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Ice cream (cakes)

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Deep dish chocolate peanut butter ice cream cake. Holy mega chocolate-peanut butter-gasms.

deep dish chocolate peanut butter ice cream cake

This is THE Ultimate Epic Healthy Cake (notice the official-looking capitalization there). I set out to make one cake to rule them all, and I think I succeeded. But you should be the judge. Make the recipe and tell me what you think. I would apologize for all the ice cream cakes I've been making lately... but that sentence just wouldn't make any sense: "I am sorry I have been making so many ice cream cake recipes. " The crust of this is made of hemp seeds, flax seeds, cacao and dates; and the filling is a blend of bananas, dates, cashews, coconut oil, and cacao. And you don't need to worry about eating too many nuts (but seriously, nuts are so good for you) in a slice, because 1/8th of the cake gives you your daily intake of every ingredient! So as always, you can indulge in this decadent dessert absolutely guilt-free. In other words: dis cake cray. Blueberry Banana Ice Cream Pie. A raw blueberry pie has been on my to-make list ever since I whipped up my raw key lime pie about two months ago.

Blueberry Banana Ice Cream Pie

But then new ideas kept popping into my head and the pie kept getting pushed to the bottom of the list—shame on me because it’s far better and faster than a lot of the desserts I’v been trying. Once you perfect the crust, which is almost too easy, the number of fillings for a raw pie or ice cream cake is virtually endless. I’d also like to note that a lot of raw dessert recipes call for ingredients like honey, agave syrup, coconut sugar, nutritional yeast, tons of nuts, and even sea or himalayan salt. You will find that my recipes don’t incorporate a lot of these ingredients because my goal is to use the fewest and freshest ingredients available to me. Prep Time: 30 minutes Total Time: Approximately 1 hour Servings: one 7″ pie (2 servings) Directions Crust: 1. 2.

Banana Filling: 1. 2. Blueberry Filling: 1. 2. Banana chocolate caramel ice cream cake. I dreamt about making this cake so I figured I better do it in what we like to call "reality" as well.

banana chocolate caramel ice cream cake

It consists of banana vanilla ice cream, date caramel and avocado chocolate pudding. I decorated it with bananas and a goji berry coulis, but that's optional. I just like adding other colours for contrast. The crust is also optional, it's there to add another texture. I consider food a form of art. The banana ice cream got a bit icy (Boo.) so let this cake thaw for about 20-30 minutes until it gets creamy again. Assemble the cake: spread the ice cream in the bottom of your spring form pan and then spread the caramel over that, mixing it into the ice cream a little with a spatula. Raw, Vegan Blueberry Ginger Ice Cream. I’m really grateful for tonight’s post.

Raw, Vegan Blueberry Ginger Ice Cream

I’m grateful because, as we speak, I’m diving into a bowl of the most wonderful, delicious raw and vegan blueberry ginger ice cream, which I made today without an ice cream maker, in about 10 minutes flat. Vegan Strawberry Ice Cream. I was thinking of having “If you change the ingredients in a recipe, results will vary” tattooed on my forehead, but there wasn’t enough room.

Vegan Strawberry Ice Cream

(Although if my hairline keeps receding at this rapid pace, it may happen sooner than you think.) When I used to teach classes, folks were always wanting to tinker with recipes, especially ice cream, replacing the cream with what-have-you. Or to replace the sugar with something else. I’m not sure why, because I spend an inordinate amount of my life developing and testing recipes to get them just right. Unless I’ve personally tested it, it’s pretty hard to give my nod of approval and tell what will and what won’t work in recipes, especially when it comes to swapping out sweeteners and dairy products since their counterparts behave quite differently than one might think. I started with soy milk, thinking that it had the richest flavor of them all and was the most readily available. Folks often ask why chunks of fruit freeze too hard in ice creams. Strawberry banana cream cake with mint. You can feel GREAT about eating this cake because it's super healthy and has only simple, wholesome ingredients: fruit and nuts.

strawberry banana cream cake with mint

Plus, it makes a cheerful, stunning dessert for any kind of party. Unless you are hosting a black-themed death metal get-together. Then you may want to consider making something else. The pink filling is strawberries and bananas and the creamy outside is a blend of cashews, dates and orange. I suppose you could say this was made in anticipation of the eminent summer, because it IS sunny today. Chocolate & vanilla ice cream sandwiches (suitable for hipsters) I've made ice cream sandwiches before... but that was when I was just starting out with this whole blog thing.

chocolate & vanilla ice cream sandwiches (suitable for hipsters)

I'm so happy with where I am now. Thank you all for your kindness. Anyways - I was deciding what to make last night and ice cream sandwiches popped into my brain (not literally... that would be gross. How would that even work? Okay, never mind.) They turned out exactly as I had hoped. My boyfriend liked them so much that he tried to eat them all but I was able to stop his beastly manner and satisfy his sweet tooth with just one.

The crust is nut-free (if you don't add peanut butter) because I used mostly buckwheat groats - they are rawkin' and seriously nutritious; gluten-free too, which is never a bad thing. Make these for your sweet heart, your friends, family or complete strangers.