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22 Best Photoshop Text Effect Tutorials, Part I - Hongkiat

22 Best Photoshop Text Effect Tutorials, Part I - Hongkiat
Typography means a lot in any medium kind of presentation. Whether it’s a logo, banner or just a title; being able to inject creativity into it not only help in delivering the message across, it also leaves solid impression on the viewer. Good typography design is not easy, or should I say getting the type match and speaks for the product is often a very challenging job. Here are some of the best Photoshop text effects tutorials on the web, and as usual it’s the creativity that counts. Full content after jump. ‘Bee Movie’ Text Effect Metal Text EffectReally metallic chrome effect. Related:  Tutorials

How To Create a Liquid Text Effect in Photoshop - Photoshop In this tutorial I’ll show you how to create a quick and easy liquid text effect in Photoshop. The effect is very customizable within the layer style and I’ll also show you how to distort the text to achieve a more liquid shape. Step 1 Create a new document. Mine is 1000 x 500 pixels at 72 dpi. Step 2 I’ve added a simple wood texture as a new layer. Create some text. Step 3 On the text layer reduce the ‘Fill’ opacity to 0%. Step 4 Now we’re going to add some layer styles. Lets start with some Inner shadow. Step 5 Next up is a subtle drop shadow. Step 6 The next Layer Style is the most important and is the heart of the whole look. The Bevel and Emboss layer style in it’s default state looks pretty dated and has been really over used in web graphics (think buttons!). Here are my basic setting for the Bevel and Emboss. This produces a basic specular highlight. Probably the two most important parameters are the Depth (set high) and the Altitude settings. At the moment the effect is a bit bland.

50+ Great Photoshop Text Effect Tutorials, Part II Few months ago we showcased 22 best Photoshop text effects Photoshop tutorials here at, but then we soon realized they were still plenty of good tutorials out there and the current ones aren’t enough to satisfy most designers anyway. So we went searching for more and 3 months later, we beg to show you more. This time we put together another 50 really nice text effect Photoshop tutorials, making it more than 70 great Photoshop text effects in our archive. Full list after jump. Recommended Reading: More Photoshop Text Effects! Text In Stitches How to convert text to a path and how to stitch that path using a custom brush set. Colorful Glowing Text Effect Spray Paint Text Bling Bling Simple Gold Text Effect How to make a simple gold text effect by using some layer styles, namely the Gradient Overlay layer style! Cheese text effect How to make a stylish cheese text effect. Reflective Glass Tutorial (Video tutorial) Entrails Photoshop Tutorial (Video tutorial) Aqua Text Photoshop Tutorial

40+ Excellent 3D Effects Photoshop Tutorials - Hongkiat Credit: Image taken from A web designer’s bad day scenario: Your clients are bored with the usual work you present them; your boss wants to see more magic in the design; You are finding it harder to impress your associates or stand out from the crowd. One way or another, you’ve got to find ways to impress them. One good way we thought (if you agree), is to spice up that flat 2-dimensional design. Product Design Poster Art and Wallpapers 3D 2009 WallpaperHow to create a Colorful 3D Text effect in photoshop.

15 Fantastic Photoshop Tutorials to Sharpen Your Skills One of the best ways to learn how to use Photoshop and to keep up to date with new techniques, is to work on tutorials. It is amazing how far Photoshop tutorials has come along the last nine years. With a lot of practice most people can create wonderful things with Photoshop from a small simple text effect to a full blown artistic piece. If you like designing websites in Photoshop, tutorials can help you discover and learn new things that you can apply to your design. Take a look at the 15 tutorials listed below, ranging from practical things to a couple you do just for fun. Making a Print-Ready Business Card Using Only Photoshop Photo Strip (Photoshop Tutorial) Modern 3D Text Effect How to Create a Realistic IES Lighting Effect in Photoshop Abstract Dust And Spray Effect Recreating Magnifying Glass in Photoshop Create a Realistic Pencil Illustration in Adobe Photoshop Design a Multimedia Website Layout in Photoshop Angelina Jolie as a Na’vi from Avatar Movie Create an iPhone 4 in Photoshop

