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A2DP Sink on Ubuntu Linux with bluez (streaming bluetooth stereo audio from smartphone to pc) 13.04 - How do I run executable bash scripts in Nautilus. Un clic droit pour créer lanceurs et raccourcis sur le bureau d’Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot. Cet article a été publié il y a 1 an 4 mois 28 jours , il est donc possible qu’il ne soit plus à jour. Les informations proposées sont donc peut-être obsolètes. Je vous présentais il y a quelques jours la possibilité de créer lanceurs et raccourcis sur votre bureau à l’aide du terminal; je vous propose aujourd’hui un script permettant de réaliser la même opération à l’aide d’un simple clic droit sur le bureau. C’est chez Ubuntu Up que j’ai découvert ce script que j’ai du modifier pour qu’il fonctionne sur le “Bureau” français plutôt que sur le “Desktop”.

Dans un premier temps, nous allons ouvrir un terminal afin de télécharger ce script et de le placer dans notre dossier “Scripts” à l’aide de la commande: Ubuntu - Chat. Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is a form of real-time Internet chat.

Ubuntu - Chat

It is mainly designed for group (many-to-many) communication in discussion forums called channels, but also allows one-to-one communication via private message. On IRC you can talk to many other members using Ubuntu, on topics ranging from idle chit-chat to support with your Ubuntu. Though a channel might have many people in it at any one time, they might not always be at their keyboard; so if no-one responds, just wait around and someone will hopefully answer soon enough.

This page serves as an information base for users of the Ubuntu IRC channels. The Ubuntu channels can be found on the freenode network, The following is just a list of programs that you can use to enter the Ubuntu channels listed below. Ubuntu, Lubuntu & Xubuntu (GTK+) Empathy - Default instant messaging software on Ubuntu since Karmic. Kubuntu (Qt) Quassel (Website) - KDE4/Qt based, IRC client. Console based Other operating systems LogBots. Ubuntu - Nouveautées. Gaming From Sudoku to shoot-em-ups, we’ve got loads of games that’ll keep you busy for hours.

Ubuntu - Nouveautées

There are thousands of games available for Ubuntu, including titles from the Unity and Steam platforms. Pick from critically acclaimed titles such as Dota 2, Civilisation V, Kerbal Space Programme, Football Manager 2015 and Borderlands 2. A whole world of apps Ubuntu offers thousands of apps available for download from the software centre. Skype The video chat service, offering screen sharing, conferencing and more. Chrome Google’s fast, simple and secure web browser, built for the modern web. Ubuntu - Reporting bugs. If you have any doubt about this guide, you can ask any time.

Ubuntu - Reporting bugs

Ubuntu uses Launchpad to keep track of bugs and their fixes. This page will guide you through the steps required to file a good and detailed report. Create a Launchpad account If you don’t already have one - you need to create a Launchpad account. This will allow you to file new bugs and comment on existing ones. Determine if the bug is really a bug You should not file a bug if you are: Requesting new software: You should follow the guidelines at Requesting support: There are a multitude of ways you can get help using Ubuntu, such as the Launchpad answer tracker, the Ask Ubuntu site, the Ubuntu forums, the #ubuntu channel on the Freenode IRC server, and the ubuntu-users mailing list. If you want to file a translation or misspelling bug, follow the instructions here. Perform a survey of your problem First, check the release notes of your supported version of Ubuntu for any known issues from here. /etc/default/apport and change: to: Ubuntu - Comment contribuer.

The success of the Ubuntu Project depends on a wide community of talented, passionate developers.

Ubuntu - Comment contribuer

Anyone with the right technical skills can contribute. If you’re new to the process, you can find people online within the development team to help you along. Ubuntu - Liste de diffusion (bas volume) Ubuntu. Ubuntu - Listes de distribution.