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Facebook Twitter A Guide to Vegetarian and Vegan Living. Nshima. Nshima (top right corner) with three relishes Name[edit] Nshima, also known as nsima, is the same as ugali (bukari).


Nshima (nsima) is the name of the Swahili meal "Ugali" in many DR Congo, Angola, Zambia, Malawi, and Mozambique languages; among which: History[edit] Maize was introduced to Africa from the Americas between 16th and 17th century. Preparation[edit] The maize flour is first boiled with water into porridge and then skillfully 'paddled', not stirred, to create a thick paste with the addition of more flour. Mealtime[edit] Vegan Cupcakes Recipe. Flaky Vegan Pie Crust Recipe - Easy vegan pie crust with margarine. Kale & Veggie Autumn Soup (Vegan and Fat-Free) – Glow Kitchen. I’m all about warm Autumn and Winter soups that comfort me but don’t weigh me down.

Kale & Veggie Autumn Soup (Vegan and Fat-Free) – Glow Kitchen

Really, vegetables and spices are all you need for taste. This soup is fat-free and without cream, milks, or flours. It combines an assortments of beans, legumes, and grains with vegetables and greens to create balanced and textured result. Feel free to substitute as you like. New York City – Part 3 & Recipe – figgy & sprout. A great trip lingers with you long after you return home.

New York City – Part 3 & Recipe – figgy & sprout

Butternut Tofu Stuffed Shells. Ratatouille. A.k.a. ratatouille, sort of. Untitled. When we were in Napa a few weeks ago, there was one question I asked at every single winery.


It wasn't about the grapes or the wine-making process or the vineyard. Instead, I wanted to know each person's story. I'm a bit nosy curious as it is...I'm usually chomping at the bit to ask a million questions of each new person I encounter. This urge was even stronger at the wineries in California, where I was endlessly wondering how each person got to where they are now.

Easy Vegetable Pasta II. Your Vegan Food Pyramid. So, the Vegan Food Pyramid was designed to act as a "mirror" to the conventional Food Pyramid.

Your Vegan Food Pyramid

It assists those choosing a plant-based diet in selecting the foods they need to create a healthy and well-balanced diet. But do we REALLY need to follow it? Well, yes and no! When most of us first go vegan, we sort of wing it because we usually have ZERO clue about what we're doing. Sound familiar? So when I began to study this diet more closely, and used the Pyramid to guide me, it really helped to clear things up. So the Pyramid points you in the right direction, taking the guesswork out of which foods you should eat in order to get the proper nutrition you need. 101 Vegan Breakfasts. Roasted Vegetable-Stuffed Potatoes. Twice baked potatoes are by far one of my favorite foods.

Roasted Vegetable-Stuffed Potatoes

I honestly think I could eat them every single night for dinner, and never get tired of them. Chubbier, yes. Vegetarian Potstickers (Gyoza) Vegetarian potstickers (aka gyoza) The first rule of potstickers is that you can never make enough potstickers.

Vegetarian Potstickers (Gyoza)

At least in my family, we fight over the last few like seagulls over a spilled bag of kettle corn. If you haven't had them, potstickers are Chinese or Japanese pan-fried dumplings with a savory filling, dipped in a soy, vinegar and sesame oil sauce. Veggie Pot Pie « PDXfoodlove. I decided what I wanted to make for dinner last night at about 11 a.m.

Veggie Pot Pie « PDXfoodlove

I must have been hungry for lunch or just hungry or something. I needed some pot pie. Find the Latest News and Tips on Vegan, Health & Fitness. Vegan Village: Vegan Food and Drink. The pick of the vegan recipe websites from around the world (some of the websites use 'cup' measurements - a cup is approx half a pint).

Vegan Village: Vegan Food and Drink

Vegetarian Recipe Club Viva's collection of vegan recipes, with photos and videos. Parsley Soup (Cherry's Vegan Recipes) Good selection of modern vegan recipes, with photos. Vegan Recipes by Vegan Campaigns. Liv's Power Frittata with Quinoa and Veggies. Sometimes peer pressure can be a good thing.

Liv's Power Frittata with Quinoa and Veggies

Like I mentioned in the last post, Liv secured a green food aversion from an early age, and it wasn't until the last year or so that she has entertained the thought that green veggies might actually taste good.Dancing on her competitive team has her spending time with girls years older than she is. Girls, who as they enter adolescence, tend to work on healthier diets as the teenage years tend bring hordes of "teenager" issues including acne and extra weight. As such, many of these girls have been found snacking on broccoli and hummus, lunching on spinach salads topped with chicken, and filling breakfast omelets with zucchini. Ever the picky eater, Liv made the comment, "Eeeww! You really like spinach? " Ever trying to get her to expand her food repertoire, today's surprise addition was quinoa - once again something she has not cared to try. She nodded as she took another bite, then proceeded to clean her plate.