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Level 3 of Consciousness by Richard Brodie

Meme Central Books Level 3 Resources Richard Brodie Virus of the Mind What’s New? Site Map Level 3 of Consciousness You are reading about something that most people don’t even know exists. If you told them, they wouldn’t just not believe you—they would have no clue what you were talking about. That’s why I wrote this little essay: so that I could show it to someone when they had no idea what I was talking about and, if they were persistent and open-minded, make some progress in their thinking. 1. Sometimes like attracts like and sometimes opposite attracts opposite. When like attracts like, it can end there, like an oxygen molecule made up of two oxygen atoms, or it can continue to attract like, like a Carbon atom. 2. Sometimes a self-replicating thing makes a copy of itself with a mistake in it. The only way for new things to get created is by a complex series of mistakes that turn out to be better after all. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Richard Brodie June 1999

Out of Body Experiences Out of body experiences (OBEs or OOBEs) involve the vivid sensation of moving outside your physical body and sometimes traveling far beyond it. OBEs are most likely to occur when you are asleep, meditating or practicing wake-induced lucid dream exercises. Indeed, many dream explorers agree that out-of-body phenomena are extensions of the lucid dream experience. Around 1 in 10 people have experienced an OBE at some time in their lives - and some people have them frequently.

No Media Kings & Time Management for Anarchists: The Movie I’ve just finished a Flash adaptation of my Time Management for Anarchists seminar. I started doing the talk a year and a half ago at Canzine and have done it a half-dozen times since, mostly at infoshops and political bookstores (Austin, Montreal, Berkeley, Vancouver) and also at a couple of events (New Orleans Book Fair, the Vegetarian Food Fair). It’s based on the paradoxical notion that anarchists have to be more organized than average if they don’t want to depend on power structures, and presents some ideas on how to kick the boss habit. To see the eight-minute presentation–complete with cartoon sounds, fake graphs and historic guest stars–click on. Feel free to add your tips and opinions to the comments afterwards. Click here for the presentation.

Wisdom in few words: best motivational quotes Throughout last couple of years I’ve been collecting my personal favorite quotations from various inspirational people in my Evernote. As a result I got quite a long list of sayings which I personally consider to be one of the smartest, wittiest, daring and positive at the same time. Moscow, 2008. So, I thought why not to share them with you? Assuming I have a lot in common with my readers, you might enjoy them too. If you don’t then you might just skip the post and excuse me for wasting your time.

The Secret Check - Print It Now Print the check, then fill in the date, your name, and the amount you wish to receive in the currency of your choice. Keep your Magic Check in a prominent position where you will see it daily. Any time you see your Magic Check, feel as though you've received the money, and be grateful that now you can have or do what you want! Brave New World by Aldous Huxley Chapter One A SQUAT grey building of only thirty-four stories. Over the main entrance the words, CENTRAL LONDON HATCHERY AND CONDITIONING CENTRE, and, in a shield, the World State's motto, COMMUNITY, IDENTITY, STABILITY. The enormous room on the ground floor faced towards the north. Cold for all the summer beyond the panes, for all the tropical heat of the room itself, a harsh thin light glared through the windows, hungrily seeking some draped lay figure, some pallid shape of academic goose-flesh, but finding only the glass and nickel and bleakly shining porcelain of a laboratory.

Top 10 Things That Determine Happiness photo: meddygarnet Happiness is, by nature, a subjective quality with a definition like a moving target. There is scant evidence — qualitative or quantitative — to lend convincing support to those life variables most critical in determining individual happiness, which is likely why past researchers committed to the scientific method rarely tried to tackle the subject. Iso-Tones - Miscellaneous Here you can find tones that do not fit into any of the other three categories. This section includes sessions designed to help with sleep, alertness, mental performance, pain relief and much more. To download tones right-click and choose "Save Link As", otherwise they will open in QuickTime within your browser by default. This is a problem with QuickTime overriding browser settings and not with the website or your browser. 14 Hz - The name is a perfect explanation, a 10-minute tone designed to bring your brain to 14 Hz, a state in which the brain is awake and alert.

Nerd Paradise : Calculating Base 10 Logarithms in Your Head Calculating base 10 logarithms in your head on the fly is a lot easier than you may think. It is simply a matter of memorization and a little estimation... First memorize all the single digit base 10 logs. Don't worry, it's not as painful as it sounds. I even made the chart for you:
