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The Future of Design Is More Than Making Apple iOS Flat. Photo: Alex Washburn / Wired.

The Future of Design Is More Than Making Apple iOS Flat

中文rss源精选. Spaces Etc. Exhibition by Ron Gilad. The Spaces Etc. / An exercise in utility exhibition by Ron Gilad is one that really grabbed my attention.

Spaces Etc. Exhibition by Ron Gilad

The simple enameled brass and silver sculptures of items like chairs and cubes and shelves created using lines ask questions about the shapes that define our surroundings. With about 80 pieces in total, this massive body of work can’t be taken lightly. Although just about the entire collection spawns from a cubic form, the line-like cubic pieces are what are most interesting to me. They seem almost like drawings, and from what I understand were actually created based on plans found online. [NHK][纪录片]“嗨 裘德”和自由的故事.x264_在线视频观看_土豆网视频 NHK 故事 - Aurora. Two More HIV Patients Now Virus-Free Thanks To Bone Marrow Transplant - Slashdot - Aurora. Doctor Who/Sherlock Holmes wedding bouquet - Boing Boing - Aurora.

Word as Image. Le graphic designer Ji Lee est un amoureux des mots et des images.

Word as Image

Après une collaboration chez Google, cet artiste né en Corée et basé à Palo Alto s’amuse à utiliser les lettres de certains mots pour imager leur signification. Une idée simple à découvrir dans la suite. Have Online Comment Sections Become Specious? Write Your Name in Elvish in Ten Minutes. Women Are Happier in Relationships When Their Partner Knows They're Miserable. Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest: 50 Finalists. Edits Quarterly × Ian Coyle. The rollercoaster of compassionate death. The Euthanasia Coaster is designed to thrill the hell out of its passengers just before it kills them.

The rollercoaster of compassionate death

Each inversion would have a smaller diameter than the one before in order to inflict 10 g to passengers while the train loses speed. After a sharp right-hand turn the train would enter a straight, where unloading of bodies and loading of passengers could take place. The Euthanasia Coaster would kill its passengers through prolonged cerebral hypoxia, or insufficient supply of oxygen to the brain. The ride's seven inversions would inflict 10 g on its passengers for 60 seconds -- causing g-force related symptoms starting with gray out through tunnel vision to black out and eventually g-LOC, g-force induced loss of consciousness. Depending on the tolerance of an individual passenger to g-forces, the first or second inversion would cause cerebral anoxia, rendering the passengers brain dead.

The Tale Of A Wolfram Research Co-founder And His Beloved “Periodic Table Table” [Video] Out of the annals of history comes this doozy.

The Tale Of A Wolfram Research Co-founder And His Beloved “Periodic Table Table” [Video]

A man by the name of Theodore Gray is a co-founder of Wolfram Research, best known as the creator of Wolfram Alpha, the two-year-old computational answer engine, which Siri uses for 25 percent of her mobile searches. Along with Stephen Wolfram, Gray helped develop Mathematica, the computational software used in technical computing that makes Wolfram Alpha, among other things, tick. He is an author, polymath, and, it seems, an amateur Chemist — or should I say, element collector. Yes, as the story goes, about 10 years ago, he built and created his own wooden “periodic table table” (presumably on company time), complete with compartments underneath in which Gray collects samples of the periodic table’s elements. Mainland Chinese Flock to Hong Kong to Have Babies. Sim Chi Yin for The New York Times Despite official quotas, nearly 4 in 10 births in Hong Kong last year were to mainland parents.

Mainland Chinese Flock to Hong Kong to Have Babies

The New York Times If tradition holds, the Chinese birth rate will spike this year. Spectacular Images of Northern Lights Captured from Space. Objets en lettres découpées de Pablo Lehmann. Kid In · Say Hello to Kid-In. Design Store(y): David Stark’s Wood Shop at Haus Interior. Editor’s Note: After asking you what you were most interested in seeing more of on Design Milk, we decided to launch a brand new regular column called Design Store(y), which will spotlight brick-and-mortar retail shops from around the world.

