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Bretzel liquide, le seul blog d'humour 100% liquide, avec de vrais morceaux de brette dedans ! 112 GRIPES ABOUT THE FRENCH - Paris, 1945 - full text. Tiens ta droite (2ème partie) Tiens ta droite (1ère partie) Strip Tease - à fond la caisse. Jesus, c'est ouf. Docteur Lulu. 500Lignes. The O'Byrne Files © Dublin Slang Dictionary and Phrasebook, a Gu. Colour Dubliners are undoubtely one of the most colourful characters you are ever likely to meet.

The O'Byrne Files © Dublin Slang Dictionary and Phrasebook, a Gu

This is in part due to the unique embellishments a true Dubliner will bring to any conversation. Ordinary Dublin conversation has a quota of fillers, but it is the unlimited quantity and range of curses, that makes the conversation truly worth getting into; that is of course if you get to Dublin despite the signposting.

Green Strangely enough, Dubliners tend to wear everything except green, which is associated with too many national tragedies, including 1798, the Famine, and the current Irish international rugby team. Dublin Embellishment A feature of true Dublin conversation or 'Dublinese' is the unique accent and the addition of an extra syllable to words. The Dublin accent is unique, and there is no way to do it justice on a web page. Fillers Curses Dubliners are known throughout the whole world for their use of curses in everyday conversation.

Bifurcated Rivets : A compendium of eclectica for epopts - Volum. Les chansons du carnaval de Dunkerque. Ecolobulles. Le Ministère de l'Ecologie de Droite présente : Métiers d'Avenir. Ikonal. Arts du spectacle des années 50. Émile Couzinet. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Émile Couzinet

Fils d'un menuisier, il devient projectionniste ambulant puis directeur du Casino de Royan. Dans les années 1920, il décide d’investir dans l’exploitation de salles de cinéma, y compris d'art et d'essai. En 1930, à cause de la concurrence effrénée des barrières de Bordeaux, il acquiert ses propres studios, les Studios de la Côte de Beauté, un complexe cinématographique installé dans la station balnéaire de Royan. Après la destruction de la ville à l'issue de la seconde guerre mondiale, il récrée ses studios à Bordeaux, qui prennent alors le nom des Studios de la Côte d'Argent. Emile Couzinet. FEATURES : PHALLIC LOGO AWARDS. The game designers across the nation are playing is; can they design a logo and get it approved without the client realising it's a big spurting penis?


We asked our readers to send in the best cock logos from around the world for our team of experts to evaluate. Now we present to you the very cream of the cocks. Who: Beauty salon in West London Pro: "I've just received a flyer through the door from them offering me a 10% discount on a facial. " writes John Dinwoodie, "I do hope it's give rather than receive. " Cons: Large bollocks makes us think think of tea-bagging. Sagesse des foules. Le people aura ta peau ! - une vidéo Comédie et Humour.

Asleep On The Subway. Actualité insolite et vidéos humour avec Zigonet. Le site Officiel de Jean-Marie ARRUS!!!! French Military Victories - Google Search Results. There, I Fixed It. Design magazine + resource / photos. Slide turns you kids into elephant poop. Love is funny: Awesomely BAD engagement photos. Every couple has their unique quirks that make them "perfect together" and all of these happens to come out, when they decide to POSE together. There's something about showing love through a camera lense that makes love oh so hysterical. Check it out..... When has one EVER fallen asleep half way in the Ocean??? EEE! Ee ah ah!!

We'll make terrible music together until the day we die. They must be virgins, to not see how inappropriate this is. Look MOM, she wears a TEN! Were they trying to look like TWILIGHT? Désirs d'Avenir Generator. Basement Fail - FAIL Blog: Epic Fail Pictures and Videos of Owne. FAIL Blog: Epic Fail Pictures and Videos of Owned, Pwnd and Fail. The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Official Website.

Le premier magazine interactif de la communauté juive, désinform. English Russia. Zapnet. 15 Unfortunately Placed Ads. 15 Most Bizarre Beards and Mustaches - (weirds beards. Every two years, the owners of the world's most elaborate facial hair come together for the World Beard and Moustache Championships.

15 Most Bizarre Beards and Mustaches - (weirds beards

From 1990, the championships feature competition in a variety of categories that include everything from the delicate Dali moustache to the outrageous full beard freestyle. This facial-hair celebration is open to everyone and spectators are welcome. On 2007, Brighton (UK) hosted the championships, and the City of Anchorage (Alaska, USA) will host the next one on 2009. Meet some of the craziest beards and mustaches we've found at the championships. Willi Chevalier, Germany, 2001 World Champion of Full Beard Freestyle Jack Passion, a 23-year-old American crowned natural beard champion of the world at Brighton 2007 Karl Heinz-Hille, winner of Imperial moustache category at the 2007 Championship in Brighton, UK Elmar Weiser, from Germany Ernst Krause from Steinau cultivated on this creation for weeks Former Beard World Champion Gerhard Knapp The "aviator"

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