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Upcycled Cassettes. Ever since we posted the upcycled cassettes turned pencil holder we’ve been been hankering to make one for ourselves.

Upcycled Cassettes

Simple yet effective, our desks were calling out for a little mix tape loving. Thankfully cassette tapes are readily available at flea markets and we were able to buy ourselves a whole box for next to nothing. Supplies: Once you’ve got your cassette tapes ready to upcycle all you need in addition is: a sharp knifeglue gunsalvaged cardboardscissors To make: You’ll notice the edges on the side of the tapes have bumps or ‘guides’ for where the cassette tape rested in the player.

Now that we’ve made one cassette pencil holder we can’t wait to use the rest of our tapes to make more. Melissa Ting : Life & I: DIY Rubik's Cube Tissue Box Cover. If you were a reader from when I had my old blog, you would know that I have made this before.

Melissa Ting : Life & I: DIY Rubik's Cube Tissue Box Cover

The first time I saw it on 'The Big Bang Theory' I knew I had to have it. When I found out it was expensive to buy one, I made one out of cardboard and coloured paper. It was a very sloppy job so here is my attempt at making a better version! What you need: Plain square tissue box cover (Spotlight, $7) A4 coloured paper: 3 x black, 1 x red, 1 x green, 1 x orange, 1 x blue, 1 x white, 1 x yellow (Spotlight, $0.80 per sheet) Double sided tape Pencil Ruler Penknife Scissors (Note: I don't recommend using craft glue because: 1. 2. DIY Frame Key Holder. Time for my first official DIY post ever. DIY Frame Key Holder

Let me start off by saying I do not consider myself to be a crafty person, though I aspire to be one, ha. I have a mom who can do about anything crafty there is to do. Growing up, she managed a fabrics and crafts store, taught craft classes, sewed tons of our outfits, fixes band suits in high school, took in and hemmed prom dresses, etc etc.

If you don’t believe me, she has a quilting blog to prove it! That being said, I hope at least a little bit of that is in my blood, and that someday it will come forth. But we will start simple. Spoons coat hanger / Ganchos con cucharas. Nothing really new, I just wanted to show you my version of the spoons coat hanger.

Spoons coat hanger / Ganchos con cucharas

Easy and cheap!! Don't forget to keep a few spoons to eat breakfast's cereals! (not like me). Nada nuevo, solo quería mostrarles mi versión del "gancho-cuchara". Muy fácil de realizar!! Some explanations, drill 2 holes (that way the hook will not turn...not like mine) in the handle, bend the spoon and fix into wall with plugs and screws. Algunas explicaciónes, perfore dos agujeros (para que el gancho no gire .. no como los míos) en el mango, doblar la cuchara y fijear en la pared con taquetes y tornillos.

Hanging Glass Jar Shelves And Free Printable Labels. What can you do with glass jars?

Hanging Glass Jar Shelves And Free Printable Labels

What can’t you do with glass jars? That washed-out olive jar might look super plain and dull, but then you fill it with new things, and it can brighten the whole kitchen up! These are two of my recent projects with new ways of using and decorating glass jars, as part of Crunchy Betty’s Tuesdays Outside The Box. Dictionary style transparent labels 1. This idea actually came from my grandfather. And that’s the great thing about this shelf. The idea is so easy – simply screw on some glass jars under your shelf. En samlarhylla / A collector’s shelf. Förra veckan visade vi Frejas härliga leksakslampa och vi tackar för alla fina kommentarer här och på Instagram.

En samlarhylla / A collector’s shelf

Lampan verkar ha fått många av er att le. Idag är det mamma Karins tur att visa upp ett pyssel. Jag, inte Freja, samlar på legofigurer och de har länge behövt en egen hylla. Man tar vad man har – och i det här fallet blev det ett papprör. Tror ni att vi får ihop en hylla av det? Last week we showed Frejas delightful toy lamp and we thank you for all the lovely comments here and on Instagram. Ni behöver ett papprör av den typen man köper affischer i, fint papper, klister, färg och pensel. / You need a cardboard tube of the type you buy posters in, pretty papers, glue, paint and brush. 1. 2. 3. Alla figurer får ett eget rör, så att de håller sams. Inexpensive scarves holder idea - Irina's Photography and beyond. The Lovely Cupboard: DIY "Book Shelf" Ok, you have to admit it's a little ironic that this shelf is made from books. 

The Lovely Cupboard: DIY "Book Shelf"

My sweet friend Hannah whipped this up for her newly remodeled kitchen, and I think it's just stinkin' cute. Twine, books, and some gorgeous scrapbook paper were all it took to create a colorful and quirky space to show off some nic naks. Supplies: -Books (varied in size) -twine -paper -Mod Podge & sponge brush -Electric drill Directions: 1.

Mark spots on the books to drill your holes. I think the "book" shelves would be really cute in a guest bath or even a kid's room.