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Courtesy of Storage Station. After Tan Mom, New Jersey bans children from tanning beds. Wordpresscom on StorageStation's RebelMouse. Restoring our Shore. As we celebrate the beginning of spring and look forward to the warmer weather, here in Ocean County we are also still struggling with the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.

Restoring our Shore

Life as we knew it changed forever on October 29 2012. Our beautiful beach front communities which everyone in Ocean County proudly called home lay destroyed in the path of Hurricane Sandy. Families struggled to find alternate housing while waiting for FEMA and their insurance companies to access the damage so they can start rebuilding. Yes, everyone is rebuilding. The one thing that I am proudest of is the wonderful spirit of the people in this area. After Tan Mom, New Jersey bans children from tanning beds. The art of landscaping. Social Collection.

After Tan Mom, New Jersey bans children from tanning beds. Hurricane Sandy Update-Flint Road/South Toms River. Storage Station Self Storage Welcomes Spring. The clocks have jumped ahead and the flowers are blooming along with the leaves are growing in all of our areas that we have self storage sites, which include the following Middletown New York, Wayne New Jersey, West Milford New Jersey, Hewitt New Jersey, South Toms River New Jersey and Toms River New Jersey.

Storage Station Self Storage Welcomes Spring

As I take the time to look at our Storage Station self storage units and our self storage outside parking. I see there is a lot of work to be done. At this time of year customer’s begin to remove their boats from our self storage outside parking and also whatever customer who may use our self storage services for their cars. Other customers elect to keep their self storage space because of lessons learned in the past that we may not have anything available for them when fall begins and they are ready to store for the winter.

Investigators, residents silent one week after Long Branch double homicide. Investigators, residents silent one week after Long Branch double homicide. Social Collection. Security at Storage Station Location. Courtesy of Storage Station. What are some reasons we may need storage? You Catch More Flies with Honey than With Vinegar. What are some reasons we may need storage? Sandy and Nor’easter Weather. Buying Auctioned Units and Turning it into a Profession. Why Dental Supply companies use Storage. Storage Station Puppy. Storage Station. Home owners and self Storage. Storage Station Puppy. Check out Climate Controlled Self storage Video. Buying Auctioned Units and Turning it into a Profession.

Middletown New York. ‘Green Friday’ Walk Is Today @ Noon. Looking for a great way to beat the “Black Friday” day-after-Thanksgiving shopping crush and work off that turkey dinner? Visit the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission’s DeKorte Park in Lyndhurst for a free “Green Friday” guided nature walk beginning at noon inside the Meadowlands Environment Center. The Nov. 29 event, sponsored by the NJMC and the Bergen County Audubon Society, will feature a walk on DeKorte Park’s Shore Walk and Lyndhurst Nature Reserve. Electricians and Self Storage. Sandy and Nor’easter Weather. Why Dental Supply companies use Storage. After Coffee - Courtesy of Storage Station. You Catch More Flies with Honey than With Vinegar. Home owners and self Storage.

Check out our latest Self Storage Video. Why Dental Supply companies use Storage. You Catch More Flies with Honey than With Vinegar. Great Local Car Storage. Pulling up to the local car storage in his pickup, with trailer attached, Tim’s heart began to pump just a little bit faster and his anticipation grew like an air bubble ready to burst.

Great Local Car Storage

What rested behind the metal door in front of his was, in his mind, all that heaven could ever be. It was his race car, and it was his passion. Taking it out to the track to work on it with his team was his favorite pastime and what he aspired to do every spare moment of his time. Driving that mean machine sent chills up and down his arms and plastered a grin across his face that even watching his favorite football team score couldnt produce. He had racing in his blood, and racing on his mind, day or night. Like this: Like Loading... Storage Station Puppy. Thrift Shops & Consignment Stores Owners We’re Here To Help You. We’ve all had those items sitting around our houses, you know the ones, that we’ve either out grown or never used for various reasons.

