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Architecture et Création

Architecture et Création

Related:  outils professionnelsArchi-deco

"The Archipreneur Concept": A Business Book That Brings Architecture Practice into the 21st Century "The Archipreneur Concept": A Business Book That Brings Architecture Practice into the 21st Century This review of "The Archipreneur Concept" by Tobias Maescher was originally published on Archsmarter as "The Archipreneur Concept: A Review." When I started my business almost four years ago, I read every business book I could get my hands on. Apart from a paper route in grade school, I didn’t have a business background. Entreprise d'ingénierie bois au service de projets exceptionnels: Charpente Houot Charpente Houot connaît depuis de nombreuses années une croissance soutenue dans son activité : la conception, fabrication et mise en oeuvre d'ouvrages et structures en bois. Puisant dans une histoire riche de près de 100 années au service du matériau bois, l'entreprise, clairement orientée vers l'ingénierie du matériau bois appliquée à la construction, offre une prestation complète, de l'avant projet jusqu'à la mise en oeuvre des ouvrages. Nous utilisons les matériaux les plus adaptés à vos projets, des bois laméllés collés aux matériaux en plaques « bois massif grandes dimensions », et depuis de nombreuses années déjà, Charpente Houot s'approvisionne dans les meilleures scieries d'Europe garantissant ainsi qualité et sécurité des approvisionnements.

Top 25 Interior Design & Furniture Blogs We scoured the web looking for the best interior design and furniture blogs, and below is what we found. From large multi-writer blogs like Moco Loco to more personal fare like Gaile Guevara, the below 25 blogs (plus 5 honorable mentions) are the cream of the design crop. 1. Sydney Opera House - Home To celebrate the creative genius and enduring spirit of Jørn Utzon, a State Memorial was held at the Sydney Opera House on Wednesday 25th March 2009 at 11am. View Program. Sydney Opera House has received hundreds of tributes from all over the world. "On behalf of the people of Sydney, New South Wales and Australia, we simply say 'thank you' for visiting your vision and masterpiece to our city.

21 Rules for a Successful Life in Architecture 21 Rules for a Successful Life in Architecture Originally published by Entrepreneur Architect, Associate Professor at Louisiana Tech Kevin J Singh gives his 21-point rundown of how to have a successful and happy life as an architect. The list gives some pointers that will certainly help young students and graduates, but may well be useful to some of the not-so-young practitioners who need to refocus on what's important. The following is a compilation of my professional practice lecture on the last day of class. Instead of recapping the course or giving a final exam, I share with my students a presentation titled Advice as You Finish School and Start to Practice.

Off grid Off-grid Material collection for architectural purposes Materials: Plastic and aluminium sheets Off-grid materials will bring a temporary experience. Une étagère design et un peu rétro Ushanki Ushanki c’est le nom qu’a choisi le bureau de design Ukrainien decorkuznetsov (heureusement que je n’ai pas à le prononcer). Dans un style rétro-design il serait une réinterprétation des bonnet soviétique… Pas évident au premier regard. Cette collection cache une lampe qui éclaire depuis le haut, de quoi mettre en valeur un de vos objets préférés et créer un éclairage pas trop agressif, en particulier si on l’utilise comme table de chevet. A part ce petit gadget ce qui me plait dans ce meuble c’est son côté vintage.

2013 eVolo Magazine is pleased to announce the winners of the 2013 Skyscraper Competition. The award was established in 2006 to recognize outstanding ideas for vertical living. Since then, the publication has received more than 5,000 projects that envision the future of building high. These ideas, through the novel use of technology, materials, programs, aesthetics, and spatial organizations, challenge the way we understand vertical architecture and its relationship with the natural and built environments. In 2013, the Jury, formed by leaders of the architecture and design fields selected 3 winners and 24 honorable mentions. eVolo Magazine received 625 projects from all continents and 83 different countries. The winners were selected for their creativity, ingenuity, and understanding of dynamic and adaptive vertical communities.

How Do You Know if BIM is Worth The Investment For Your Firm? How Do You Know if BIM is Worth The Investment For Your Firm? While BIM is increasingly becoming a necessity in architecture, it is still difficult to quantify the benefits it is bringing to the industry. Currently, there is no industry-standard method for calculating BIM’s Return on Investment (ROI) and, due to the complexities of the calculation, many firms have not adopted any consistent measurement practices to determine the monetary benefit that the technology has brought to their practice. The difficulty centers upon the fact that traditional analysis of ROI is unable to represent intangible factors that are important to a construction project such as avoided costs or improved safety.

Une extension en bois graphique et lumineuse Par ailleurs, l’architecte a opté pour une toiture à deux pentes dite «à redents» afin d’apporter un maximum de lumière dans la nouvelle construction. La première très inclinée (presque à la verticale) pour capter la lumière est en verre; tandis que la seconde, inclinée de façon traditionnelle (soit une pente à 45 %) est revêtue de zinc. Ce système de toiture était utilisé dans les constructions industrielles pour les mêmes raisons. En finition, des feuilles de zinc ont été posées sur les voliges avec des joints debout. Autre facteur important pour que les pièces soient lumineuses : la multiplication des façades vitrées composées de fenêtres de différents formats (châssis fixes, portesfenêtres, châssis à soufflet…), ce qui permet également de multiplier les points de vue sur l’extérieur.

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