessert guy.

Banana Spring Roll

Don't often make them, and don't often eat them. I do like them on occasion though, and this was easily one of the best desserts I have ever had. And crazy quick to make! We made these after the curry from yesterday and they were an all around success. Oh except for the 2 guys that didn't like bananas. We didn't want to fuss with making a chocolate sauce after cooking curry for everyone, so we just used Nutella. Use spring roll wrappers, or rice paper, but do NOT use egg roll wrappers. Normally you put rice paper into water before using. Apple Rose Tarts. October 2, 2012 Say that you are having a party.

Apple Rose Tarts

Say, a large party, one with lots of guests. The kinds of guests you want to impress, but are svelte health-conscious types, so you don’t want to go overboard with dessert and serve a seven-layer chocolate cake or something. Birthday recipes. Two-Bite Strawberry Hand Pies. This post comes to you from damply beautiful Seattle, Washington!

Two-Bite Strawberry Hand Pies

Yes, kids, I am in Seattle for BlogHer Food 2012 and not just as an attendee, but I am speaking! I am nervous, but terribly excited, and ready to get the party started! The last month has been a CRAZY travel month for me. First, I went to Camp Blogaway, then I spent 6 days in Tokyo (expect a few Japanese themed recipes in the future – the place is life changing!) The magnificent High Hats - Baking Fool. Bakewell Tart – Daring Bakers June Challenge. When the end of the month draws near it means the time has come for another Daring Bakers challenge.

Bakewell Tart – Daring Bakers June Challenge

The June Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Jasmine of Confessions of a Cardamom Addict and Annemarie of Ambrosia and Nectar. They chose a Traditional (UK) Bakewell Tart… er… pudding that was inspired by a rich baking history dating back to the 1800’s in England. DARING BAKERS :GÂTEAU MOUSSE À LA VANILLE. Le défi Daring Bakers du mois de Janvier 2011, nous est proposé par Astheroshe du blogue, accro.


Le défi consistait de faire un biscuit Joconde décoré, servant de base pour réaliser un entremet au parfum de notre choix. Après avoir longtemps hésité, je me suis finalement décidée pour quelque chose de simple et léger. Le biscuit décor a été fait au cacao et comme la quantité de pâte était importante, je m'en suis servie de base pour le fond de mes petits gâteaux. Daring Bakers Challenge, Nanaimo Bars. I know I’m very late in posting up the result of my DBC for this month, however, I have a legitimate reason for this. With the majority of the month spent overseas, I arrived back home 2 days before the posting date was due. Determined not to miss out on another challenge, I finally did the Nanaimo bars last weekend. Prior to this month’s DBC, I never ever heard of Nanaimo bars, so was very keen on giving it a go. The January 2010 Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Lauren of Celiac Teen. Lauren chose Gluten-Free Graham Wafers and Nanaimo Bars as the challenge for the month.

Macarons (moka & framboises-chocolat) How To Make Perfect Brownies. I’ve tried lots of brownie recipes: Boxes, scratch, frosted, plain, nuts, chips, fudge … Each of them has something to like, but depending on my mood I might want a change of pace.

How To Make Perfect Brownies

Not any more. My wife found this recipe, and it’s perfect. I’m done looking. This is the brownie recipe that I’ll use from now on. Ingredients 1½ cups sugar ¾ cup flour ¾ cup cocoa powder (see note below) 3 eggs ¾ cup butter, melted ½ teaspoon salt (if using unsalted butter) ¾ cup semi-sweet chocolate chips (see note below) Directions A NOTE ON CHOCOLATE: You’ll notice the list of ingredients is very short. The assembly is about as easy as you can get. Do this by hand, until the dry ingredients are just incorporated into the wet, and stop.

Stir in the chocolate chips. Line a 9×13 baking dish with parchment. Pour the batter and spread it out. Bake at 325° for 20-30 minutes. Very carefully lift the parchment out of the baking dish. Peel the edges and let cool for a few minutes before slicing. Better-Than-Crack-Brownies. Slutty Brownies. Now I don’t want to over sell this, so I’m going to be conservative and simply say, that these are… The Best Brownies In The WORLD.

Slutty Brownies

I know, big statement. They’re called Slutty Brownies because they’re oh so easy, and more than a little bit filthy. They’re best served warm from the oven, with good quality vanilla ice cream (devastatingly I didn’t have any in the freezer this time, so I guess I’ll just have to make them again). They take about 45mins to make, including baking time. The ultimate comfort food, whipped up within the hour. You will need… 1 Box of cookie mix, 1 Box of brownie mix, 2 Eggs, 2 Packs of Oreos (double stuffed ones are even better if you can find them) Some oil & your favourite ice-cream (optional)