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A Visual Git Reference If the images do not work, you can try the Non-SVG version of this page. SVG images have been disabled. (Re-enable SVG) This page gives brief, visual reference for the most common commands in git. Offline": What does it mean and why should I care? Introduction: The Meaning of "Offline" "Web" and "online" are two closely associated terms, downright synonymous to many people. So why on earth would we talk about "offline" web technologies, and what does the term even mean? At one level, we can talk about completely offline web apps, those unusual creatures that run inside a browser, but never see the light of the internet. Typically, they will run on a URI, pointing to a hard drive, USB key, or DVD (if you remember those). For example, those USB keys you sometimes get at conferences, which you stick in your computer to receive a multimedia presentation of something-or-other, running in your browser.

Top 10 Programming Fonts Sunday, 17 May 2009 • Permalink Update: This post was written back in 2009, and much has changed since then. I’ve also written a few subsequent posts about alternative programming fonts, like this one about Anonymous Pro. I’m a typeface geek, and when it comes to selecting a font I’ll stare at all day, I tend to be pretty picky. Recently, when I discovered that a friend was using a sub par typeface (too horrible to name here) for his Terminal and coding windows, my jaw dropped, my heart sank a little, and I knew it was due time for me to compose this article. What follows is a round-up of the top 10 readily-available monospace fonts.

Intro to Git for Web Designers Unless you’re a one person web shop with no team to collaborate with, you’ve experienced the frustration that goes along with file sharing. No matter how hard you try, when multiple people are working on a single project without a version control system in place things get chaotic. If you work with developers on the buildout and implementation of websites, the merge between front-end templates and back-end functionality can be a scary black hole. Issues like overwrites, lost files, and the all-too-common “working off a previous version” phenomenon crop up constantly. And once back-end functionality has been put into your templates, you become terrified to touch them for fear of breaking something a developer spent a great deal of time getting to work.

HTML5 Video Introduction In modern browsers, adding a video to your page is as easy as adding an image. No longer do you need to deal with special plug-ins or require crazy markup, you can do it with a single element. The Markup Let's jump in with a really simple example: Preface Git is a version control Swiss army knife. A reliable versatile multipurpose revision control tool whose extraordinary flexibility makes it tricky to learn, let alone master. As Arthur C. Clarke observed, any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. This is a great way to approach Git: newbies can ignore its inner workings and view Git as a gizmo that can amaze friends and infuriate enemies with its wondrous abilities. Rather than go into details, we provide rough instructions for particular effects.

Motherboard Chipsets and the Memory Map - Serie cap 1 I’m going to write a few posts about computer internals with the goal of explaining how modern kernels work. I hope to make them useful to enthusiasts and programmers who are interested in this stuff but don’t have experience with it. The focus is on Linux, Windows, and Intel processors.

SF98 Debian NetInstall Guide (WiFi Friendly) (Page 1) - Tips, Tricks & Scripts - CrunchBang Linux Forums SF98 Debian Netinstall Guide Printer-Friendly & Nicer Looking Version Table of Contents=================0.00 Version History [HIS-00]1.00 Disclaimer [DIS-00]2.00 Requirements [REQ-00]3.00 Preparation [PRE-00]4.00 Installation [INS-00] 4.01 BareBones Installation [INS-01] 4.01.A Official Netinstall [INS-01-A] 4.01.B Unofficial Netinstall [INS-01-B]5.00 Post-Install [PST-00]6.00 Customization [CUS-00] 6.01 Wifi Clients [CUS-01] 6.02 Window Manager [CUS-02] 6.02.A SpectrWM [CUS-02-A] 6.02.B Openbox [CUS-02-B] 6.03 Web Browser [CUS-03] 6.03.A Luakit [CUS-03-A] 5.04 Music Galore [CUS-04]6.00 Credits [CDT-00] Although not for Newbies, I still recommend this guide for all walks of life.
