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12 Sources for Free Images to Use on Your Blog and Social Media Posts

12 Sources for Free Images to Use on Your Blog and Social Media Posts
November 3, 2014 by Tricia Goss The image you choose can make or break your social media updates, blog posts and other content. But, finding the right picture to accompany your post can be challenging. Not only do you need to find one that complements your post and grabs readers’ attention, but you also have to make sure you are free to share the pic. You can purchase stock photos, but that could take a bite out of your budget and even then, the choices are not always ideal. When you know where to look, you can find professional, attractive photos that are free for you to use. Why We Love It: Every 10 days, Unsplash releases 10 new, high-resolution photos that you can use in any way you want. Searches and Downloads: There is no search feature, so you’ll have to browse to find the photo you want, but you can subscribe and have the 10 new pics emailed to you each week. The site includes a helpful search feature and you have the option of downloading various sizes of each photo. Related

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100 Excellent Art Therapy Exercises for Your Mind, Body, and Soul January 9th, 2011 Pablo Picasso once said, "Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." It's no surprise, then, that many people around the world use art as a means to deal with stress, trauma and unhappiness – or to just find greater peace and meaning in their lives. If you're curious about what art therapy has to offer, you can try out some of these great solo exercises at home to help nurse your mind, body and soul back to health. If you like the experience, you can also seek out professional art therapy treatment in your area.

The Evaluation of Next Generation Learning Technologies: the Case of Mobile Learning to deliver informal and life-long learning, alongside conventional structured coursesand programmes; and other components of a larger political agenda such as personalised learning, work-based learning and skills-for-life to engage with industry and commerce by delivering more training and morevocational education; to compete globally and deliver internationally to work within more and more precise quality and regulatory regimes 31 Sources Of Royalty-Free Images 31 Sources Of Royalty-Free Images by TeachThought Staff In a digital world, images are everything–and that goes for the classroom, too. Whether students are putting together a graphic design project, you’re starting a classroom blog, or your school needs access to high quality images for any number of teaching and learning needs, Creative Commons provides a useful common language for discussing what to use, when, and how, but it’s not an image library. (You can see a guide to Creative Commons licensing here.) So where can you get the images themselves?

9 Superb Web-Based Image Editors And Illustrators I’m sure we’ve all wanted to use image editing software at some point or another, and the two programs that come to mind are Photoshop and Gimp. While they are both phenomenal pieces of image editing software, they can sometimes prove inconvenient or (in the case of Photoshop) too expensive. You can easily overcome these issues by making use of a web app that has almost all the features you would want along with unique cloud storage capabilities. In this post, I want to share with you nine great web-based image editing applications that I have discovered in my quest to find a viable graphic creation and manipulation program.

Photo collage maker - Amazing, Affordable and simple photocollage Software. Download Now! Feel free to visit our gallery featuring dozens of cool photocollages. Just click this link and enjoy the show. Photo collages produced with Artensoft Photo Collage Maker are of the highest visual quality. They look great from afar and are perfect when scrutinized up close. Artensoft Photo Collage Maker uses sophisticated algorithms to mix and match existing cell images in order to create a piece of art that can be enjoyed from afar and truly appreciated up close: There’s no color blending producing faux digital photomosaic; instead, Artensoft Photo Collage Maker uses advanced mix-and-match to assemble a perfect photo collage out of a number of different images.

The 35 Best Web 2.0 Classroom Tools Chosen By You If you’re not an avid follower of #edchat on Twitter, you may be missing out on a great opportunity to learn about some new Web 2.0 tools that are currently being used in classrooms around the world. That’s because @chickensaltash posed a simple question to the PLN and there has been a huge swell of support as hundreds of people have jumped in to answer the question about which 5 Web 2.0 tools teachers are using in classrooms. The Best of the Best You can view the live stream of #edchat here and see what people are saying at the hashtag #chickenweb2tools here. Professor Mike Sharples - People Profiles - Open University Profile For further information see My research concerns human-centred design of new technologies for learning. It involves gaining a deep understanding of how people work, play, learn and interact as a foundation for the design of novel socio-technical systems (people in interaction with technology). I am Academic Lead at Futurelearn, and co-investigator on the Wolfson OpenScience Laboratory and Juxtalearn projects.

Borders Communication 4 All Resources to Support Inclusion The borders below have been created using Microsoft Publisher. They print over multiple landscape pages of A4. Please email if you have any order requests. Web 2 Tools by Task Avators: Build your Wild Self - create a self portrait and learn about the animal parts incorporated into your avatar. Mikons - where people communicate through visual symbols, logos, icons, or avatars to tell a story is a web application that produces animated characters to which you can add your voice (or anybody else’s). Blogging / Bookmarking Tools:

Professor Agnes Kukulska Hulme - People Profiles - Open University Profile Short biography Agnes Kukulska-Hulme is Professor of Learning Technology and Communication in the Institute of Educational Technology. She has been working in mobile learning since 2001, leading research projects investigating learning innovation in the UK and internationally. She is Past-President of the International Association for Mobile Learning (2010-13), and serves on the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning. She is co-editor of two books on mobile learning: Researching Mobile Learning: Frameworks, Tools and Research Designs (2009) and Mobile Learning: A Handbook for Educators and Trainers (2005). open clipart by openclipart by Almeidah by anarres by Lazur URH 10 Websites to Create Your Very Own Avatar Having problems with a profile picture that has been reused one too many times? With so many social networking profiles to manage, and running out of ideas on how to customize them for every single platform, it’s time you start looking for external help. We’ve compiled for you 10 websites that you can use to create your very own Avatar. Apply effects, distort, clean up or reimagine yourself in an impossible scene – you can do all that on these websites. But we’re not going to give all the fun away, you should try them for yourself and show us your avatar creations. Recommended Reading: 25 Websites To Have Fun With Your Photos
