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Arts plastiques

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Musées. Création de BD. Smithsonian Open Access. Arts & Culture. DeviantArt muro. SMARTIFY - is your personal digital art curator. NART l'art en 3 coups de pinceau. Images d’Art. Arts Visuels Ecole PS MS GS CP CE1 CE2 CM1 CM2. Architecture et Création. Ørestad College de 3XN. Ørestad Gymnasium (Ørestad College) is the first college in Denmark based on the new visions of content, subject matter, organisation and learning systems in the reform of the educational system of the Danish “high-school” (gymnasium) for students of the age of 16-19.

Ørestad College de 3XN

Communication, interaction and synergy has been key issues. The project displays a visionary interpretation of openness and flexibility regarding team sizes, varying from the individual over groups to classes and assemblies, and reflects international tendencies aiming at achieving a more dynamic and life-like studying environment and introducing IT as a main tool. The intention is also to enforce the students’ abilities gradually to take responsibility for own learning, being able to work in teams as well as working individually.

RealtimeBoard. Montage vidéo au collège. Tristan Véron nous présente un exemple de l'usage de la vidéo en arts plastiques, au collège François Mitterand de Veynes.

Montage vidéo au collège

Les compétences attendues Je m’attache pendant le cours d’arts plastiques à donner aux élèves le goût de l’expression personnelle et de la création et de leur permettre de décoder et d’interpréter des univers visuels. Éduscol - Arts plastiques