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Learn shortcuts and commands
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5 Tips to Refine Code The level of code can be seen at a glance from the form of writing the code. It takes experience to write code that is easy to read, sophisticated and efficient. In this article, I’ll give you tips for refining the five codes. 1. New Project (Fluid UI) uses cookies and saves data on our servers in order to provide the Fluid UI service. This data is gathered in order to provide the relevant functionality for your account. The purpose of this article is to inform you what information we store, when we request it and why we need it. TextMate Bundles in PhpStorm - PhpStorm Projects may contain file types unknown to PhpStorm. While PhpStorm comes with built-in support for many programming and scripting languages, you may want to have syntax highlighting for project-specific languages. For example, a project may contain a shell script, or Perl. When doing infrastructure automation for your project using Puppet, a configuration file may exist in a project. TextMate, a text editor for Mac, offers syntax highlighting bundles for many languages.

How To Set Up An SVN Repository In 7 Simple Steps Update: We’ve been using (and recommend) git for version control since around 2011. We leave this post available because it seems popular. For some time now, I’ve wanted to have an svn set up on my shared web host similar to what we have here at civicactions. PlantUML PlantUMLis a component that allows to quickly write : Diagrams are defined using a simple and intuitive language. This can be used within many other tools. Images can be generated in PNG or SVG format. under_scores, camelCase and PascalCase - The three naming conventions every programmer should be aware of - DEV The various tokens in your code (variables, classes, functions, namespaces, etc.) can be named using one of these three styles, broadly speaking: Camel Case (ex: someVar, someClass, Case (ex: SomeVar, SomeClass, (ex: some_var, some_class, In camel casing, names start with a lower case but each proper word in the name is capitalized and so are acronyms. For example, commonly used tokens in many languages such as toString, checkValidity, lineHeight, timestampToLocalDateTime, etc. are all examples of camel casing. Pascal casing is similar to camel casing except that the first letter also starts with a capital letter (SomeClass instead of someClass).

Tal Raviv — Being a Developer Makes You Valuable. Learning How to Market Makes You Dangerous Being a Developer Makes You Valuable. Learning How to Market Makes You Dangerous I love engineering, and not just because I’m a nerd. The best part of engineering isn’t the technical details or the particular science behind it, rather, it’s the opportunity to solve an unfairly hard problem in a way no one has before. The harder the problem the more exciting it is. Running and Debugging Node.Js WebStorm 6.0.1 Web Help Contents Topic Your startup needs a dashboard Your startup is logging hundreds of metrics. If it isn’t, you should fix that right now. Your users are awesome – most of the metrics update a few times a second, the slowest only a few times a minute. So how often do you parse those logs and look for what they’re trying to say?

styleguide - Style guides for Google-originated open-source projects Every major open-source project has its own style guide: a set of conventions (sometimes arbitrary) about how to write code for that project. It is much easier to understand a large codebase when all the code in it is in a consistent style. “Style” covers a lot of ground, from “use camelCase for variable names” to “never use global variables” to “never use exceptions.” This project holds the style guidelines we use for Google code. If you are modifying a project that originated at Google, you may be pointed to this page to see the style guides that apply to that project.