Thrift Shops & Consignment Stores Owners We’re Here To Help You

That pair of pants your kid out grew because of that mid-summer growth spurt, or that top we bought cause we just knew we were going loose that extra 10 pounds before the summer. Each season we move our clothes from the closet to the basement, knowing full well, that when next season rolls around, we’ll just put them back in our closets, awaiting their next rotation to the basement. While some of us never let anything go, others of us decide that we no longer want to keep bring the items up and down the flight of stairs, and decide to get rid of them.

Electricians and Self Storage. Electricians and Self Storage. Looking Forward To A Busy Spring. Things have been really busy here at Storage Station on 25 James Street, and also at our other location at 29 Flint Road in Toms River.

Looking Forward To A Busy Spring

Starting this month we have been running some really great specials on our storage units, RV parking spaces, trailer parking, boat storage, and car parking spaces. Now that the nicer weather has arrived, everyone is taking advantage of them. I love when people stop in to ask about what special deals we have, as I personally think ours are the best around. Currently we are offering 20% of your monthly storage rent for the first three months. A Screen Shot Of America. Any comparisons between a self storage facility, and the United States of America, may seem a bit far-fetched, but as a facility manager, few things ring as true as the title of this piece.

A Screen Shot Of America

Imagine if you will, you’re strolling down Main Street, U.S.A., with your family in tow, and you see many things that have changed over the recent years. As you walk down the side walk, you pass different shops, stores, restaurants, people and everything else you’ve grown to love about your town. Each place or person you walk by represents a part of your community that helps make your town great. What are some reasons we may need storage? Self Storage Drive Through. Peering Into the Future.

If you are the kind of self storage customer who wants to use a storage unit as a band practice pad, there are a few things that you should consider before you make your purchase.

Peering Into the Future

Take it from me, it is not worth it to go with a standard unit in the winter or in the summer. I do not know how you feel about it, reader, but I certainly do not enjoy playing drums when my fingers are about to freeze solid. Nor do I enjoy playing drums when it is hot enough outside to melt my car tires. I have had the misfortune of attending band practice in a standard unit for quite some time, now, and I truly wish that I had opted for a climate controlled environment. You should also consider, deeply consider, the size you are actually going to need.

Anyway, I know that you are not making any money. Climate Controlled Self storage. Wayne New Jersey. Home owners and self Storage. Storage Station Puppy. Our associates try to be funny. Hurricane Sandy Update-Flint Road/South Toms River. Puppy on Bike. Courtesy of Storage Station. Our associates try to be funny. Boat Storage. Ever wonder why people use a self storage facility to store their boats?

Boat Storage

Believe it or not there are a few reasons for that. Some people do not live in an area that has a driveway and they park on the side of the street which would make it hard for them to keep a boat in that area. Some people just do not live in the state and do not want the boat left at their vacation homes for all to see.. Storage Station Moving Supplies.

Security at Storage Station Location. Motivational Quote. Investigators, residents silent one week after Long Branch double homicide. Hurricane Sandy Update-Flint Road/South Toms River. Social Collection. Snow ? Yup ... we get that covered . Handshakes and hot dogs. Storage Station of West Milford, New Jersey has welcomed me warmly into their growing family as of April 2012.

Handshakes and hot dogs

I look forward to introductions and meeting the West Milford tenants. Getting acquainted with the entire Storage Station management team and staff members in all six of the Storage Station locations in New York and New Jersey is sure to be a pleasure. During my first week, I was introduced to a few members of the Storage Station staff and it has been an absolute pleasure. Everyone has been sincerely friendly, helpful, and professional. Although, I never expected to be working for a Storage Facility mainly because honestly, I just never even thought of it. Any Jets ? Now that football season has come to a close with the New York Giants winning the Super Bowl and the New York Jets not even making the playoffs it proved to be another long season for me.

Any Jets ?

