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Video Toolbox: 150+ Online Video Tools and Resources

Video Toolbox: 150+ Online Video Tools and Resources
Online video is a huge trend - so huge that's it's proving hard to keep track. From video sharing sites to video mixers, mashups and converters, we've brought together more than 150 of our favorite sites in this category. Enjoy. Live Video Communications Stickam - The best site for live video communications with multiple people. Online Video How-to Online Video Editors Eyespot - add effects and transitions to the videos you upload, or use some of the large amount of free video clips and music from Eyespot's media partners.MuveeMix - Upload your movie, mix it with music, add cool effects and share it on MySpace, Friendster, Blogger, and other networks.Motionbox - This service features the ability to link to a very specific point or "segment" within the clip itself.Cuts - Insert sound effects in your videos, add captions, loop the best parts and in minutes you can share your creation with the world.JumpCut - a free service that enables you to upload, edit and share your videos. Video sharing

Time e Comcast colocam mais TV na web - INFO Online - (25/06/2009) NOVA YORK - A Time Warner e a Comcast se uniram para testar maneiras de permitir que as pessoas assistam a mais programas de TV na internet. Ao mesmo tempo, as companhias pretendem assegurar que os consumidores continuem pagando por serviços tradicionais de TV a cabo ou satélite. A parceria entre as duas grandes empresas de mídia ressalta a pressão que a indústria de TV vem sofrendo para proteger sua receita, mas também satisfazer os consumidores que querem assistir a seu drama ou comédia favorito no lugar e hora em que preferem. A Time Warner e a Comcast estão apostando num esquema com o qual, basicamente, os espectadores poderão assistir a qualquer programa, em qualquer momento, no aparelho que quiserem, quer seja televisor, computador ou telefone celular. A única exigência é que eles terão primeiro que comprovar que são clientes da TV a cabo ou via satélite, pagando uma assinatura mensal.

Video Creation Resources This page is designed to introduce and show you how to use various free video creation resources. The process of creating and publishing videos can be a great way to get students excited about researching, storytelling, and sharing their work with an audience. For teachers who have never facilitated video creation projects in their classrooms, choosing the right style of video and the right tools can be a bit confusing at first. To help bring clarity to the styles and tools, I have a rather simple outline that I use in my video creation workshops. That outline with suggested tools for creating videos in each style is included in the PDF embedded below. You can download the PDF here. The playlist embedded below demonstrates many of the tools featured in the PDF above. The playlist embedded below demonstrates how to create flipped video lessons. Click here to learn how to create choose your own adventure videos in YouTube. Shadow Puppet Edu makes it easy to create a video on an iPad.

PHRAS.IN - Say this or say that? - StumbleUpon Audacity Wiki Research Beyond Google: 119 Authoritative, Invisible, and Comprehensive Resources Got a research paper or thesis to write for school or an online class? Want to research using the Internet? Good luck. There’s a lot of junk out there — outdated pages, broken links, and inaccurate information. Google, the largest search database on the planet, currently has around 50 billion web pages indexed. Do you think your local or university librarian uses Google? $ = Available only by subscription. Topics Covered in this Article Deep Web Search Engines | Art | Books Online | Business | Consumer | Economic and Job Data | Finance and Investing | General Research | Government Data | International | Law and Politics | Library of Congress | Medical and Health | STEM | Transportation Deep Web Search Engines To get started, try using a search engine that specializes in scouring the invisible web for results. Art Hundreds of other museums all over the world have their own databases. Musée du Louvre — One of the oldest and most famous art galleries in the world. Books Online Business Consumer

Footstats - Estatísticas do Futebol em tempo real How To Make A Video - Video Maker Tips So you want to make a video. That’s great! Video is huge these days and with GoAnimate, video making is easier than ever. Let’s take a look at how it works! Tutorial: Quick Video Maker Quick Video Makers are perfect for getting started quickly. Tutorial – Quick Video Makers (New VO) Tutorial: Full Video Maker Full Video Makers give you total creative control with simple drag & drop tools. That should be enough to get you started. If you are looking for more tutorials on making videos, please visit our blog. Related articles Filed Under: Featured Posts

10 Newly Tools Online Availble for everyone In this round up of 10 we look at some really cool newly discovered websites for you to try out, so that you don’t have to wander to look for them, and they are just not cool they live up to the purpose they are built for. You are welcome if you want to share more new and useful websites that our readers/viewers may like. Do you want to be the first one to know the latest happenings at, just subscribe to our rss feed and and as well to get updated. Do you want to know if you are getting the internet bandwidth that you were promised by your ISP? You read it right corrupt your documents so they won’t work, and why would you need it? Qurify is a website that lets you code a message of max. 255 character in a QR Code and lets you either email it directly download it in PNG or JPG formats or print it. If you are looking to communicate through electronic medium and not leave evidence Privnote is the right website for you. {*style:<b> </b>*} {*style:<b> </b>*} {*style:<b>

Resurrect your old recordings | Audio Restoration | Brian Davies Reprodução de vídeos online nos EUA aumenta 38,8% em março, diz Nielsen São Paulo - Dados da Nielsen registram 9,6 bilhões de vídeos assistidos em março nos EUA e consolidam vice-liderança do Hulu, atrás do YouTube. Usuários norte-amerianos viram 9,6 bilhões de vídeos online durante março, aumento de 38,8% em relação à mesma cifra registrada para o mesmo mês de 2008, segundo dados divulgados pela Nielsen nesta terça-feira (14/04). Segundo a consultoria, 130 mil norte-americanos assistiram vídeos em serviços como YouTube, Hulu, Yahoo Video e MySpace Video em março, o que representa média de 74,4 vídeos por pessoa no mês. Os dados da Nielsen mostram também a consolidação do Hulu na segunda posição no setor. Enquanto o YouTube mantém sua folgada liderança, com 5,4 bilhões de vídeos reproduzidos em março, a iniciativa conjunta da NBC Universal com a Fox ocupa a vice-liderança com 348 milhões de vídeos. Em maio de 2008, quando tinha apenas dois meses em funcionamento, o Hulu contabilizava 63 milhões de vídeos reproduzidos.

Mozilla Popcorn About Mozilla Popcorn Mozilla Popcorn supercharges web video. Popcorn adds interactivity and context to online video, pulling the rest of the web right into the action in real time. Popcorn lets users link social media, news feeds, data visualizations and other content directly to moving images. Popcorn is the result of ongoing collaboration between filmmakers, developers and webmakers. We focus on three types of users: Developers Javascript libraries like Popcorn.js give developers the tools they need to create standards-based interactive media. Project Team

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