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Inondations Colorado sept 2013

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Notre-Dame-des-Landes : les deux casses têtes environnementaux qui plombent l’aéroport. VENDREDI 23 NOVEMBRE, peu avant 7 heures du matin, près de 500 gendarmes ont lancé une opération d’évacuation de grande ampleur sur le site du projet d’aéroport Notre-Dame-des-Landes.

Notre-Dame-des-Landes : les deux casses têtes environnementaux qui plombent l’aéroport

C’est une nouvelle démonstration de la fermeté dont veut faire preuve le gouvernement de Jean-Marc Ayrault sur ce dossier. « Notre-Dame-des-Landes est un projet d’intérêt général et pas un projet personnel, déclare le Premier ministre dans Paris Match. L’aéroport se fera ». De fait, l’hôte de Matignon est engagé de longue date sur cet « Ayraultport », comme on le surnomme désormais dans la presse. Mais les embûches se multiplient sur le chemin du futur chantier. Manifestation. Le 14 novembre dernier, le Conseil d’État a validé le Schéma directeur d’aménagement et de gestion des eaux (SDAGE) de la région Pays de la Loire.

Préservation. Vinci devra compenser les destructions en réhabilitant deux fois plus d’hectares dans la région proche ! Cliquez sur la carte pour la visualiser. Compensation. Rétention. Deadly 1,000-year floods strike Colorado. Biblical hell has broken out in Colorado, where more than six inches of rain fell in 24 hours, contributing to flash floods that killed at least three people.

Deadly 1,000-year floods strike Colorado

(Before you complain about our use of “biblical,” note that it’s the word federal forecasters chose to describe the flooding in an official update on the National Weather Service website.) “It’s insane right now, I’ve lived in Colorado my whole life, and this is nothing that I’ve ever, ever seen before,” Andra Coberly, spokesperson for the YMCA in Boulder, where soggy residents were taking shelter, told NBC.

“Streets were turned into rivers and streams were turned into lakes.” From the NBC report: Slate science correspondent Phil Plait reported from Boulder that the sheriff was asking people to stay inside and off the roads. We’ve been suffering a long drought in my hometown of Boulder, Colo., including unusually hot weather for the past few summers. The Boulder area may not need to wait 1,000 years for another storm like this. Colorado's Flooding Becomes A 1,000 Year Event As Rescuers Search For 500 Missing People.

By Katie Valentine "Colorado’s Flooding Becomes A 1,000 Year Event As Rescuers Search For 500 Missing People" CREDIT: AP/Colorado Heli-Ops, Dennis Pierce Boulder County, Colorado is bracing for up to four more inches of rain Sunday afternoon, a forecast that Colorado Gov.

Colorado's Flooding Becomes A 1,000 Year Event As Rescuers Search For 500 Missing People

John Hickenlooper says would magnify the problems rescuers are already facing in trying to reach stranded residents. Hickenlooper said on CNN’s State of the Union Sunday that the forecast of more rain in a region that’s received more than 14 inches in the last week is troubling because the ground is already saturated with water, making it easy for more rain to lead to even more flooding. “There are many, many homes that have been destroyed,” Hickenlooper said. “This is a heck of a storm,” Hickenlooper said Sunday.

Hickenlooper said the federal government has been “incredibly responsive” to the disaster. As we said earlier this week, no one weather event can be definitively linked to climate change. Inondations aux Etats-Unis: Plus de 500 personnes portées disparues au Colorado. Etat d’urgence.

Inondations aux Etats-Unis: Plus de 500 personnes portées disparues au Colorado

Des équipes de sauveteurs déployées à une large échelle tentaient de retrouver plus de 500 personnes alors que de nouvelles précipitations étaient redoutées dans la journée dans cet Etat qui a reçu en quelques jours les pluies qui y tombent habituellement en plusieurs mois. Au moins 5 décès Un bilan provisoire faisait état de cinq morts. Une femme emportée par un torrent samedi dans la ville de Boulder a été la dernière victime enregistrée, ont annoncé les autorités locales.

Jeudi, les secouristes avaient retrouvé trois corps, et vendredi un quatrième dans le comté de Boulder. «Il est possible qu'il y ait davantage de pertes humaines, a déclaré à la presse le shérif du comté de Boulder, Joe Pelle, mais «avec une armée de volontaires et des secours aériens nous espérons atteindre tout le monde dès que possible». Mais les autorités ont averti qu'il faudrait plusieurs jours aux secours avant d'accéder aux zones les plus isolées.

Fifth fatality feared in Colorado floods as towns evacuated. Did Climate Change Worsen the Colorado Floods? Last Thursday, as torrential rains turned into floods that washed away homes, roads, and bridges in Boulder, Colorado, and the surrounding region, the local National Weather Service forecast office went ahead and said what we were all thinking.

Did Climate Change Worsen the Colorado Floods?

It put it like this: The word "biblical" certainly captures the almost preternatural scale of the Colorado floods, and the rainfall that caused them. Indeed, according to climate scientist Martin Hoerling of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, "this single event has now made the calendar year (2013) the single wettest year on record for Boulder. " But does that mean that climate change is involved? Although suggestive, broken records alone do not constitute definitive proof that humanity's fingerprints have been left on a particular weather disaster. So what can actually be said about the Colorado floods in a climate context? Roaring Waters, Deep Scars - ‘It Chewed Us Up’ About fifty miles downstream in the blue-collar city of Evans, the flood filled up poor neighborhoods like a stoppered sink.

Roaring Waters, Deep Scars - ‘It Chewed Us Up’

The rain-swollen South Platte poured into enclaves of Hispanic immigrants. It filled trailers with raw sewage and mud. As the police pounded on doors, families rushed around inside amid the encroaching sludge, desperately trying to locate green cards and work papers. Jamestown and Evans. One, a 280-person town of picturesque homes, string musicians and organic gardeners. As the water has drained from the mountains to the plains, it has left a trail of devastation that state officials say will take years to wipe away and that one estimate has put at $2 billion. “It chewed us up,” said Jake Brotherton, 21, a glass blower who grew up in Jamestown and stayed behind with his family as other residents were evacuated by helicopter. The flooding hit 17 counties in Northern Colorado, ravaging an area four times the size of Los Angeles. Mr. Mr.