I guess as a Jet fan I should be used to it by now. One of my fellow employees here at Storage Station left me a cartoon showing the Giants saying don’t worry little brother the New England Patriots won’t bother you any more. This was a knock on the fact that Rex Ryan stated in his book that the New York Jets were the top team in New York this year. The Jets were beaten twice this year by the Patriots and the Giants were able to beat the Patroits twice this year. I guess that should keep Rex quiet for a while. I used to be a season ticket holder for the Jets but that changed when the new stadium was built.

I have many fond memories tailgating with my family and friends of ours who were also season ticket holders in the parking lot. Snow ? Yup ... we get that covered . When height comes in handy. Now this is a first for me here at the Middletown Storage Station. I had a tenant come in who rents a five by five unit from us. She hooked her lock with her keys attached to the bracket opened the door with them connected and when the door rolls and reaches the top the keys and lock pop off and get lost behind the uppermost part of the door, she had managed to get the door closed, but now here keys are unattainable. Snow ? Yup … we get that covered . Chores and fun at Storage Station. Looking Forward To A Busy Spring. Things have been really busy here at Storage Station on 25 James Street, and also at our other location at 29 Flint Road in Toms River.

Starting this month we have been running some really great specials on our storage units, RV parking spaces, trailer parking, boat storage, and car parking spaces. Now that the nicer weather has arrived, everyone is taking advantage of them. I love when people stop in to ask about what special deals we have, as I personally think ours are the best around. Currently we are offering 20% of your monthly storage rent for the first three months. When you add that to the other great features our storage facilities offer, it is a win win situation.

Just this morning I rented a large unit to an area contractor that is based out of his home, but needed to store his company equipment. Whatever your storage needs may be, don’t hesitate to give us a call. Puppy on Bike. Sandy and Nor’easter Weather. Well here it is another weekend has gone by and Monday is here and again I am going through the golden gate of Storage Station store on 29 Flint Rd in South Toms River NJ. Well this time it is a little difference. We just had Sandy go through NJ and the after math has been strong with the high winds gusting around 80 miles per hour and all the hard rain that came with it was nothing but nasty. Yes we had some damage with dust to dawn light blown down and a lot of things move around and a lot of new things laying around that the strong gusty winds have brought in from around the area. Créer un blog gratuit - Le blog des blogs - Annuaire des blogs d'OverBlog.

Happy ? YES ... Our associates try to be funny. Morning. Motivational Quote. Motivational Quote. Spring Has Sprung Here At Storage Station in Middletown. Spring has sprung here at Storage Station in Middletown, and speaking of sprung, my computer sprung a leak…. Well computers can’t really spring a leak, but you get the idea. From the time I walked in last Monday until this Monday, a full seven days later, it has been one issue after another, I am now up and running and back on track, thanks to our It guy that works for us, well not just my facility all the facility’s…. Tom’s River Storage, West Milford Storage Stations he covers us all, unfortunately for him it was a three hour drive here and come to find out the phone company was the culprit all along!

My theory is if you do not know find out someone who does so it gets done right. The phone company worker actually disconnected me from my network!! Our Family is growing. My Morning Walk Through. I like to get to work early; it has always been that way. A lesson taught to me by my father many years ago. Never the less, I find it much easier to get there early and go through my morning chores. Don’t make the same mistake as me. Self Storage Gates 101. Our Family is growing. Our Family is growing. Storage Stations Dance. Storage Station Fight Night.

Calling All Contractors: We’re Here Too Help. Storage Station Puppy. Storage Station Puppy. Storage Station After Coffee. Our associates try to be funny. Moving List 101. Self Storage. The Storage Station business is a complex thing. It’s not just one person or one position. We have many positions. There’s way more than meets the eye when it comes to keeping this company running efficiently. It starts off with the boss, who over sees every employee. He does a great job making sure our company stays strong. The managers are also there to answer any questions the office staff may have.

Toms River New Jersey. West Milford New Jersey. Buying Auctioned Units and Turning it into a Profession.