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Dart: Structured web apps

WebRTC status Current as of December 22nd, 2013 Spot an inaccuracy? Please email WebRTC and PeerJS are still works in (rapid) progress. Video, audio, and DataChannel are all available in stable mobile and web versions of Chrome and Firefox. Safari and Internet Explorer have not announced support for WebRTC yet. PeerJS will not attempt to support very old versions of browsers (Chrome < 26 or Firefox < 23) because the WebRTC spec has changed dramatically since.

Stitches - An HTML5 sprite sheet generator Drag & drop image files onto the space below, or use the “Open” link to load images using the file browser. Then, click “Generate” to create a sprite sheet and stylesheet. This demo uses a couple of HTML5 APIs, and it is only compatible with modern browsers. Drag & drop image files onto the space below, or use the “Open” link to load images using the file browser. How WebAPI does Parameter Binding - Mike Stall's .NET Debugging Blog Here’s an overview of how WebAPI binds parameters to an action method. I’ll describe how parameters can be read, the set of rules that determine which technique is used, and then provide some examples. [update] Parameter binding is ultimately about taking a HTTP request and converting it into .NET types so that you can have a better action signature. The request message has everything about the request, including the incoming URL with query string, content body, headers, etc.

GettingTheSource - dart - How to see, download, and build the Dart source code - Dart - Structured Web Programming This page tells you how to get and build the Dart source code. You can also browse the repository or list the changes. If your machine is already set up to build Chromium, then you should have all the prerequisites for building Dart. Otherwise prepare your machine according to these instructions: PreparingYourMachine. For all instructions below, use https instead of http, and be sure you are using branches/bleeding_edge or use the instructions from the Contributing wiki page. Echo Web Framework Echo is a platform for building web-based applications that approach the capabilities of rich clients. The applications are developed using a component-oriented and event-driven API, eliminating the need to deal with the "page-based" nature of browsers. To the developer, Echo works just like a user interface toolkit. The latest iteration, Echo3, features the ability to write applications in either server-side Java or client-side JavaScript.

Detecting the ‘Tap’ event on a Mobile touch device using javascript Currently we can use different types of events to control a touch gesture on a mobile device using javascript, but unfortunately they are not enough to detect all the huge amount of behaviours that an User could do with a touch gesture. Some of the events that you can catch having everything under control are touchstart, touchmove, touchend and touchcancel. In one of my projects I needed to detect the ‘Tap’ event that is a bit different from the ‘touchstart’ event *, so I found this solution that works pretty well, and here you can get the code. *The Tap event should not be confused with the click because they are two things completely different1 jQuery Solution Demo link [jQuery]

HTML5 Presentation In March 1936, an unusual confluence of forces occurred in Santa Clara County. A long cold winter delayed the blossoming of the millions of cherry, apricot, peach, and prune plum trees covering hundreds of square miles of the Valley floor. Then, unlike many years, the rains that followed were light and too early to knock the blossoms from their branches. Instead, by the billions, they all burst open at once. Seemingly overnight, the ocean of green that was the Valley turned into a low, soft, dizzyingly perfumed cloud of pink and white. Uncounted bees and yellow jackets, newly born, raced out of their hives and holes, overwhelmed by this impossible banquet.

Data URL Maker, Data URL CSS Optimizer and the Data URL Toolkit DATAURL.NET is home to some open source tools for creating and working with Data URLs (RFC 2397). Two of these tools are web-based and available here: Data URL Maker converts files to Data URLs.Data URL CSS Optimizer optimizes CSS files by embedding external images as Data URLs.

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