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Creative Cloud Motion Array's Extension for Adobe brings our entire unlimited library of video templates, stock video, royalty-free music, and more to your Creative Cloud applications. Free An After Effects exporter to html Free Search for free stock photos and download them directly in Adobe Apps. Free is your video team's new command central. Seamlessly review, comment on, and approve video without ever leaving Premiere or After Effects. Free Motion Factory is a Project Management tool with a powerful Media Browser to make asset management and working with MOGRT a lot easier. Standard ECMA-262 Standard ECMA-262 ECMAScript® 2019 Language Specification 10th edition (June 2019) This Standard defines the ECMAScript 2019 general-purpose programming language. The following files can be freely downloaded: Kindly note that the normative copy is the HTML version; the PDF version has been produced to generate a printable document.

JavaScript - Universal Module Definition (UMD) The UMD (Universal Module Definition) pattern is used when our module needs to be imported by a number of different module loaders (e.g. AMD, CommonJS). The pattern itself consists of two parts: An IIFE (Immediately-Invoked Function Expression) that checks for the module loader that is being implemented by the user. Vim Is The Perfect IDE Over the years I’ve jumped back and forth between many code editors, IDEs and tools; but it seems that somehow I always end up coming right back to VIM, and not only for programming — guess which markdown editor I’m using to write this post. I’ve have tried Atom, SublimeText, TextMate, Eclipse, Visual Studio, and most of the Jetbrains products, I’m constantly tweaking and looking for a better setup, however Vim always feels like home to me; and I’m to the point now where I rarely use IDEs — exception being messy and complex projects where IDEs can do a lot of heavily lifting (yes, Magento I’m talking about you.) But other than that Vim is my default Ruby, Elixir, Python, PHP IDE and as well the main tool that I use for writing drafts and books.

Installation - Freebies To reduce the complexity of installing extensions, the smart folks at aescripts + aeplugins built a really awesome Extension Installer that will make your life a lot easier to get up and running. Drag the .zxp file into ZXP InstallerClose and reopen After EffectsOpen the Window menu, find the Extension group and you should see the new tool 📂 /Scripts/ScriptUI Panels Scripts with a dockable panel and buttons and switches to click on must be installed in the ScriptUI Panels folder: OSX: Applications\After Effects<version>\Scripts\ScriptUI Panels Windows: Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects <version>\Support Files\Scripts\ScriptUI Panels Understanding ES6 Modules This article explores ES6 modules, showing how they can be used today with the help of a transpiler. Almost every language has a concept of modules — a way to include functionality declared in one file within another. Typically, a developer creates an encapsulated library of code responsible for handling related tasks. That library can be referenced by applications or other modules. The benefits:

6 Ways to Declare JavaScript Functions A function is a parametric block of code defined once and called multiple times later. In JavaScript a function is composed and influenced by many components: JavaScript code that forms the function bodyThe list of parametersThe variables accessible from the lexical scopeThe returned valueThe context this when the function is invokedNamed or an anonymous functionThe variable that holds the function objectarguments object (or missing in an arrow function) This post teaches you six approaches to declare JavaScript functions: the syntax, examples and common pitfalls. Moreover, you will understand when to use a specific function type in certain circumstances.

Vim Is The Perfect IDE - DEV Community This article was originally published in HackerNoon Over the years I've jumped back and forth between many code editors, IDEs and tools; but it seems that somehow I always end up coming right back to VIM, and not only for programming – guess which markdown editor I'm using to write this post. I've have tried Atom, SublimeText, TextMate, Eclipse, Visual Studio, and most of the Jetbrains products, I'm constantly tweaking and looking for a better setup, however Vim always feels like home to me; and I'm to the point now where I rarely use IDEs – exception being messy and complex projects where IDEs can do a lot of heavily lifting (yes, Magento I'm talking about you.) But other than that Vim is my default Ruby, Elixir, Python, PHP IDE and as well the main tool that I use for writing drafts and books. What it look like

ZXP Installer - aescripts + aeplugins - We are happy to share with the community our FREE installer for CEP extensions for Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro. It will work with any ZXP extension, it does not have to be one you got from us. It has a fallback custom install option that should work in cases where other installers (including Adobe's own installer) fail. So if you have been unable to install a ZXP extension on you system please give our installer a try. It has a super friendly and easy to use drag and drop on Mac and double-click on Window.

Writing a Simple MVC App in Plain JavaScript I wanted to write a simple application in plain JavaScript using the model-view-controller architectural pattern. So I did, and here it is. Hopefully it helps you understand MVC, as it's a difficult concept to wrap your head around when you're first starting out. I made this todo app, which is a simple little browser app that allows you to CRUD (create, read, update, and delete) todos. It just consists of an index.html, style.css, and script.js, so nice and simple and dependency/framework-free for learning purposes. Prerequisites

How to Compare Objects in JavaScript It’s simple to compare primitive values in JavaScript. Just use any of the available eqality operators, for example the strict equality: Objects, however, are more difficult to compare because they are structured data.
