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jQuery & JavaScript Articles For The Community

jQuery & JavaScript Articles For The Community
The tough economic times on Tatooine hit everyone hard, including the Jawas. Delivering a fast experience on the web usually involves reducing server response time, minification of CSS/JS/HTML and an optimisation of images and above-the-fold content. We can further minimize the latency caused by stylesheet loading by removing unused CSS rules delivered to the client. In this write-up, we’ll take a look at build tasks you can use to remove unused CSS in your pages. Before we begin, I thought it would be useful to share some success stories just to demonstrate that the tools here can be used to make a difference. Continue Reading →

移动网站开发——CSS 上一篇我们谈到了移动网站中的标签,想必很多人也很想了解Mobile CSS的情况吧,本文将和大家一起探讨移动网站中的CSS标准。 介绍 Mobile css的标准也是有些复杂的,与前一篇文章中提到的类似,之前存在着一个W3C制定的CSS Mobile Profile 1.0以及OMA的WAP CSS 1.0,事实上它们都是CSS 2.1的子集,而且内容非常接近,不同的是,WAP CSS 1.0针对移动设备加入了一些扩展,这些扩展通过-wap-前缀来实现。 Coding Horror HTML5Rocks Updates Speed up Service Worker with Navigation Preloads Navigation preload lets you overcome service worker startup time by making requests in parallel. Read more Web Design, Development, and Business Best Web Designing & Graphics Designing Resources -Nuefolio Magazine Paul Irish

Open Source Web Development Resources for Designers & Developers CSS tips and tricks 帕兰映像
