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Raw Feeding FAQ

Raw Feeding FAQ

Recipes « furbabiesfurever With Thanksgiving here in the USA just a few weeks away, here is a great recipe where you can use up some of your leftovers and make treats for your pups. I have included gluten free ingredients for those pups with allergies. Ingredients: 1 pound ground Turkey, cooked and drained (If your dog cannot eat turkey, ground chicken, duck, pork or beef is fine.)1/4 cup dried Cranberries1/4 cup Pumpkin Puree (check that label says gluten free if you are making it for dogs with allergies.)1 stick Butter, softened1/2 cup Milk (you can use any other milk if your dog cannot handle cow’s milk.)1 Egg1 cup Whole Wheat Flour (you can try 3/4-1 cup of rice flour if your dog has allergies.)1 teaspoon Baking Powder (make sure the label says gluten free if your dog has allergies.) Directions; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. If you want something extra special, top with a scoop of mashed potatoes and a sprinkling of parsley. Makes about 3 dozen cuppy-cakes.

Oxygen Demo | Just another site Other nations caught with ourselves « Doggerel Click for source. “We need another and a wise and perhaps a more mystical concept of animals. Remote from universal nature, and living by complicated artifice, man in civilization surveys the creature through the glass of his knowledge and sees thereby a feather magnified and the whole image in distortion. – Harry Beston, The Outermost House Kind of a dramatic quote for today, but I like its basic meaning and premise. Like this: Like Loading...

Canine Health Concern - Putting your dog’s health first Extracted from Nexus Magazine, (Oct 2005). PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia. Telephone: +61 (0)7 5442 9280; Fax: +61 (0)7 5442 9381 A Contentious Issue The Science behind Vaccination The Current State of Play for the Animals The Barriers to Knowledge The Science of Vaccine Damage A Wide Range of Vaccine-induced Diseases Vaccines Stimulate an Inflammatory Response A Theory on Inflammation The Final Insult Pet owners should be aware that vaccines compromise the health of their cherished pets, causing serious side-effects including allergies, arthritis, behavioural problems, cancer, paralysis and, at worst, death. My partner Rob and I attended a Crosby, Stills and Nash concert recently. I've been saying this since 1994, when I formed a group called Canine Health Concern (CHC). I believe that vets of the future, and our children's doctors, will look back upon the vaccination era with horror and shame. A Contentious Issue

Online Fashion Store | Womens Fashion Online | Mens Fashion Online | Gift Ideas | Lifestyle Jordyalan Border Collies - Border Collie Breeders, Victoria, Australia. - Dog Quotes A Dog is truly a man's best friend, If you don't believe it, just try this experiment. Put your dog and your wife in the trunk of your car for an hour! When you open the trunk, who is really happy to see you?? One Dog Quote A Month For A Year DOGS are not our WHOLE life, but they make our LIVES whole. - Roger Caras ALL Knowledge, the totality of all QUESTIONS and all ANSWERS, is CONTAINED in the DOG. - Franz Kafla Until he extends his circle of COMPASSION to include all LIVING THINGS, man will not himself FIND peace. - Dr. They are better than human beings - because they KNOW - but do not tell. - Emily Dickinson Every boy should have two things: a DOG and a MOTHER willing to let him have one. - Robert Benchley A DOG has the SOUL of a PHILOSOPHER. - Plato Thou art TRUE and honest as a DOG. - Sir John Davies A DOG is like an eternal Peter Pan, a CHILD who never GROWS old and who therefore is ALWAYS available to LOVE and be LOVED. - Aaron Katcher MAJOR: Born a DOG, died a GENTLEMAN. Just A Loan

Why Prey-Model and Not BARF? The Differences Between Prey-model and BARF Diets By Lily Allyn A prey model diet is one that is meant to resemble, as closely as possible, the diet that carnivorous canines and felines have evolved to eat, and have been eating, for many thousands, if not millions of years. Packs of wolves will hunt and bring down large ungulates, such as deer, caribou and bison. All of these prey animals are made up of bones, organs, muscle meat, skin, hide/hair/feathers, fat and other connective tissue. 5-10% organs (1/2 of this amount is liver) 10-15% edible bones 80-85% muscle meat (and the rest of the critter) Since it's not generally practical for us to feed the exact prey animals our pets' wild counterparts hunt and feed on, the next best thing is for us to *model* our pets' diet on the ratio of parts found in wild prey, and to feed these proportions of whatever raw product is readily available to us. Unlike a prey model diet, BARF diets generally recommend feeding:

Top Chef: canine edition When Lindsey Kamrath returns to her Queens apartment after work, she sets about making dinner. If she makes herself a pizza, her pint-sized Pomeranian Lennon gets one too — made with molasses instead of tomato sauce so he doesn’t get sick. In Manhattan, miniature pinscher Melvin enjoys a dinner of ground turkey, quinoa and leafy greens, while pug-Pekingese mix Geo hopes for his favorite dish: pork chops. Home cooking for pets is on the rise — even in NYC, where many people rarely cook for themselves. But this is not a case of cats and dogs being spoiled. Many pet owners turn to their kitchens to avoid the uncertainty of what’s in canned or dry foods. Caroline Blake Galone and her husband, however, switched to home cooking for health reasons. For many pet owners who make the switch, the decision is also about helping their dogs lose weight. “If you’re only feeding your dog packaged food — even if it’s the best of the best — it’s still just grains,” she says. Doggy Diet Do’s and Don’ts Do’s
