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Inventions illusions

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Thaumatrope. August 28, 1955 Fourteen-year-old African-American Emmett Till is brutally murdered after reportedly flirting with a white woman while visiting relatives in Mississippi.


For the first time, both black and white reporters cover the trial epitomizing "one of the most shocking and enduring stories of the twentieth century. " The white defendants, Roy Bryant and J.W. Milam, are acquitted by an all-white jury in only 67 minutes; later they describe in full detail to Look magazine (which paid them $4,000) how they killed Till.

His mother insists on an open casket funeral, and the powerful image of his mutilated body sparks a strong reaction across the country and the world. December 1, 1955 The arrest of Rosa Parks, a 42-year-old African-American seamstress and civil rights activist who refused to give up her bus seat to a white passenger, sets off a long anticipated bus boycott by residents of Montgomery, Ala. Bird Thaumatrope. I’ve wanted to try making a thaumatrope spinner for awhile, and when I recently saw these on the Made in Me blog, I had to give it a try.

Bird Thaumatrope

I just finished a bird painting for a commission, so I used it for the design. When spinning, it almost looks like the bird is flapping its wings. The kids were really excited to see the illusion, and the act of spinning it was just as exciting. If you want to try it out, I made two templates. One like in the photos, and one to color in. Click on the templates below, then print. Phénakistiscopes à imprimer. Defidefous#9 : phenakistiscopes du 21 septembre au 04 novembre 2006 Pour ce neuvième défidéfous, l'association Fous d'anim avait envie de revenir aux sources du dessin animé avec un petit exercice au nom imprononçable, le Phénakistiscope, un des premiers jeu optique apparu en 1832, inventé par le savant belge Joseph Plateau*.

phénakistiscopes à imprimer

Le but était simple ; réaliser un phénakistiscope en 12 ou 16 images selon un modèle téléchargeable. Participation record pour cette édition puisqu'on a reçu pas moins de 28 phenakistiscopes ! Et tous sont maintenant téléchargeables en PDF pour s'amuser devant son miroir... Le jury a eu lieu lors d'un Apéro Animé** le 15 novembre 2006 et était composé de tous les présents et plus tard par les 30 étudiants du DMA cinéma d'animation de l'ESAAT. Cliquez sur chaque image pour visualiser le phénakistiscope et pour avoir accès au lien vers le format A4 à télécharger. Zootrope. A zoetrope is a classic toy which, when spun, delivers the illusion of animation.


The construction is simple and the results are always fun to watch. Zoetropes work by using a cylinder with vertical slits cut along the top edge and a band of sequential drawings/photographs placed inside the cylinder. When the cylinder is spun the viewer looks at the images inside the cylinder through the vertical slots, resulting in each image blurring together in rapid succession creating the illusion of motion. With this easy to make and fun device you can make your own looping animations, regardless of your artistic abilities. The possibilities are endless! Project Estimate Total: less than $1.00 Start with an empty cardboard coffee can. Flip the bottom of the can upside down and mark the centre. Once the centre is determined, use the push pin to puncture a small opening in the centre of the can. Time to plan out the images which will form the animation. Interior circumference: 47.5 cm Almost done. How to Make a Zoetrope.

Clapper Board.

