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European Citizens' Initiative. Research is an important pillar within The ECI Campaign.

European Citizens' Initiative

All your research findings on the ECI are of interest to us. Please feel free to contact us in case you would like to share your research with us. Below you will find a list of publications directly related to the European Citizens’ Initiative issue. We are aware that the list is not complete and therefore we would be very grateful if you would send us copies of or links to any ECI articles, papers, books etc., which are not included in our database. Berg Carsten, Thomson Janice (eds.), “An ECI That Works! Bouza Luis, Greenwood Just, “The European Citizens’ Initiative: A new sphere of EU politics?”

Kentmen-Cin Cigdem, “Explaining willingness to use the European Citizens’ Initiative: Political cynicism, anti-EU attitudes and voting weight of member states”, Comparative European Politics (2014) 12, 301–318. Schadendorf Sarah, “Verwässerte direkte Demokratie. Bouza García, Luis, “New Rules, New Players? L'initiative citoyenne dépose plainte contre l'accord TTIP. 290 organisations se sont associées dans cette initiative pour manifester contre l'accord de libre-échange entre l'UE, les Etats-Unis et le Canada.

L'initiative citoyenne dépose plainte contre l'accord TTIP

La plainte est dirigée contre la décision de la Commission européenne de ne pas reconnaître la légitimité de l'initiative.

ICE institutionnel

Helpdesk ICE. Sites web des ICE. Initiative Citoyenne Européenne : Les souffrances et espoirs du mouvement pour un revenu de base. Stanislas Jourdan, organisateur en France de l’initiative citoyenne européenne pour un revenu de base inconditionnel qui a récolté 300.000 signatures en Europe revient sur les embûches rencontrées par l’utilisation cet outil de démocratie directe européenne et les solutions envisageable améliorer le sort des organisateurs.

Initiative Citoyenne Européenne : Les souffrances et espoirs du mouvement pour un revenu de base

Pendant des décennies, les éconmistes, sociologues, philosophes, activistes et quelques personnalités politiques ont vanté les mérites du revenu de base inconditionnel, ou allocation universelle : une politique sociale qui consiste à donner distributer à tous les citoyens d’une communauté politique un revenu de la naissance à la mort, sans conditions de travail ni de revenus. En Europe, un mouvement s’est formé depuis quelques années pour pousser cette idée dans la société. Rédiger une proposition d’initiative est compliqué Après une seconde réunion de préparation à Paris en juillet 2012, nous avons finalement soumis notre première ICE à la commission européenne.

Stop TTIP CETA TISA. The App for Citizens' Initiatives. I have been eagerly waiting for this moment - when I can scroll through the official European Citizens' Initiatives from wherever I am rather than navigating through websites of the EU Commission.

The App for Citizens' Initiatives

Now it's there. It's only for Android, it's still beta and it's really basic. You can scroll through the ECI's, share them via facebook and open the corresponding websites or the site where you can sign a particular Initiative. It's a good start and I'm curious what comes next. Link to to the free app "ECI Droid" in Android App-Store Why does it matter to have apps for the EU? Democracy is about the participation of citizens in the governing system. For a fullfilling experience we would also need to get rid of the registration form for every initiative.

THE EUROPEAN CITIZENS' INITIATIVE : Home. The App for Citizens' Initiatives - OneEurope. Q&A on the European Citizens' Initiative. First you will have to submit all your statements of support to the EU Member States concerned for verification of their validity.

Q&A on the European Citizens' Initiative

They will verify them within three months, and if everything is fine, you will get a certificate saying so. After you have received the necessary certificates you can submit your initiative to the Commission. You must also give information on any support and funding received for the initiative. The Commission will publish all this information on its web site. You will then be invited to the Commission to explain in detail the matters raised by your initiative. The Commission will inform you within three months of its legal and political conclusions on your initiative, the actions it intends to take, if any, and its reasons for taking that action or not. #ECI #ICE. Dossier de presse - Conférence ICE. The long journey towards an ECI that works.

Today I participated in a workshop entitled “An ECI that works” in Brussels.

The long journey towards an ECI that works

It brought together ECI organisers, researchers, civil society organisations, and representatives of European institutions. We all encounter the same challenges, the same problems but we can also be proud of ourselves because what we have achieved is remarkable given the circumstances. From the volunteers-only run ECIs we are actually number two (check the number of signatures of all ECIs here). Only Basic Income has more signatures (almost 160,000). The two successful ECIs which participated, Right2Water and One of Us, both had large organisations and very important supporters behind them (such as the labour unions or the pope).

The main issues with the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) as a tool for direct democracy include: These issues must be remedied if the ECI is to become a real tool for citizens. All ECI organisers agreed that for a successful initiative, strong local and national teams are key.