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40 Amazing Uses for Aloe Vera!" Yesterday, I blogged about how you can easily cultivate your own aloe vera plant.

40 Amazing Uses for Aloe Vera!"

Today, I bring you forty fabulous uses from this "plant of immortality," as affectionately dubbed by the Egyptians 6,000 years ago. That's right; the spiky, green gem has a rich history of various cultures and personalities who used the plant's moist middle in a plethora of practical uses. Like Cleopatra who applied the gel to her body as part of her beauty regimen, the ancient Greeks who used it to cure everything from baldness to insomnia to the Native Americans who called aloe vera the "Wand of the Heaven. " It doesn't hurt that aloe vera produces at least six natural antiseptics, which are able to kill mold, bacteria, funguses, and viruses. In fact, the plant is so powerful that researchers and scientists are looking into its potential as an AIDS and cancer-fighter. If you decide to take aloe vera orally, seek out commercial, certified organic juice. 40 Ways To Use Aloe Vera Topical Aloe Uses 1. 2. 3. 4.

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Aloe products & Info

Aloe (Aloe vera): Selected references. Homemade toothpaste. Let's get upfront and personal.

Homemade toothpaste

How about kissing close? Mmmmmm. Let's talk about toothpaste. Most of us have favorite brands of toothpaste that we faithfully purchase repeatedly. I know that I was swayed by the advertisements promising sparkling teeth that would attract love, romance, excitement, and the fame and fortune that only that particular brand of toothpaste could offer. But, why do we bother brushing our teeth to begin with? Reason Number 1 We brush to make our teeth and breath clean and sweet-smelling. Reason Number 2 The second reason we brush is cosmetic: to remove stains from tooth surfaces – to keep tooth surfaces white – pleasing to the eyes. Growing up in a Colgate-only family, I learned to hate the taste of that stuff, so I immediately switched to Crest when I left home. At first it was the taste that caused me to be so fickle about my choices. Natural Homemade Toothpaste & Mouthwash Recipes on a Budget.

Aloe Vera Skincare. Aloe Vera.