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How to install Windows 7 in VirtualBox [Guide] (@Hatryst) « How-To Geek Forums. Have you ever got your hands on VirtualBox and found IT IS way better than any other virtualization software?

How to install Windows 7 in VirtualBox [Guide] (@Hatryst) « How-To Geek Forums

Have you also gotten your hands on a Windows 7 ISO? HAVE YOU EVER WANTED TO INSTALL WINDOWS 7 IN VIRTUALBOX? Here is a guide to show you how! PS: Thanks to Hatryst for the idea of making this post. Recover Lost Disk Space. WubiGuide. Introduction What is Wubi?


Wubi is an officially supported installer for Windows XP, Vista and 7 users that allows Ubuntu to be installed and uninstalled in a safe, easy way as with any other Windows application. What about Windows 8? At this time, Wubi does not work with Windows 8 default boot-loader. Thus at this point Wubi would not work on a new Windows 8 machine. Blog Seja Livre - Linux, Android, Software Livre e Tecnologia. Linux Howtos & Tutorials. Put the fun back into computing. Use Linux, BSD. How to Install Microsoft Office on Linux. Linux users can use LibreOffice, Google Docs, and even Microsoft’s Office Web Apps, but some people still need — or just want — the desktop version of Microsoft Office.

How to Install Microsoft Office on Linux

Luckily, there are ways to run Microsoft Office on Linux. Ubuntu Saucy - From Also see info about the most recent LTS version, Trusty Tahr (14.04 LTS).

Ubuntu Saucy -

Introduction On October 17, 2013, Ubuntu 13.10 was released. It is codenamed Saucy Salamander and is the successor to Raring Ringtail 13.04 (Raring+1). Saucy Salamander is not an LTS (Long Term Support) release and is no longer supported with security updates (as of July 2014). Full page | eBook Version. Ubuntu: A Beginner's Guide. So you’re curious about Linux, and you heard Ubuntu is a great place to start?

Ubuntu: A Beginner's Guide

Maybe you’ve heard of Ubuntu and have no idea about this thing called Linux? Either way, you’ve come to the right place. This guide will teach you everything you need to know about Ubuntu in easy-to-understand language. Ubuntu is a free and open source operating system with millions of users. It’s also an ethos, a collaborative project and, first and foremost, a community.

If you’re reading this guide, you’re probably interested in moving away from proprietary operating systems such as Windows and macOS. Ubuntu One : Home. Site oficial do guia Foca GNU/Linux, baixe gratuitamente! Site oficial do LoCo Team Ubuntu São Paulo. Skype. Skype is proprietary software that allows you to make calls over the Internet using your computer.


Skype uses semi-decentralized peer-to-peer technologies, so your calls do not go through a central server, but through a pool of dedicated servers. It uses its own proprietary communication protocol to achieve this. The Skype software is free to use, but it is not free software; the source code is proprietary and not available for review or modification. SkypeEthics gives information on why some users do not use Skype. Open alternatives Softphones using open protocols include Ekiga and Twinkle. You need a working sound input and output configuration in order to use Skype. Everything Ubuntu. Daily. Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog. Notícias, dicas, reviews e tutoriais do Ubuntu. 8 Deadly Commands You Should Never Run on Linux. Linux’s terminal commands are powerful, and Linux won’t ask you for confirmation if you run a command that will break your system.

8 Deadly Commands You Should Never Run on Linux

It’s not uncommon to see trolls online recommending new Linux users run these commands as a joke. Learning the commands you shouldn’t run can help protect you from trolls while increasing your understanding of how Linux works. This isn’t an exhaustive guide, and the commands here can be remixed in a variety of ways. Note that many of these commands will only be dangerous if they’re prefixed with sudo on Ubuntu – they won’t work otherwise. On other Linux distributions, most commands must be run as root. Image Credit: Skull and Crossbones remixed from Jason Ford on Twitter rm -rf / – Deletes Everything! The command rm -rf / deletes everything it possibly can, including files on your hard drive and files on connected removable media devices.

Rm – Remove the following files. Notícias e Dicas sobre Ubuntu, Android, Games, Tecnologia e muito mais! (1) Ask Ubuntu. Cotidiano Linux. Compartilhe seu conhecimento. Easy Linux tips project. Complete starters' guide for Linux Mint and Ubuntu: both are "Linux made easy", or even "Linux for dummies".

Easy Linux tips project

They are eminently suitable for beginners with Linux, and have become very popular because of that. Both are entirely free, so they won't cost you anything! Why Linux is better. PDFBEAR is founded by the team behind, which brings tons of experience in user conversion tools.

Why Linux is better

We have decided to change our focus to helping and improving how our users convert files on all platforms including Linux. About The webpage was created in order to help people understand the ins-and-outs of Linux. In addition to this, it was emphasized that Linux is a free service, but it also protects the end-user from malware. Similar to PDFBEAR, we have created a malware-free service. Ubuntu Simples.