Design Store(y): David Stark’s Wood Shop at Haus Interior

We’ll get an intimate look at the products on the shelves and the store-y (ha! Get it?) Behind them, direct from the store owners and managers themselves. Perhaps you’ll get the chance to visit one of the featured stores yourself one day, but if not, at least you can take our virtual tour. 2012 World Press Photo Contest Winners. Solve For X - Aurora. Judge overturns California's ban on same-sex marriage.

NEW: Supporters of ruling march and celebrate in San Francisco and Los Angeles The decision is a major victory for proponents of same-sex marriageThe case will likely go next to the 9th U.S.

Judge overturns California's ban on same-sex marriage

Circuit Court of AppealsDefendants and plaintiffs have until Friday to submit responses to a temporary stay. Origami. Lies, Damned Lies, and Politics. Recent facts have not been kind to the political right.

Lies, Damned Lies, and Politics

A better-than-expected jobs report; a renewed focus on inequality, driven both by CBO research and by the gift of Mitt Romney’s candidacy. What to do? The answer is to throw a bunch of bogus numbers at the issues, in the hope that something sticks, or at least that the discussion becomes confused. Tony Judt Reviews His Life’s Journey - - Aurora. Kazakhstan Subway. Découverte d’Almaty au Kazakhstan qui a enfin ouvert son impressionnant métro le 1er décembre dernier, après 23 ans de construction.

Kazakhstan Subway

Visuellement intéressante, cette architecture est longue de 8,5 km et est utilisée par 30 000 personnes chaque jour. It’s Not Me, It’s You - How to End a Friendship. Jeremy Kool. Avec son projet « The Paper Fox », Jeremy Kool parvient à montrer tout son talent pour la composition d’animaux en origami et rendus 3D. De qualité, et embellies par des photographies réussies, les créations du graphiste australien sont à découvrir dans la suite. Restructure Series. Coup de coeur pour Noémie Goudal, une artiste française vivant à Londres. En installant des compositions de papiers juxtaposés dans un paysage, cette dernière arrive à créer une vraie illusion photographique autour de décors mélancoliques et visuellement très forts.

Surfing City. Focus sur l’excellent photographe français dont nous avions déjà pu parler Romain Laurent, qui nous propose sa nouvelle série de clichés « Surfing City ». Comparant la ville à l’océan et mettant en scène des surfeurs en son sein, la série est à découvrir dans la suite de l’article. Changes in medicine should prompt new limits on abortion. Two abortion doctors face charges stemming from an August 2010 incident and fetuses found at an Elkton, Maryland, clinic. Mark Osler: 39 years after Roe v. Wade, time limits on abortion should be rethoughtSome states have no statutory time limit; others allow abortion up to the end of second trimesterOsler says medical technology makes some fetuses viable in second trimester Editor's note: Mark Osler, a professor of law at the University of St. Thomas Law School in Minnesota, is a former federal prosecutor and the author of "Jesus on Death Row," a book about capital punishment.

Video: how to make cat ears. How to pronounce things hilariously. Background Artworks. L’artiste péruvienne Cecilia Paredes créent des performances photographiques proches de celles du créatif Liu Bolin. En se camouflant avec de la peinture, celle-ci parvient à disparaitre du cliché pour se cliché dans son décor. Plus de visuels dans la suite. SOPA. Doodle 4 Google – Doodle 4 Google. The three deadliest words in the world: "it's a girl" Global No Pants Subway Ride 2012: gallery of photos larger than you might actually wish to view. US Research Open Access In Peril.

Linguists name 'occupy' as 2011's word of the year. "Occupy" is 2011's word of the year, winning a runoff vote by a whopping majority. The word occupy "took on another life" in 2011, American Dialect Society member saysMembers of the society voted at the organization's annual conference"Kardash" -- in reference to Kim Kardashian's short marriage -- deemed most creative (CNN) -- The linguists have spoken and they have decided -- "Occupy" is 2011's word of the year. Members of the American Dialect Society came out in record numbers to vote Friday night at the organization's annual conference, held this year in Portland, Oregon. 2012: Marking the New Year. NASA goes open source with code portal for agency projects.

What will happen when human gets crazy

11 Who Died in 2011 (And Were Not Named Steve) How the Hashtag Is Ruining the English Language.