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Humanity has wiped out 60% of animal populations since 1970, report finds. Charles C. Mann: Living in the Homogenocene: The First 500 Years. Ever since Columbus, it’s an alien invasive world.

Charles C. Mann: Living in the Homogenocene: The First 500 Years

Everybody’s germs, insects, vegetables, staple foods, rats, domestic animals, and even wildlife went everywhere, changing everything. That convulsion is still in progress. Charles C. Is the way we think about overpopulation racist? Here's Who's Getting Paid to Destroy the Endangered Species Act. By Rebecca Bowe A small yet vocal group of congressmen are gearing up this summer to dismantle the Endangered Species Act (ESA).

Here's Who's Getting Paid to Destroy the Endangered Species Act

Campaign finance records of these lawmakers reveal that they have all taken significant money from extractive industries frustrated by the law's protection of critical habitat for endangered species. When Will Climate Change Make the Earth Too Hot For Humans? To read an annotated version of this article, complete with interviews with scientists and links to further reading, click here.

When Will Climate Change Make the Earth Too Hot For Humans?

Peering beyond scientific reticence. “Vegans and vegetarians think they don’t kill animals but they do” – PlayGround+ Ted Turner: In His Own Words – Mountain Outlaw. Com.twitter. Photo Updated on Dec. 2, 2016 Since the spring, thousands of people have gathered near Cannon Ball, N.D., to protest the construction of a an pipeline near the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation.


The protests have occasionally resulted in violent clashes with law enforcement. Judge Throws Out Charges Against Journalist Who Covered Dakota Access Pipeline. Amy Goodman Michael Nigro/ZUMA A North Dakota judge on Monday dismissed the criminal charges that had been filed against a journalist over her reporting on a controversial oil pipeline project.

Judge Throws Out Charges Against Journalist Who Covered Dakota Access Pipeline

Amy Goodman, host and executive producer of Democracy Now, was facing riot charges related to a report she filed earlier this month from a protest against the Dakota Access Pipeline. Climate Change, Explained in One Simple Comic. The Largest Native American Protest In HISTORY Is Happening Right Now And YOU Need To Know About It! Right now the largest Native American PROTECT (not PROTEST) in history is happening in the Dakota’s.

The Largest Native American Protest In HISTORY Is Happening Right Now And YOU Need To Know About It!

What’s going on? Well, the US Government is taking control of Native American lands and forcing them to allow oil developers to drill on their land and move oil via pipelines. Picher, Oklahoma. A view looking north along Connell Ave, which was the main business district, 2007.

Picher, Oklahoma

The Picher Water Tower stands in the background. The mining waste was located very near neighborhoods in the town, 2008 Picher is a ghost town and former city in Ottawa County, Oklahoma, United States. This was a major national center of lead and zinc mining at the heart of the Tri-State Mining District. Cowspiracy: stampeding in the wrong direction. DN! Guests David Sirota senior editor for investigations at the International Business Times.


This is viewer supported news Donate Hillary Clinton has announced former Interior Secretary Ken Salazar as the head of her transition team. This is a rush transcript. JUAN GONZÁLEZ: Hillary Clinton has announced former Interior Secretary Ken Salazar as the head of her transition team. AMY GOODMAN: In addition to Ken Salazar, other leaders of the transition team include former Obama National Security Adviser Tom Donilon, Center for American Progress head Neera Tanden, former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm and Maggie Williams, the director of Harvard’s Institute of Politics. Arizona’s Rosemont Mine Threatens Only U.S. Jaguar. What happens when a Canadian mining company wants to dig a huge open-pit copper mine on U.S. public land, right where the only jaguar in the U.S. lives?

Arizona’s Rosemont Mine Threatens Only U.S. Jaguar

The government agency charged with protecting the animal gives it the thumbs up. Wait – what? That’s right. Hudbay Minerals’ Rosemont mine (slated for the scenic Santa Rita Mountains in Arizona’s biologically rich Mountain Empire) is a step closer to breaking ground, thanks to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). An Uncertain Future for El Jefe and our Hopes for U.S. Fracking’s Total Environmental Impact Is Staggering, Report Finds — ThinkProgress. Fracking’s Total Environmental Impact Is Staggering, Report Finds The body of evidence is growing that fracking is not only bad for the global climate, it is also dangerous for local communities.

Fracking’s Total Environmental Impact Is Staggering, Report Finds — ThinkProgress

And affected communities are growing in number. A new report, released Thursday, details the sheer amount of water contamination, air pollution, climate impacts, and chemical use in fracking in the United States. Water In The Trees. Connecticut Continues To Suffer Massive Losses of Honeybees. Connecticut beekeepers reported losing nearly half of their honeybees during the summer and winter of 2015-16, according to a new report, a die-off rate even higher than the national average of 44 percent. EDITORIAL: Transfer more federal land into local hands. The problems with the state movement to take federal land. New report connects human health to biodiversity protection. During February, the 14th World Congress on Public Health in Kolkata, India, revealed a new “ground-breaking” report entitled, Connecting Global Priorities: Biodiversity and Human Health, which demonstrates human health benefits yielded from protecting Earth’s biodiversity.

Island in Scotland to be First 100% Self-Sustaining Place on Earth. Virescent mountains, verdant valleys, and clean energy. AWI PopulationandConsumption 10242014 2. Ted Turner, the Lost Tycoon. Vanishing Wildlife.