Create Light Painted Typography From Scratch in Photoshop This tutorial was originally published in April 2011 as a Tuts+ Premium tutorial. It is now available free to view. Although this tutorial does not use the latest version of Adobe Photoshop, its techniques and process are still relevant. If you’ve ever attempted to write words using traditional light painting photography techniques, you probably know how challenging it can be to create words that are easy to read. In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how you can create a similar look without a camera and tripod. Let’s start in Photoshop. We want the overall shape to form a heart, so draw a heart really quickly. Use the guideline to draw in your text with a tablet. For this single step, I’m going to switch to Illustrator. Paste it in Photoshop as a Path (Command/Control-V, select Path in the pop-up dialog). Select the Brush Tool (B) and change your brush to a 100% soft edged, 10 px diameter brush. Go to Filter > Blur > Motion Blur. Reduce the Opacity by approx. 50% and duplicate it.

Abstract Lines Background Home » Textures » Abstract Lines Background Skill level: Time Required: 0 hrs 15 mins Step 1: Let's start out by creating a new file. Step 2: Create a new layer set and name it 'Abstract Lines'. Step 3: Go to Filter > Blur > Motion Blur, apply the settings below to the paint line layer. Step 4: Under Layer Style(Layer > Layer Style) add an Inner Shadow and Gradient Overlay blending options to your motioned paint layer. Step 5: Duplicate the motioned paint layer without any layer styles attached. Step 6: Once again duplicate the motioned paint layer without any layer styles. Step 7: Duplicate the 'Abstract Line' layer set and merge it by going to Layer > Merge Layer Set. Step 8: Now duplicate the lightened layer from the last step by 3 to 4 times and position this designs all over the canvas. Step 9: Add a marquee selection around your canvas and go to Edit > Copy Merged. Step 10: Copy your current design as shown on step nine then use rotate option on Edit > Transform. Results: By John Conanan

Wave’s text effect | Photoshop Tutorials @ Designstacks | Page 2 In this tutorial we’ll turn standard text into a stunning, eye-catching text effect. We’ll be using Layer Styles, Photoshop Filters, and combining different techniques to mock-up the text into a related background. Let’s learn how to create this text effect. Firstly create a new document (Ctrl+N) in Adobe Photoshop with the size 1900px by 1200px (RGB color mode) at a resolution of 72 pixels/inch. Take the Gradient Tool (G) and open the Gradient Editor from Options Bar: Choose the Foreground to Transparent gradient. Apply the gradient from the top to down. Apply the next filter: Filter>Distort>Wave and choose the next settings: It’s the result you should get: Click on Add a layer style icon from bottom part of the Layers panel and select Inner Shadow. Add Gradient Overlay: Click in the color bar to open the Gradient Editor and set the color stops as shown. We’ve got the next effect: Back to layer with gradient and make a copy of this layer (Ctrl+J) and apply Edit>Transform>Flip Vertical.

Reader Tutorial: Typography Wallpaper in Photoshop We have accepted some tutorials from readers and we think it's really good to open the blog, so anyone can share their skills with the community. Because of that, we will start the "Reader Tutorial" series. If you have or want to write a tutorial and publish it here on Abduzeedo, just send it via email to us. Thank you very much and enjoy our first tutorial from Jonathan Connolly. Hey guys this is Creative Volition, an advertising and design agency based out of South Florida. Just a quick thanks to Abduzeedo for being such a great help to the design community. Here is a quick tutorial from one of our latest designs. Step 1 Create a new document at 1200 x 800 pixels with a resolution of 72dpi. Step 2 Hide all vectors and create a new text box. Step 3 Text settings: 16pt font, Regular, 16pt height spacing, Color #404040. Step 4 Continue to copy/paste the text until it fills the entire canvas. Step 5 Step 6 Make one of the smart objects visible. Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10 Step 11 Conclusion

