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Gender & Discourse. Deborah Tannen New York: Oxford University Press, 1994 203 pp., $19.95 Wesley N.

Gender & Discourse

Shellen Communication Studies University of Montana-Missoula Gender & Discourse is Deborah Tannen's fifteenth book published during a prolific career as Professor of Linguistics at Georgetown University. It is also her fourth book about communication between men and women. In 1990 she published a book for general readers titled You Just Don't Understand: Women and Men in Conversation. What may surprise many readers is that this is not really a book about differences in the ways men and women talk.

Her first two chapters are excellent examples of Deborah Tannen's style and sociolinguistic philosophy. The next essay, "Interpreting Interruption in Conversation," extends the relativity theme in a detailed analysis of the research on interruptions between men and women. Tannen's third essay is a developmental study of gender differences in physical alignment and topic coherence. Base-12. Tumblr. Negativity Can Ruin Relationships. Read: What you lose when you gain a spouse But suppose you’ve managed to survive your courtship without any problems.

Negativity Can Ruin Relationships

(This may take more imagination.) You’ve just graduated from dating to blissful matrimony. Your soul soars, your heart sings, and your brain is awash in oxytocin, dopamine, and other neurochemicals associated with love. You are probably in no mood to participate in a scientific study, but some other newlyweds were persuaded to do so for a long‑term project called PAIR. Some of the people were already ambivalent or hostile toward their partners—and tended to get divorced quickly—but most couples showed lots of mutual affection and went on to celebrate several anniversaries. Some couples, of course, are better off splitting up, but far too many of them sabotage a relationship that could have worked.

Egalitarianism. Egalitarianism is a moral principle.


It is the belief that all people should be equal. This does not amount to an ethical system, though. Egalitarianism. Egalitarianism, within Christianity, is a movement based on the theological view that not only are all people equal before God in their personhood, but there are no gender-based limitations of what functions or roles each can fulfill in the home, the church, and the society.


It is sometimes referred to as biblical equality. Egalitarians understand the Bible as teaching the fundamental equality of women and men of all racial and ethnic groups, all economic classes, and all age groups, based on the teachings and example of Jesus Christ. It should not be confused with secular political, economic, social egalitarianism. Egalitarianism. 1.


Six degrees of separation. Six degrees of separation.

Six degrees of separation

Early conceptions[edit] Shrinking world[edit] Theories on optimal design of cities, city traffic flows, neighborhoods and demographics were in vogue after World War I. These[citation needed] conjectures were expanded in 1929 by Hungarian author Frigyes Karinthy, who published a volume of short stories titled Everything is Different. Forty Portraits in Forty Years. Text by SUSAN MINOT Nicholas Nixon was visiting his wife’s family when, “on a whim,” he said, he asked her and her three sisters if he could take their picture.

Forty Portraits in Forty Years

It was summer 1975, and a black-and-white photograph of four young women — elbows casually attenuated, in summer shirts and pants, standing pale and luminous against a velvety background of trees and lawn — was the result. A year later, at the graduation of one of the sisters, while readying a shot of them, he suggested they line up in the same order. After he saw the image, he asked them if they might do it every year. “They seemed O.K. with it,” he said; thus began a project that has spanned almost his whole career. Family Sovereignty : The Compleat Mother. By Jenny Marie Hatch Sovereign, the buzzword in Internet circles also has applications for the family.

Family Sovereignty : The Compleat Mother

Why? Over the past decades a shift has occurred in the hearts and minds of some parents. So many have adopted home-school, unassisted family birthing, and a complete severance from government programs and money that this trend toward family sovereignty could be called a movement. Why? The definition of sovereignty holds the clues as to why families are adopting practices completely out of the mainstream. What does this mean for the modern husband and wife? Scriptures from Genesis to the Ephesians talk about a man leaving his Father and Mother, and joining with his wife and they two shall be one flesh. A few things you shouldn't say to a childless woman. Not all women can have babies or want to have babies.

A few things you shouldn't say to a childless woman

Photo: Kylie Pickett There are two words for the woman who reached over the table, grabbed my hand and in a consolatory tone announced, ''It's a tragedy you never got around to having children. It's the most wonderful thing a woman can do.'' Those words are ''shut'' and ''up'' (the printable response) or, more charitably, ''think'' and ''first''. Because it doesn't take Freud to work out this statement was patronising, assumptive and just plain insensitive. The would-be Buddhist in me told me these were her issues. Resources for Families — Making Caring Common. - The Washington Post. - The Washington Post.

Online Dating: Journals.