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I was recently asked for interview advice. 1. These are guidelines and examples. Don't repeat them verbatim. Do I have to say this? Maybe. Have I disclaimered myself enough? Interview Objective: Join the 180° Club What You Hopefully Did Months Ago Because I GUARANTEE This Will Happen Before Your Interview What You Should Do Leading Up to the Interview What You Should Bring The Suit This is Not a Party "Fashionably Late" Does Not Exist The Handshake How Enthusiastic You Should Appear Question Category Overview: What I (the Interviewer) am Really Trying to Figure Out Tell Me About Yourself What are Your Strengths? What are Your Weaknesses? Your Phone Describe a Time You Had Difficulty Working with a Coworker. What Was Your Biggest Mistake? Describe Your Ideal Workplace What Do You Know About this Company? Why do You Want this Job? Do You Have Any Questions for Me? Lunch: Price Considerations Lunch: Limit Your Pickiness Lunch: Appropriate BAC Level Lunch: Very Important Additional Consideration

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The Greater Picture - The Creator The building blocks of everything There is only one kind of energy, and that is the energy of light/love. Light is the same energy as love, but in a workable form, a form that can function as a building block. Einstein already discovered that everything consists of energy (E=mc²), but maybe he didn't know back then that this is all the same energy.

The How Of Happiness: 10 Ways To Be Happy ← LMLRN Happiness is not some magical state of mind that we’re born with, blessed with, or lucky enough to stumble upon. It is a way of being that each of us can attain. When it comes to advice on how to be happy, the internet is filled with opinion and pseudoscience based on experiences and feelings. How to Avoid 7 Common On-the-Job Mistakes Everyone makes mistakes—but some of those mistakes are more avoidable than others. When it comes to your job, even just one mistake could result in major consequences for your career. Impress your employer by avoiding the following mistakes: Mistake #1: Being unavailable It’s inevitable that, at some point, your supervisor or co-workers will approach you and ask for your help on an outside project or assignment.

10 Common Interview Questions and Answers It’s a matter of joy if you are being called up for a job interview and it’s a lot scary as well thinking about the type of questions you are going to face. But wait! You don’t need to panic about it. My collection of funny emails from my inbox. Subject: 5 MINUTE MANAGEMENT COURSE Lesson 1: A man is getting into the shower just as his wife is finishing up her shower, when the doorbell rings. The wife quickly wraps herself in a towel and runs downstairs. When she opens the door, there stands Bob, the next-door neighbor. Before she says a word, Bob says, "I'll give you $800 to drop that towel." The secrets of body language: why you should never cross your arms again 7K Flares 7K Flares × Body language is older and more innate for us as humans than even language or facial expressions. That’s why people born blind can perform the same body language expressions as people who can see. They come pre-programmed with our brains.

The Surprising Secret to Selling Yourself - Heidi Grant Halvorson by Heidi Grant Halvorson | 8:00 AM August 29, 2012 There is no shortage of advice out there on how to make a good impression — an impression good enough to land you a new job, score a promotion, or bring in that lucrative sales lead. Practice your pitch. Speak confidently, but not too quickly. Make eye contact. How to Get Any Job You Want with these 7 Resume "Hacks" The robots are real! They’re here, and they’re coming for your… resume. More and more companies are turning to digital screening processes and online tools to get through the many, many applications they get for open positions. It makes a ton of sense that our approach to resumes and job applications should change, now that the formats and gatekeepers are shifting. Imgur user Stephane Grace has hit on a method for revamping your resume to fit this new digital job hunt, and although his techniques may not work for everyone in every industry, his writeup has a number of great common-sense tips. Here are 7 Steps to “Hack” the Automated Resume Screeners and Get You Those Job Interviews

101 Short Stories that Will Leave You Smiling, Crying and Thinking post written by: Marc Chernoff Email Since its inception eighteen months ago, our sister site Makes Me Think (MMT) has truly evolved into a remarkable online community. 10 Easy To Read Books That Make You Smarter ← LMLRN There could be as many books written as opinions on which to read. This list is not at all exhaustive, but serves as a starting point for the inquisitive mind. These are all modern, easy to read books that don’t fill your brain with easily forgotten facts, but a way of thinking about the universe that makes you smarter. So, without further ado: 1.
