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[API] CloudMade - The Leading Platform for Creating and Monetizing Unique Applications With Location

[API] CloudMade - The Leading Platform for Creating and Monetizing Unique Applications With Location

Outil territorial interactif d'information spacialisée Cet outil est le résultat d’une expérimentation menée conjointement par le Pays Portes de Gascogne, la Communauté de Communes de la Lomagne Gersoise, le CESBIO, le cabinet aida et l'association Arbre et Paysages 32, d ans le cadre du Pôle d'expérimentation et d’Application des Technologies Spatiales - PATS. L'expérimentation visait l'analyse des apports possibles des techniques satellitaires dans la gestion publique des territoires ruraux et l'appropriation par les acteurs locaux, publics ou privés, de ces techniques afin de développer certaines réflexions autour des enjeux de plus en plus sensibles. Cet outil s’adresse principalement aux élus locaux qui représentent le maillon principal dans la gestion de l’espace au niveau local. Une base de données cartographique et statistique regroupe l’essentiel des informations nécessaires aux différentes actions et démarches qui animent leur quotidien.

Coordonnées GPS google maps, latitude et longitude Analyzing interactions in Twitter. The case of an exploratory seminar In this post I’ll explore the social interactions in Twitter that were made by participants and supervisors of an exploratory seminar as well as the external experts that joined the discussion. The seminar was designed to let students explore the power of Social Media in a real world scenario with the goal to enable participants to value the strengths and weaknesses of such tools in a co-operative working context. Therefore, one key requirement in the learning design was for students to communicate and collaborate with nothing else than Social Media tools. In accordance to the rationales of constructivist learning theory (Jonassen, 1999), students should actively create their own knowledge about the practical use of Social Media tools in realistic scenarios. We introduced Social Software that can easily be used as learning services and stipulated the use of Twitter for informal communication and Delicious for sharing interesting bookmarks. Artifact-level analysis

TalkMap Debate TalkMap Debate is a discussion platform which aims at improving the interactions you have with your stakeholders and community! TalkMap Debate is private, if you want to login click here or if you want more information you can contact us. A tool to enhance the quality of your discussions You’re looking for a place to start rich and engaging discussions or debates. We’ve created something flexible enough to cope with your individual requirements : Freeplane - free mind mapping and knowledge management software Data Science Toolkit