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Tutorials Tutorials It’s time for new and fresh CSS3 tutorials and experiments.You know CSS3 comes with many new functionalities and new features. As of March 2011, there are over 40 CSS modules published from the CSS Working Group .This means that CSS is being improved very fast day by day so the rest depends on your imagination.Today we’ve collected fresh 16 CSS3 tutorials and experiments to show you the power of CSS3 without javascript or etc. One of the best ways to learn how to use Photoshop and to keep up to date with new techniques, is to work on tutorials. If you like designing websites in Photoshop, tutorials can help you discover and learn new things that you can apply to your design. Take a look at the 15 tutorials listed below, ranging from practical things to a couple you do just for fun. Read More→ Many people can use Photoshop, but only a select few can call themselves gurus. Today we will create an abstract colorful illustration. 01. Read More→ 3D Light Casting

Visuelle Stille in Vortrag und Präsentation « Dr. Joachim Schlosser Wenn es um alles geht, und Ihre Umgebung sehr laut ist, was tun Sie üblicherweise? Sie suchen einen stillen Ort, einen Platz ohne Geräusch, so dass Sie denken können. Wenn Sie vor Publikum vortragen, möchten Sie, dass sie denken, oder? Wie wollen Sie das mit siebzig Wörtern auf einer PowerPoint-Folie erreichen? Mit Tabelle, die so eng und klein beschrieben ist, dass die Zuschauer nicht unterscheiden können, ob das der Aktienmarkt oder Ihre Analyse ist? Vielleicht sind Ihre Folien einfach zu vollgestopft. Und das ist nicht der Fehler von PowerPoint. Was Sie vielleicht brauchen ist visuelle Stille. Dieser Blogpost ist auch in englischer Sprache verfügbar: »Visual Silence in Presentations« Weniger Worte Sven Hager, CEO von Explain, erklärt bessere Vorträge in seiner Rede: Das Dilemma von textlastigen Folien: Der Zuhörer fragt sich: »Soll ich Ihnen zuhören oder soll ich mir die Folie anschauen? »Folien überfordern Nämlich dann, wenn sie zu voll sind. Die Ursache Visuelle Stille

50 Best Photoshop Text Effect Tutorials Photoshop text effect tutorials teach important graphic design techniques, ranging from 3D text effects to vector text effects as well. In addition to learning how to use vector and 3D effects, many text effects use a photomanipulation and other techniques, and they teach overall design principles such as composition, color balance and typography. Here you’re find the 50 Best Photoshop Text Effect Tutorials, in a variety of different styles. You’ll get hands on practice on how to create awesome designs like these. If you are looking for more of the best Photoshop tutorials, check out these posts: Enjoy! Create an Awesome Funky Text Effect Reader Tutorial: Revolution Colorful Candy 3D Text Effect Eye Catching 3D Tech Text Effect Ornamental Gold Text Effect in Photoshop Rope Text Effect with the Puppet Warp Tool in Photoshop CMYK 3D Text Effect Candy Cane Text Effect in Photoshop and Illustrator 3D Nature Inspired Text Effect Super Glossy 3D Typography in Photoshop 3D Layered Text Effect in Photoshop

Getting started with OpenPSTD v1.1 - OpenPSTD Installing openPSTD v1.1 Install Blender: Download the appropriate version for your operating system from Follow the installation procedure. Download the OpenPSTD Blender add-on from Now run Blender and from the [File] menu select [User Preferences] or click [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[U] to bring it up. Navigate to the [Addons] section and press the [Install from File...] button at the bottom of the window. Enabling GPU Acceleration (optional) GPU acceleration is available for computers that have a GPU which supports either CUDA or OpenCL. Please go through the following steps to be able to make use of GPU acceleration with openPSTD: Install either a CUDA or an OpenCL driver. Warning: openPSTD fails when Enable GPU Acceleration is checked but not all modules are installed correctly. Pre-processing your calculcation Creating a single domain Alternatively bring up the same menu by clicking [Shift] + [A] with
