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Fan-Art: From Literature to Videogames. Ever wonder what it would be like if Pokemon's Professor Oak published an academic journal of his own?

Fan-Art: From Literature to Videogames

Absolutely Amazing Video Game Remake Wallpapers, Take Two. The GAF Collection, Collected. GamOvr - Pix for game geeks. 101 Nintendo T-Shirts For The Ultimate Nintendo Gamer. To say that the Nintendo Entertainment System was a part of my childhood is quite an understatement. The original NES was in fact a big part of my childhood. I recall countless hours playing Super Mario Bros., Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!! , Rad Racer, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, just to name a few of my favorite titles. I remember leaving the NES on overnight just so that I could save my place in in a particular game and continue playing the next day. I remember vigorously blowing into cartridges to kick start them back to life.

This list is built on that childhood love that I had for Nintendo. I’d love to hear which one of these are your favorites and whether or not you own any of these tees! If you enjoyed this post then please, please, please, tell your friends about it! 1. 2. 3. 8-Bit Blues by Jacques Maes (Threadless), $18. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Animal Crossing Story. Boone Deathclaw. Keep Calm and Fus Ro Dah. The New Kid. Robot Unicorn Attack. Dorklassic: 5 Videogame Status Updates. Bloodshot. Cheat Codes I Wish Existed. Meowvel vs. Catcom. Funny random pictures. When Life Give You Lemons, Burn Down Life’s House. Cave Johnson made a lot of fuss about combustible lemons in Portal 2, and it seems that one inventive gamer took his sage advice to heart.

When Life Give You Lemons, Burn Down Life’s House

You might remember Chris Myles, a.k.a. Ammnra, as the crafty gamer who made these real life Portal 2 personality cores. Not one to rest on his laurels, Ammnra is at it again, this time making Aperture Science-themed lemon grenades. Ammnra just posted pictures of the invention on his Flickr account along with detail about how the creations were made, in case someone wants to follow in his footsteps.

“Tops from some old airsoft bb loaders, random springs to make the spoons fly off when you pull the pins, some paper plus modge podge labels, and a hacked greeting card so when the spoon comes off Cave does his rant and then a big BOOOM.” [Source: Reddit] Gotta Catch ‘em All. GamOvr - Pix for game geeks. Pokemon Date. 'Letters to an Absent Father' Explores the Softer Side of the Pokemon Journey [Comic. Despite the mountain of licensed manga released over the course of Pokémon’s ongoing 15 year multimedia reign, there are a few questions stemming from US localized anime protagonist Ash Ketchum’s life that continue to haunt fans: Where’s his dad?

'Letters to an Absent Father' Explores the Softer Side of the Pokemon Journey [Comic

Those who grew up following Ash and Pikachu’s exploits have their own theories on his father’s identity ranging from a generic absentee pokémon trainer to someone more sinister, but the bottom line is fans will probably never know the real story. Aiming to fill this gaping plot hole, artist Maré Odomo created Letters to an Absent Father, a Game Boy-sized minicomic that frames Ash’s experiences through touching and presumably unanswered correspondence with the faceless Mr. Ketchum.The series of strips follows Ash’s adventures from aspiring novice to certified champion, reflecting the highs and lows associated with becoming “the very best” with the young trainer’s father issues. Our thanks to Odomo for allowing us to post the strips in full. Pokemon Field Guide by CasteelArt on deviantART.

Dratini. Corpse Run Comics - Corpse Run 091: Aint he a stinker? Weird genesis for today’s strip.

Corpse Run Comics - Corpse Run 091: Aint he a stinker?

Last week, Katie of Awkward Zombie produced this comic, which got me thinking about fires. Not in an arsonist kind of way, but in a firefighty manner. I was on youtube listening to game tunes when suddenly the Song of Storms came up: concept born! Finally, my insomniac self was lying in bed, unsuccessfully attempting to sleep, when WHAM! I sit up and think, “What if Link uses the Song of Storms to rain on Ganondorf’s parade!!?? And that, my friends, is hows these strips are born. Don’t know what you got ’til it’s gone.

Top 45 Unusual Stylish Super Mario Brothers Artworks. Super Mario Brothers is a video game developed by Nintendo in late 1985.

Top 45 Unusual Stylish Super Mario Brothers Artworks

In Super Mario Brothers, there are two main characters, Mario and his younger brother, Luigi. To save Princess Toadstool, they conquers the worlds of the Mushroom Kingdom by going to the castle in each to defeat a minion of King Koopa. We are sure some of us are big fan of Super Mario Brothers. A Gallery of Overly Enthusiastic Princess Peach Fan Art. I realize that she’s the original first lady of gaming, but wow, do people ever love Princess Peach.

A Gallery of Overly Enthusiastic Princess Peach Fan Art

Like, to a very strange degree. In searching for Princess Peach fan art, I found a lot more than I bargained for, and I can’t even publish most of what I ended up finding. But amidst all the lesbian Peach/Zelda drawings, I found some worth sharing. Mariokart-fuckthepolice.gif (356×268) The Mushroom Kingdom Gets Anime’d. The 1990 World of Nintendo Catalogue.